I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 376: The younger brother at the gate of the city lord's mansion

   The round moon is so bright.

The clouds around    are a bit shy by her!

   Compared to the previous two days, Tiansang City tonight is a bit too quiet.

   This city that never sleeps, there will be no curfew on weekdays, unless something major happens that can affect the safety of the entire city.

   Tonight, this is the case.

   City Lord’s Mansion feasted in all directions, Tiansang City was empty!

   This night, almost all the powerhouses of the entire city will gather in the city lord's mansion. If there is an accident outside, it will naturally be a big deal.

   Therefore, the moat is easy to open tonight!

   When that blue blue curtain rose from all around, covering the entire city, when the void closed, all those who raised their eyes and looked at the sky were shocked.

   "The moat is out, the night banquet in the city lord's mansion..."

   "Are you going to start?"



   When he walked to the punctuation mark on the map in the invitation letter, Xu Xiao was shocked.

   Mu Zixi also looked dull behind him, staring straight ahead with his big eyes, swallowing saliva unconsciously.

   "This, this is the City Lord's Mansion?"

   What is presented in front of him is like a magnificent palace.

   That brilliant golden wall, even if Xu Xiaoshou is a few feet away, and the ends on both sides cannot be seen.

   "How big is this?"

   Not to mention this wall, just the gate at the doorway is several feet high.

   The guard standing by the gate, two rows, thirty-six people!

   The door guard was dressed in silver armor, serving solemnly, with spears and swords, everything was complete, and the scene was lush.

   "What's this special called the City Lord's Mansion? You might as well change your name and call it the Forbidden City directly!"

   Xu Xiaoshou stopped. Compared with the "palace" in front of him, he only felt that the small manor he had bought was a shame!

   is completely crushed!

   "No wonder..."

   Xu Xiaoshou whispered. No wonder that when Fu Xing was asked how old his house was and whether it could accommodate hundreds of people, he would have such a strange expression.

   How many hundreds of people are there, for someone’s house, it’s just the area of ​​a toilet?


   Xu Xiaoshou calmly said, pulling Mu Zixi to move forward.

   can not be seen by others, I am a bun!

   I, Xu Xiaoshou, have seen the world!

   Not before, now there is!

   Mu Zixi was suddenly pulled from the shock, his face was startled, and he lowered his head to try to pull his hands.

   But after a meal, he blushed suddenly and stopped his actions.

   "He, does he lead me?"



at this time.

   "Be watched, passive value, +1."

  The sudden information bullet frame made Xu Xiaoshou's thinking stagnant.

   He took his footsteps, and the conditioned reflex was a hard hand.


   Mu Zixi immediately let out a strange cry, his face turned green.

   "Xu Xiaoshou! What are you doing!"

   Xu Xiaoshou hurriedly let go of junior sister's hand, and forced herself to calm down.

   Someone is staring at yourself again?


   He thought of Zhang Taiying’s wanted order...

   "No way, that guy, staring at me at this time?"

   "Should he not take care of himself?"

   "Xin Gu Gu should be dangling in front of his house at this time!"

   Without thinking about it, Xu Xiaoshou turned around, and he sighed when he pulled up the hand of Junior Sister.

   His sight wandered, "perception" carefully searched the surroundings, but he found nothing except for a few wealthy people who wanted to enter the city lord mansion.

   "Who would it be?"

   "Xu Xiaoshou!" Mu Zixi stared at his brother and exhaled wildly on his **** hands, furious.

   "Ahem, don't be afraid, I have everything!" Xu Xiaoshou looked a little flustered.

   Muzixi is so angry, don’t be afraid?

   What I fear most now is your sudden tenderness!

   "Cursed, passive value, +1."

   "Go, keep going!"

   Haha for a short while, after turning around thirteen times, Xu Xiaoshou realized that if he stayed on the spot again, he might be aware of the clues, and immediately spouted a breath of life, pulling the little girl and leaving.



   "Cursed, passive value, +1, +1, +1, +1..."



   The silver armored doorman shot his spear, stopping Xu Xiaoshou and the others, and stretched out his hand, "Invitation!"


   Xu Xiaoshou passed the gilt seal that had been prepared long ago, and at the critical moment, there should be no trouble.

   The door guard turned over and closed it.


   Xu Xiaoshou pointed to the girl behind him: "Together, can I get in?"

   "Yes." The guard nodded, "Your invitation letter, you can bring three people."

   Xu Xiaoshou nodded, and walked in.

  At the critical moment, the message popped out again.

   "Be watched, passive value, +1."

   Xu Xiaoshou's heart beats, but his footsteps stop again.

   Mu Zixi couldn't stop the car behind him, and ran into his head.


   Fortunately, she suffered a great loss. She finally learned to turn on the Spiritual Essence Body at all times, so she was not directly defeated.

   But the little girl still covered her forehead with an angry face.

   "Stop it again?!"

   "Cursed, passive value, +1."

   Xu Xiaoshou turned around, and if he looked back with an enlightened look, as expected, a figure rushed out of the woods.

   This is a sloppy boy with a stain on his face, about fifteen or six years old.

   He has long braids, and the hair that falls on his scalp is as oily as rapeseed, which is simply unsightly.

   When he saw Xu Xiaoshou, the boy yelled and rushed over.


   "I finally waited for you, why did you come, they just pushed me!"

   The voice of the boy was crying, teary eyes.

   With the muddy body above, it is like a weak boy bullied by a bully guard.

   The guard apparently knew him too, and when he watched the boy jump, he put a spear on his chest.


   "I have already told you, no invitation letter, no entry!"

   When Xu Xiaoshou heard this, he basically understood something.

   This guy wants to enter the city lord’s mansion, but he has no admission ticket, so he can only wait for kind people to take him in one by one?

   From this point of view, the "being watched" just now came from this guy?

   But, after scanning for so long, why does it seem that I haven't seen this person?

   Is all this so simple?

   Xu Xiaoshou's heart hung, and he wanted to turn around cautiously, but he stopped looking at the aggrieved eyes of the young man.

   want to **** me?

   I, Xu Xiaoshou, look like a good person, will I take you in for no reason?

   hesitated for a while, as if reminiscing, Xu Xiaoshou still chose to speak.

"younger brother?"

   There was light in the young boy’s tears when he heard the words, "Brother, it’s me, do you remember me..."

   "Don't remember~www.ltnovel.com~ The boy was choked.

   "Cursed, passive value, +1."

   He burst into tears, squeezing his fists, shaking his head and struggling: "Impossible, how could you forget me? We were..."

   "But what..."


   Seeing Xu Xiaoshou's reluctance, the boy's eyes were incredulous, "You really forgot me? You can't even remember the name?"

   Xu Xiaoshou lowered his head, hesitated for a while, his face appeared in a daze, "Oh, is that you?"

   The boy's eyes flashed and he became excited.

   "Brother, you remember, my name is..."

   "Your name is..." Xu Xiaoshou tilted his head, eyes narrowed, trying to remember.

   "Well, my name is...?" There was encouragement in the boy's eyes, and he seemed to expect his brother to recognize himself.

   Xu Xiaoshou thought about it, his eyes widened and suddenly pointed at the other party.

   "I remember, it's you! Xu Xiaoji?"


   "Suspected, passive value, +1."


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