I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 380: Mouth Cannon

   "Xu Xiaoshou?"

   Feeling the gaze of everyone present, Xu Xiaoshou whispered his name softly.

   He glanced at the information bar:

   "Be watched, passive value, +239."

   "Received worry, passive value, +120."

   "Under suspicion, passive value, +113."


   Even if I just stand still, the refreshing speed of the information bar has not been greatly reduced. Instead, as the number of people here increases, the value continues to increase.

   Xu Xiaoshou's mouth opened with a smile.

   "God, this place is heaven!"

   Looking at the audience, there are probably no fewer than six or seven hundred people in this banquet room.

   The crowd fell in clusters. At this time, he was only attracting a small number of people, and he was able to get the passive value of this amount.

   If refreshed at this frequency, I am afraid that tonight will pass, it will be no less than a repeat of the Black Fall Cliff!

   It doesn’t hurt or itchy, don’t be tortured!

   Xu Xiaoshou restrained his mind, looked at the old man Wensong, and slowly shook his head: "Everyone has admitted the wrong person, I am not Xu Xiaoshou."

   He shook his head upright and generously, as if he really didn't know this person at all, he hadn't even heard the name.

   "Haha, junior, do you really think that you can cross the sea so easily in front of the old man?" Wen Song said with a sneer.

   Xu Xiaoshou’s words are really meaningless.

   As Wen Chong’s third grandfather, he loves Chong'er on weekdays. After hearing that Chong'er died, the portrait of Xu Xiaoshou alone was not known to have been seen hundreds of times by him.

   This person, turned into ashes, he also knows!

   is not only Wensong, but also Chao Nong. The young talents present also did not believe it.

   Who fooled?

   It's enough for one person to admit his mistakes, how could it be possible for three or four people to admit mistakes in succession?

   "Suspected, passive value, +336."

   Xu Xiaoshou glanced at the information bar, almost unable to restrain his smile, he glanced at everyone seriously.

   "It's really not me, maybe, it's everyone who has made a mistake."

   "Suspected, passive value, +364."

  , stroking his beard, sneered coldly: "The old man thought you killed someone. If you can walk in here and face it upright, he will be a good guy. I didn't expect..."

   "Don't even dare to recognize your own name?"

   Xu Xiaoshou shook his head: "Perhaps, I look too much like him?"

   "Questioned, passive value, +322."

   "Xu Xiaoshou!"

   Wensong interrupted his words: "Don't pretend, what kind of appearance and strength do we still admit?"


   Xu Xiaoshou sighed, "Don't believe it?"

   "If you don't believe me, that's right, I'm actually Xu Xiaoshou." He grinned.

   Everyone:? ? ?

   A big turn that could not be prevented, everyone was stunned.

   "Which, what is this guy doing?"

   "I didn't gritted my teeth just now and didn't admit it. Why did you let go?"

   "This kid... can't admit it!"

   "If you don't admit it, in this city lord mansion, even the throne can't move him!"

   "Just recognize it, these old guys in front of him can make him feel better?"

   Some people are puzzled, and some well-intentioned people worry about this young man who has never met before, but Xu Xiaoshou has not paid attention.

  He stared at the information column silently:

   "Questioned, passive value, +344."

   "Received discussion, passive value, +411."


   After a quick screen swipe, Xu Xiaoshou was completely unable to restrain his inner impulse.

   With just a few words, he has already achieved thousands of passive points!

   This is unbelievable!

   Sure enough, this city lord's mansion is the place where one's wallet is bloated!

   Xu Xiaoshou suddenly realized that the passive value that can be obtained so easily is definitely not the highest limit.

   He must do something, taking advantage of the large number of spiritual refiners here, and taking advantage of the fact that everyone has not yet entered the barrier shield of the ring.

   "Why, I don't admit it or believe it, I admit it, but also question it?"

   Xu Xiaoshou spread his hands, "So, what's the meaning of my name?"

   Chao Nong and Wensong glanced at each other, and they all saw the weirdness in each other's eyes.

   This kid...

   is a bit weird!

   The way of speaking that was completely unreasonable to play cards made them speechless and didn't know what to say for a while.

   "You killed..."

   Wen Song just wanted to talk, Xu Xiaoshou interrupted: "I killed someone, yes, what does it have to do with you?"


   The news was sent in a daze.

   You killed someone, what does it have to do with me?

  Nat, what is my grandson!


   He wanted to scold him with anger, Xu Xiaoshou continued to wave his hand, "Do you want to avenge him?"

   "Fight with me?"

"it's here?"

   "Beat the small with the big?"

   Wen sent: "……"

   His face was flushed flushed with the beating, and his lips and teeth were opened, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't jump out a word.

   I... That really means it!



   Say so...

   How am I embarrassed to admit that I mean?

   "Cursed, passive value, +1."

   Wensong almost carried it back, he took a deep breath and couldn't help thinking.

   If the other party is so lucid to say, what should I respond to, which would be more decent?

  The young talents who were onlookers all looked strange.

This guy……

   So amazing!

   "This is the first time I have seen someone with such sharp teeth and sharp mouths... By the way, what seems to be the truth to what he said?"

   "No, it doesn't seem to be, isn't this a proper bullying, bullying the weak?"

   "That's right! I hate these little ones and run away from the old things in my life. It's damned!"

   "You misunderstood, this is not being beaten, listening to their conversation means being killed."


   Everyone was talking about it. Unconsciously, Xu Xiaoshou was topped as the center point of the banquet hall. More people realized that something had happened here, and they gathered around.

   "Admired, passive value, +162."

   "Under discussion, passive value, +477."

   "Despised, passive value, +62."


   Xu Xiaoshou glanced at the information bar, then looked at the old man indifferently, and found that this guy hadn't been able to ease his breath.

   This is too weak!

   This is being in the family on weekdays, being raised by people with kind words and kind words, lost in self, and won't fight with others?

   Then how dare you say it in front of me?

   Xu Xiaoshou raised his eyebrows~www.ltnovel.com~, his face was pretentious, and he hummed with a sneer.

   "Oh, rely on the old to sell old things."

   He took a step forward, staring at the old man's gaze, and said sternly: "At that time, the competition was only a discussion among the young people. The guy attacked first. I missed and killed him. It was purely an accident.

   "It's okay for you, because of this, you just want to ride on it?"

   "With the cultivation base of the grandmaster's peak, you want to compete with me in the middle of the Yuan Ting realm?"

   "What a face!"

   "You are awesome!"

   Xu Xiaoshou mocked mercilessly.

   To tell the truth, he really looks down on the pinnacle of a grandmaster now.

   It doesn't help anymore, but it's just calling out A Jie.

   Others can be called grandpa if they are beaten, why can't I be called a son, am I?

   His remarks are even more like a slap in the face of Wensong who has not thought about the answer to the previous question.

   Listening to this, the old man kept trembling, he couldn't help but he couldn't say a complete word.

"you you……"

   "What are you stuttering?"

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