I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 383: Forbidden Sky Flower Sea

   did not talk too much with the payment bank.

   When this kid came, he was used by Xu Xiaoshou as a tool man.

   After successfully using this guy to attract everyone, Xu Xiaoshou took advantage of the lack of attention for a while, and quickly disappeared.

   The banquet living room is a place of real fragrance.

   But digging holes and burying people is obviously more important.

   Money is a thing, and money can be used to kill people, that is the highest state.

   Passive value is the same.

After    successfully walked out of the banquet room, one corner, he fell into the dim moonlight.

   The secluded path is surrounded by trees and the cold wind is blowing, and there are some night lights on the previous sections.

   The more you go in, the darker it gets.

   In the end, even the light disappeared.

   Mu Zixi's little heart began to pound.

   "He, where are you going?"


   Isn’t the grove walking inside?

   I don't know where it is, and Xu Xiaoshou doesn't have a map, but he just wanders around like this, every time he encounters an exit, he avoids it.

   As the road turns east and west, Mu Zixi has completely lost his way.

   "Xu, Xu Xiaoshou, where are we going?"

   There are two people here, it's terribly quiet.

   When Mu Zixi spoke, he felt that his heartbeat was about to suppress the voice.

   Xu Xiaoshou noticed that the girl's words were a little strange, but he didn't think much about it.

   "Dig a hole!"

   "How can I bury people without digging?"

   Mu Zixi's heart beat immediately.

   Digging, digging holes to bury people?

What does it mean?

   Digging holes can only bury the dead!

   Could it be... he still wants to... first...

   "Hmm, what is this place?"

   Xu Xiaoshou interrupted her cranky thinking with a surprise.

   She looked along, and found that there was a bright willow in front of her eyes, a sea of ​​colorful flowers.

   The fragrant fragrance comes out, which makes people feel refreshed. Even some evil thoughts are blown away.

   Xu Xiaoshou was a little surprised.

   Mu Zixi followed him all the way, naturally he didn't know that he had broken many difficult formations with his "sensation".

   even, in order to verify the "textile proficiency" in my mind.

  Xu Xiaoshou didn't even use "perception" later, only relying on the map of all things to deduced the method of breaking the formation.

   The innate level of sleepy formation can't stop him at all.

   But only then used "perception" and "textile proficiency" to break the first Grandmaster Spirit Array, which is so strange.

   "Flower Sea?"

   "Is it possible that there are some buried treasures ahead?"

   Xu Xiaoshou's eyes lit up.

   He doesn't know whether to bury the treasure, but it is so secluded and surrounded by the Grandmaster's Spirit Formation. It is really an excellent place to bury the bones!

   As long as Zhang Taiying can be attracted here, once the boundary opens, who can know that there is a battle here?

   "Little Junior Sister, follow me, don't go around."

   Xu Xiao was called, and he paced into this sea of ​​flowers.

   The sea of ​​flowers is extremely high, and he is about to lose his waist.

   Of course, this is for Xu Xiaoshou.

  As far as Mu Zixi is concerned, this sea of ​​flowers, she walked in it, she felt tight in her chest!

   Even if it’s a little higher, it feels better.


   suddenly, Xu Xiaoshou's body shook in front of him, and then he turned back and pinched Mu Zixi's waist.

   Muzixi:? ? ?

   The warmth and itch from her waist made her suddenly shrink and hurried back.

"what are you doing?"

   The little girl blushed and uttered.

  Xu Xiao stopped his hand in slander, "Why are you flying so high?"

   He has been focusing on the spiritual formation, almost forgetting the girl behind him.

   "How am I flying high?" Mu Zixi raised his chin: "Is it the reason you can sneak me?"

   Xu Xiaoshou: "……"

   "Don't make trouble, come down."

Seeing Mu Zixi, who was getting higher and higher and about a head higher than himself, he hurriedly persuaded: "The spirit array here seems a bit weird, it's not an ordinary grandmaster level. Don't mess around, wait until I finish studying ."

   "What can be weird..."

   The little girl hadn't finished her words, and her elevated body suddenly stagnated, thinking she was torn off.

   With a snap, she came into close contact with the ground.


   This time, it was muddy.

   "Puff!" Xu Xiaoshou smiled suddenly.

   Looking at the little junior girl who got up from the ground with a sad expression on his face, he teased and said: "Yes, what can be weird, it's just a light fall..."


   Mu Zixi raised his fist to jump up and hit him, but after the spiritual formation seemed to be triggered once, he had a keen sense.

   just off the ground, she was torn off again.

   There was another snap, Mu Zixi slammed his knee because of his unstable body.

   Xu Xiaoshou quickly stepped forward to support her.

   "Not to be used, not to be used..."

   Muzixi:? ? ?

   "Cursed, passive value, +1, +1, +1, +1..."

   Hold the girl who has completely fallen off the skirt, and Xu Xiaoshou began to wonder.

   "Forbidden air?"

   He was a little surprised.

   The level of this forbidden enchantment is really not low!

   involves the doctrine of "space" and "restriction". This is more than just touching the avenue level.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the power that the throne can possess.

   Can the spirit formation here be a master class?


How did you do it?

   Xu Xiaoshou has "proficient in textiles", if the spirit element is longer, he can draw a spider web in the void.

   But it is intangible and qualityless, and it is still impossible to do at present.

   "This sea of ​​flowers is a little weird!"

   He thought of when he was in the back mountain of Tiansang Ling Palace, when he first entered Rao Yinyin's spiritual site, it was also a sea of ​​flowers.

  The difference is that the planted there are all hallucinogenic "red phantom millets".

   And here...

   The same, there are some bad feelings...

   "Be careful."

   Xu Xiaoshou frowned and warned, and continued to move forward, stepping directly into the sea of ​​flowers.

   Mu Zixi frowned, looking at the dirty little skirt, she wanted to change it directly, but it was obviously inappropriate at this time.

   Fortunately, as soon as I entered the sea of ​​flowers, everything was blocked, it was great!

   Except for some chest tightness...

  Thinking, she suddenly saw Xu Xiaoshou in front of her, and she flew up!

   At this time, the little girl's eyes widened.


   The two of them have a certain altitude difference~www.ltnovel.com~ Xu Xiaosui's flight, Mu Zixi wants to see him, that is, he absolutely looks up.

   "It's not fair, how can you fly?!"

   "Questioned, passive value, +1."

   Xu Xiaoshou wandered freely, and the gossip was shot down from a high altitude.

   "It's not that I want to fly, it's this night, she is calling me."

   Muzixi: "..."

   She managed to stop her urge to make a wound.

   After all, he jumped out by himself, only to fall...

   Xu Xiaoshou looked around curiously from above the sky.

   He can fly, and to be honest, he really is not a spiritual formation that has penetrated here.

   is just a simple, powerful passive skill, a bit too powerful.

   Although the "Kankong" is strong, it can't suppress my "toughness" plus "strongness"!

   Xu Xiaoshoule is broken, the level of this spirit formation is really only the "Grandmaster" level, otherwise, even if he has the body of a grandmaster, he will definitely not be able to fly in front of the great master's spirit formation.

   But now...

   Xu Xiaoshou is really curious, who did the writing here?


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