I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 381: What's the origin of this Xu Xiaoshou?


   Wensong turned off and sprayed directly.

   Xu Xiaoshou looked at the sky full of drool and took a few steps back disgustingly. It was a pity that it was not blood.

   He really doesn't have any good feelings about these old men who do nothing but can only stand up.

   Not to mention, the two sides are still hostile camps!

  The onlookers were really surprised by Xu Xiao who was fearless.

   "He, he, is he really not afraid of death, or is he really willing to give up?"

   "It's not stupid, I know that I am the cultivation base of the middle Yuan Ting realm, and I know that Senior Wen is the pinnacle of the grandmaster..."

   "How dare he speak?"


   "Oh, he is dead!"


   "Admired, passive value, +232."

   "Be taunted, passive value, +224."

   Everyone fryed the pan, and even the people who were far away in the west side of the ring were attracted.

   Everyone was eagerly eager, and they didn't understand what happened during the banquet, so they gathered around.

  Xu Xiaoji pulled the tendons by the corner, pulled and pulled, and straightened up.

   "What kind of situation is Xu Xiao receiving, so he madly hates him?"

   "Really cooperate with me like this?"

  Everything went too smoothly. As long as there was divine help, everyone's eyes were taken away directly.

   Seeing no one around, Xu Xiaoji just ran away.


   In the banquet, among the people.

   After slowing down the godly Wensong, he was furious, realizing that he was not an opponent at all in the word-of-mouth dispute, so he lifted his palm and moved, and Ling Yuan soared.

   "Stop it!"

  Fu Yin Hongdang even drank.

   She glanced at Xu Xiaoshou weirdly, and then looked towards Wensong:

   "Senior should be aware of the rules of the night banquet in the City Lord's Mansion. If you want to make a move, you can only wait for the ring match for a while!"

   Wensong angered his eyes and hissed, "This kid is rude!"

   "Rules are rules!"


   Quiet for a while.


   Hearing the extreme aspiration, the spirits all over his body grabbed and exploded directly under his feet, exploding a big hole on the floor.

   At this time, everyone was shocked backwards.

   Fu Yin Hongdai frowned, and said coldly: "Senior, pay attention to your identity!"

   Wen squinted his eyes and raised his chin: "I can't hold back the old man!"

  Fu Yinhong immediately had the heart to put on the armor.

  Does this guy really think he can do anything by calling him a senior?

   Night Banquet in the City Lord’s Mansion, so many people watched, if everyone came casually, wouldn’t this be a mass grave for tomorrow?


   She took a deep breath, suppressing her inner impulse.

   After all, if you really want to do it, she naturally has to behave badly.

   This head, you can’t bring it!

   Xu Xiaoshou glanced at the girl's undulating chest, turned around to look at the old man Wensong, teasing: "Old guy, you can't get your temper, and you ran wild at a girl?"



   This sentence offended two people at the same time.

   Fu Yinhong and Wen Song were stagnant, and they looked at the young man who still refused to stop.

   "You can't do this, you can't hold back your strength even when the master is at its peak, and you're a guest anyway, just smashing the floor of the master's house, so proud?"

   Xu Xiaoshou watched and moved his chest, Fu Yinhong who wanted to speak, stretched his hand and whispered:

   "Don't thank me, I'll give you a head on this matter!"

   Fu Yinhong:? ? ?

  , I use you to be my head?

   I want to tell your kid to shut up in time. If this goes on, you won’t be slapped to death by this old guy in anger. I’m the first one to not believe it!

   But unexpectedly, seeing Wensong Lao's face suddenly flushed with excitement, Fu Yinhong chose to keep silent.

   "Xu Xiaoshou!" Wen Song roared, "Junior, don't be too rampant!"

   Xu Xiaoshou covered his ears and stepped back: "Are you behind your ears? I can't hear you when you speak so loudly?"

   Wen sent: "……"

   "Cursed, passive value, +1."


   The old man couldn't help it anymore and wanted to slap him to death!

   The irritability in Wensong's heart overflows directly on his body surface.

   "Want to do it?"

   Xu Xiaoshou retorted: "What a crazy old guy!"

   "Do you understand the rules of the City Lord's Mansion? What is the face of the City Lord's Mansion if you act like this? Where is the white cave place for the City Lord's Mansion?"

   After the second half of the sentence came out, Wensong was dumbfounded!

  The onlookers were also shocked.

   "Good fellow, this kid is right!"

   "My God, this hat is buttoned, Wen Jia is afraid this year is a bit difficult..."

   Everyone looked at Wen Songming's anger to the extreme, but still had to be held back, and was amused for a while.

   "This Xu Xiaoshou... is too strong!"

   Xu Xiaoshou laughed at the passive value contributed by the crowd, while continuing to continue to increase his tone:

   "I just said a few words, at most I can talk to you on the basis of a peer qualification, you can't help it?"

   "If I speak, you have to do it?"

   "It's so impressive, do you want to blow up this city lord mansion if I want to do it?"

   Wensong felt a fire in his heart, but the fire couldn't vent, and it hurt the body.

   His hoarse voice said angrily: "What qualifications do you have to talk to my peers?"

   "Yo, qualification?"

   Xu Xiaoshou raised an eyebrow.

   "What a noble word!"

   "You always have one more nostril than me, or do you have more belly buttons?"


   "The qualification you mentioned is this domineering domineering and wanton behavior that ignores the rules?"

   "If this is the case, what qualifications do you have to beat the floor like this in this city lord's mansion?"

   "When, Wen Jia, was even better than the City Lord's Mansion?"

   Wensong almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was dark, and even his eyes were disgraced.

   He wanted to refute.

   But at this time, even if he said a word, he was really noble than the City Lord's Mansion.

   It’s fine on weekdays, but tonight is a dinner party!

  Wenjia, you can't ruin the chance of getting the white cave place just because of your own fault.

   Chao Nong silently pulled the old man back from one side.

   He and Wensong are not right, but when Xu Xiaoshou comes out, the enemy's enemy is a friend.

   In the beginning, when he saw that his opponent was so speechless, he wanted to speak out.

but now……

   Forget it!

   Leave it!

   When the ring match started, there was a chance that this kid would die.


   "When you are old, learn to calm down!"

   Fu Yinhong looked at Wen Lao'er who was almost taken directly into the pit with a funny look~www.ltnovel.com~ I just felt refreshed.

   But she also knew that she would accept it as soon as she saw it, and could no longer let Xu Xiao suffer.

   Talking like this will really happen.

   "Xu Xiaoshou..."

   hadn't even spoken out to dissuade him, and the onlookers all walked away amidst a burst of noise.

   Everyone who was surrounded inside looked at it, and saw a man walking quickly in the scattered passage.

   "Xu Xiaoshou?"

   The sound comes first before the person arrives.

   Accompanied by a hearty laugh, even if Fu Xing did not recognize Xu Xiaoshou's face, he saw the little girl with double ponytails flashing to the side and avoiding splash damage.

   His junior is here, he must be there too!

   "Brother Shou, you are here!"

   Fu Xing flashed over with excitement, and he turned the corner to see Xu Xiaoshou who was trapped among the crowd.

   With this call, everyone was shocked immediately.

   "Shou, Shou brother?"


   "The eldest son even called elder brother? No wonder... No wonder this kid dared to use his own innate cultivation skills to be angry at the pinnacle of Grandmaster!

   "This Xu Xiaoshou, what the **** is it?"

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