I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 377: you are not human


   Muzi Xidang burst out laughing even if he couldn't help but laugh.

   This laugh, even with thirty-six door guards, can't help but laugh, but they are the guards, they are very serious, can't laugh!


   There was a short air leak, I don't know where it sounded.

   Xu Xiaoshou glanced back, all with extremely serious faces, I don't know who made it.

   The boy across from him also turned green. He didn't expect that Xu Xiaoshou had been suffocating for a long time, and he had suffocated such a name.


   "Brother, you really recognize me, and I know you won't forget me!" The boy cried and shot the spear, but he was shot and flew out immediately.

   Xu Xiaoshou was shocked.

   You can even accept names like Xu Xiaoji?

   In order to enter the City Lord’s Mansion, you can bear whatever you are!

  Picture what?

   "*, is it really you?" Xu Xiaoshou's face showed surprise.

   The young Xu Xiaoji fell to the ground, struggling to crawl halfway, and trembling when he heard the words, he threw himself on the ground and ate a dog.


   "Cursed, passive value, +1."

   He touched the mud on his mouth, tears slipped directly from his eyes.

   "It's me, it's dick, brother, you finally remembered!"

   Xu Xiao suffered a bad cold.

   If you don't accept this, I will take you!

   He carefully examined the situation of this young man and found that there was really no trace of spiritual essence.

   Ordinary people?


   This guy definitely has a big problem!

   Is he a killer too? The killer of Sanzhuxiang?

   Xu Xiaoshou is a little uncertain, but if a throne-level killer appears in this way...

   To be honest, Xu Xiaoshou felt it was unnecessary.

   I'm not a mere congenital, why is this?

   "Xu Xiaoshou."

   Mu Zixi pulled his sleeves and shook his head gently.

   Even she could tell that something was wrong with this guy.

   Xu Xiaoshou frowned, thought for a while, but instead looked at the doorman and said, "My brother, let me go."

  He is not afraid of the enemy on the bright side, but he is afraid that this guy has disappeared, secretly **** him!

   is in your hands, but it is the safest.

   The guard had a question mark on his face.

  " Suspected, passive value, +38.

   In this wave, a blind man can tell that the two have nothing to do with each other, but Xu Xiaoshou, really recognized this brother?

   Even Xu Xiaoji himself is totally unbelievable.

  I touched porcelain so many times, no one was willing to pay attention to him. Now, it succeeded.

  The key is, is this successful node so inexplicable?

   "Is my acting so good? Tricked him?" Xu Xiaoji didn't know who to suspect.

   The doorman inhaled lightly, and said, "Are you sure?"


   Xu Xiaoshou nodded freely, "My brother, how could I not know him?"

   "He has many brothers!" The guard discouraged.

"Do not."

   "From now on, he has only one brother!"

   Xu Xiaoshou smiled and reached out to the boy on the ground.

   At this moment, under the full moon reflected, the young Xu Xiaoji, as if seeing the divine light radiating from behind his brother Xu Xiaoshou.


   He cried and rushed forward and hugged Xu Xiaoshou.

   "Fuck, wait!"

That's too late!

   There was a bang, the moment Xu Xiaoji just stuck to Xu Xiaoshou, blood burst out of his body, and he rushed to the street.


   "Suspected, passive value, +1."

   Mu Zixi's heart trembled as he looked behind him, and his face was shocked.

   She is familiar with this situation!

   Xu Xiaoshou sighed.

   "My stupid brother, just call him brother, what hug do you hold?"

   He stepped forward and wanted to pass the pill, but unconsciously, he saw from the "perception" that the boy's cracked chest instantly recovered.


   This recovery speed is almost as good as your own "crowdlessness"!

   What is the origin of this guy?

   He hesitated for a while, and he still stepped forward and passed the pill.


  Xu Xiaoji was tearful, did not speak much, swallowed the pill with tears, and suddenly became alive again.

   "Are you a killer?"

   Xu Xiaoshou leaned over, straight to the point.

   The boy was dumbfounded by this question.

   This, so direct?

   "Brother, I am not...you, you misunderstood..."

   "Are you lying to me?"

"NO, I have not!"

   Xu Xiaoshou glanced at the information column, nothing changed, and immediately frowned.

   He remembers that he had triggered a type of information before, called "deceived".

   But it’s very strange. The trigger form of this type of information is very strange, and there is no way to touch it.

  Sometimes it is triggered by other people's lying, and sometimes not.

Are there any restrictions on   ?

   Xu Xiaoshou hesitated for a while, and continued to ask: "Are you really a killer?"


   "Be deceived, passive value, +1."

   Xu Xiaoshou: "!!!"

   At this moment, his hairs are standing up!

   I'm going to his grandmother and a bear, what is this thing? Do you bring someone like that?

   Xu Xiaoshou looked at the young man who was less than a few inches away, and felt the breath of death so strong.

   But he didn't show the shock in his heart.

   This kid is still pretending!

   cannot be exposed!

   Enduring his heart throbbing, Xu Xiaoshou tried hard to recall his two problems, what is the difference.

   "There is no difference, why the same message and different answers can trigger..."


  Different answer?

   Xu Xiaoshou looked at the young man under him, grasped his hand, pulled him up, and pointed at the big tree beside him.

   "This is a tree?"


   The boy was surprised.

   Is this special, what is the problem?

   What did we talk about just now, how did you switch to this channel?

   "Suspected, passive value, +1."

   "Answer me." Xu Xiaoshou said.

   The boy hesitated, "Yes."

   Xu Xiaoshou glanced at the information bar, but there was no movement.

   "You can only answer yes and no."


   The young man didn't hesitate. To enter the City Lord's Mansion, he had to keep up with the rhythm of the person before him.

   Even with this rhythm, he almost broke his waist.

   Xu Xiaoshou glanced at the information bar again, there was no change?

Oh oh……

   This is already a tree!

   "You said'No'."

  Xu Xiaoji:? ? ?

  Brother, let me drop a brother, what do you want to do?

   He almost knelt!

   How about we end and immediately cut off this contact, and I will go to worship another brother?

   "Hurry up." Xu Xiao was urged.

  Xu Xiaoji, a young man, looked at the sky weakly.


   "Be deceived, passive value, +1."

   Xu Xiaoshou's eyes suddenly glowed green!

   As expected!

   Only when the words "yes" and "no" are mentioned, can a polygraph be detected?

   Or, to be more precise, is the pair of opposite words "yes" and "no" a sufficient condition for triggering "deception"? ?

   It is not necessary for Xu Xiaoshou to know, but with this switch, he can play this system out of tricks!

   Xu Xiaoshou felt pleasantly surprised, turned his head to look at the glorious palace behind the guard, and asked: "The City Lord's Mansion?"






   "Be deceived, passive value, +1."

   Xu Xiaoshou smiled contentedly.

   He pointed to the sky again.

   "The moon?"

   "No!" Xu Xiaoji felt insulted.

   "Be deceived, passive value, +1."

   Xu Xiaoshou's lips were open, and the wild smile in his heart was almost beyond words. He looked around and found that there was nothing to point.

  He looked at the boy.

"you are human!"

  Xu Xiaoji looked humiliated and almost burst into tears!



   The air was quiet for a second.

   Xu Xiaoshou was a bit wrong.


   Where did "be deceived" go, this broken system, failed again? !

   suddenly~www.ltnovel.com~ his pupils shrank suddenly.

   Not right!

   "Not a person" is not "deceived", doesn't this mean that he is telling the truth? !

   "You, you said it was..."

   The boy rolled his eyes speechlessly, "What the **** do you want, I can't stand you anymore!"

"Said to be!"

   Xu Xiaoshou roared.

   "Yes!" Xu Xiaoji responded fiercely.

   "Be deceived, passive value, +1."

   At this moment, Xu Xiaoshou's seven souls ascended to heaven.

   He immediately fell to the ground, trying to search for the young boy’s shadow from the ground, but he was so immortal, the dark cloud covered the moon...

   Xu Xiaoshou hugged each other.

"I'm wrong!"

   "Brother, you are my brother!"

  Xu Xiaoji:? ? ?

   He was stunned for a while, his face was mad!


   What kind of neurosis did I encounter!

  This guy, is he human? !

   "Cursed, passive value, +1."


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