I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 375: I said, there must be wind!



   The sky is getting dark, but the small manor still keeps blasting, as if there is a strange doctor studying chemical drugs here.

  In the room.

   Xu Xiaoshou put down the Qingmingyan Gang fragment in his hand with a little frustration.

"Or not!"

   The difficulty of making blank array discs obviously exceeded Xu Xiaoshou's expectations.

   This thing, at the level of the innate-level spiritual circle master, really still can't make it out.

   In the way of spirit formations, this kind of self-made, freely movable formations that ban spirit skills independently, the difficulty factor is too high.

   If you are not at the master level, you can't get started!

   Xu Xiaoshou's current "textile proficiency" is also inherently Lv.6, although it is possible to manipulate most of the spirit formations.

   Even because of the precise and unmistakable knowledge in his mind, given him time, perhaps the Grand Master’s Spirit Array can be smashed out.

   can be blank array...

   can't do it!

   "It is not possible to reach the level of a grandmaster to gain access to this knowledge!"

   Xu Xiaoshou glanced at the Qingmingyan Gang fragment on the table.

  'S own "weaving technique" is made out of thin air, but the spirit array is based on the real thing.

   There are certain commonalities between the two.

   But to be honest, there is a big difference between the operation out of thin air and the actual operation.

   At least for now, Xu Xiaoshou can't tattoo his spiritual formation out of thin air on the entity.

   Even if he tried hundreds of times and wanted to break through this shackle, he still faintly felt that there was something missing.

   "Is the threshold?"

   Maybe, this is the threshold between Xiantian and Grandmaster!

   For others, maybe this trouble may last a lifetime.

   But for Xu Xiaoshou, among them, that is the passive value of 25,000.

   By the way, he is penniless at the moment!

   "Damn it..."

   There was a weak moan, and Xu Xiaoshou stopped struggling.

  If this goes on, it will only waste time, but in vain.

  The top priority is to get a passive value!

   pushed open the door and walked out of the courtyard. The night had fallen unknowingly.

   After Xu Xiaoshou took a breath of fresh air, he didn't need to tidy up too much, he held his hand to his mouth and shouted.

   "Enemy attack!"

   The screaming cry resounded for less than a second, and two figures galloped from the sky.

   Muzixi fell on the roof tiles, and the double horsetails curled up, releasing the violent wood attributes.

   Xin Gu Gu is even more like a frightened bird, he had imagined that the people in Zhang Mansion would not be able to let go of them so easily.

   may have followed in secret without being noticed by himself.

   This hostile attack directly verified the idea in his mind!

   "Good job!"

   A golden light was thrown away first, and then a cloud of blood mist flew past, binding the golden Zen stick in the void.

   As soon as the boundary opens, it wraps the entire estate!

   "Dare to come over, none of you can run away!"

   The two men came in aggressively, but they looked at Xu Xiaoshou in the courtyard, and were...stretching?

   Muzixi: "..."

   "Cursed, passive value, +1."

   Xin Gu Gu:? ? ?

   "Suspected, passive value, +1."

   Xu Xiao was owed.


   He took out the invitation letter in his hand and shook it, "Go, take you to a good place, the kind of food and drink!"

   Xin Gu Gu's momentum stagnated: "Xu Xiaoshou, where is the enemy?"


   Xu Xiaoshou looked indifferent.

   He didn't bother to call people one by one, and didn't want to explain more, he just whispered: "I only put up a finger, Zhang Taiying is like a bereavement dog, farts!"

   Xin coo: "..."

   I believe you to ghosts!

   "Received suspicion, passive value, +1."

   "So, there are no enemies?"

   "Hey." Xu Xiaoshou patted him on the shoulder, didn't say much, and looked back at his sister.

   "There is a dinner, will you go? Just the invitation letter from the handsome guy who wanted to hook you on that day."

   "No way, if you go, you can become a local..."

   "Ah!" Mu Zixi kicked over immediately, staring at him viciously.

   "What is the local chicken?"

   "You are the native chicken!"

   "Cursed, passive value, +1, +1, +1, +1..."

   "Hehe, I am a local chicken, I am a local chicken..."

   Xu Xiaoshou shrank and shrank, "You are a phoenix!"

   The little girl raised her head proudly: "Don't tell me, I'm actually... really a phoenix!"

   Xu Xiaoshou looked at her with a serious expression, reached out and pinched her face.

   "Tsk, it's really... just give some color to open a dyeing workshop!"

   "Would you like me to light a candle for you, brother, you will perform a candlelight, and the peacock will open the screen?"

   Muzixi: "..."

   Although I don’t know what nonsense Xu Xiaoshou is talking about!

   But intuitively, this guy must be mocking himself!

   Damn it!

   "What do you mean?" Mu Zixi looked upset.

   "No!" Xu Xiaoshou said, "If the local chicken doesn't cover itself, and then lights a candle to see the silhouette, who would think it is a phoenix?"

   "I really thought you could get bigger by looking at the mirror?"


   Mu Zixi heard this word without hearing anything.

   When she lowered her head, she saw her little feet, and her forehead suddenly jumped.

   "Xu, Xiao, Sui!"

   rush rush!

  In the courtyard, green plants flew up into the sky in an instant, and Xu Xiaoshou quickly flew into the void, avoiding one after another.

   "Don't mess around!"

   "If we want to engage in greening, there is no need to be so violent..."

   Xu Xiaoshou said no, but his face was extremely frivolous.

   While flying, he chooses points, and he keeps talking.

   "Yes, right, here are some big trees on this rockery!"

   "This pond can also have it, I will fly around and you will surround him..."

   "Xin Gu Gu?"

   "Get out of the way! You can form a spirit gathering here, don't get in the way!"

   "Sister, you plant a tree first, brother, I will cast the spell myself later!"

   Mu Zixi looked at Xu Xiaoshou who jumped up and down, and realized that he couldn't keep up with this guy's speed.

   Every tree is really generated behind his ass, but it can't be reached, no, even if it is wiped!

   has become stronger again?

   "Cursed, passive value, +1, +1, +1, +1..."

   Xin Gu Gu watched the two toss in the courtyard, and in a flash, there was green clothing.

   He felt that standing here is a bit redundant...

   "That's it."

   Turning around, he disperses the boundary.

   "I worry about your life and death, and can't sleep at night, but you are in front of me, playing with others."

   Xin Gu Gu felt a wrong payment, sighed and turned bitterly and left.

   "Don't go!"

   Xu Xiaoshou stared at people and was about to leave, and suddenly became anxious: "You haven't seen me cast a spell yet!"

   He pointed his finger in the direction of Mu Zixi.


   Dozens of spirit needles flew out in an instant, like a meteor passing through the sky of night, and directly wrapped around the opponent in Mu Zixi's surprised eyes.

   "Stuck out?"

   After being really bound by this spirit needle, Mu Zixi's expression changed as he felt the weird force of imprisonment.

   "Spirit formation?"

   "When will Xu Xiaoshou become spiritually formed?"

   She lifted her head, her eyes filled with disbelief.

   "Suspected, passive value, +1."

   Xin Gu Gu's footsteps, he also noticed Xu Xiaoshou's new ability.

   "These...spirits? What?"

   Seeing Mu Zixi under Xu Xiaoshou's words, he really did not move, Xin Gugu was shocked.

   But without being trapped in the spiritual line, no one can understand the power of this "weaving technique". UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com

   Xu Xiaoshou ignored him and smiled faintly in the air.

   "Look, I'm going to cast a spell for my brother!"

   Under the starry sky, Xu Xiaoshou raised his eyes, and the tens of thousands of spaces behind him were created out of thin air.

   These swords are of no use to Ejin, but...


   In the shocked eyes of the two, Xu Xiaoshou waved his hand again.

  In an instant, the light and shadow of hundreds of Ling needles shuttled, jumping in the courtyard like elves, and under the starry night, they outlined a crystal map of vitality.

   Xu Xiao accepts his hand, secretly swallows a pill for refining, twitches his mouth, and stands with his hand.

   The full moon behind him reflected his silhouette so mysteriously, and Wan Jian set off his image so much.

   "I said, there must be wind!"

   Xu Xiaoshou flicked his sleeve robe, and the courtyard map showed light and shadow.

  If the gods call for the Buddha, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will gather madly under these words, blowing Xu Xiaoshou's clothes violently.

   At this moment, not only Mu Zixi looked a little silly, but he also felt a little lost in his senses.

   "Be admired, passive value, +2."


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