I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 384: Secret Man

   Under careful observation, he found that there was a very terrifying nested spirit formation between this layer of flowers.

   And he can't understand every set of spiritual formations!

   This is amazing!

   There are at least seven or eight levels of nested spirit formations here, which is not a human task at all.

   Spirit Formation is to go against the rules of heaven and earth, according to specific spiritual patterns, give one party new rules of space by itself, so as to achieve the goal that one wants to achieve.

   On weekdays, it is extremely terrifying to see two or three nests of spiritual formations.

   Now, seven or eight floors?

   Xu Xiaoshou feels guilty.

  Self, can you stand it?

   But unable to hold back his inner curiosity, he still flew up.

   This flight soon surpassed the coverage of the flower sea.

   Under the bird's-eye view, Lingnian immediately saw everything.

   "Perception" can discover all the things nearby, and they are extremely large and small, but at this time the role of spiritual mind is brought into play.

   is like an endless ocean, even if Xu Xiaoshou’s “perception” limit lies, he still couldn’t find the boundary of the sea of ​​flowers.

   Can Lingnian, but discovered that there seems to be a trace of vitality in this far place in the sea of ​​flowers.

   That bit of vitality is extremely subtle, and it is completely blocked by the spiritual formation. If you change to another person, you will definitely not notice it.

  Who is Xu Xiaoshou?

   He himself is very familiar with the breath of life, plus he has just finished comprehending the "Vitality Circulation Diagram" of the human body. This look really shows the breath of life through this nested spiritual formation.


   He was surprised, what kind of existence can be in the sea of ​​flowers?

  Is this horrible nested spirit array the handwriting of this person?

  Ke Lingnian is not "perception" after all, all he can see is a vague trace, and he can't show the opponent at all.

   At this time, Xu Xiaoshou had already retired.

  Perhaps, he has already accidentally entered the forbidden area of ​​the City Lord's Mansion without knowing it.

  Also, along the way, he avoided almost everyone, all the spiritual formations, naturally no one came to stop him and prevent him from going deep in this direction.

   "You must go!"

   The more Xu Xiaoshou thought, the more something went wrong, and he looked down at Mu Zixi who was still struggling.

   just wanted to transmit the voice, suddenly a box popped up in the information bar:

   "Be watched, passive value, +1."


   Xu Xiaoshoudang's heart beats wildly.

   was discovered?

   He immediately wanted to escape from the air, but at this moment, a gust of wind swept across the sea of ​​flowers, rustling.

   The array patterns hidden deep in the void suddenly appeared, interlocking, like a spark, directly lighting up a whole sea of ​​flowers.

   "There are so many spirit formations?"

   Xu Xiaoshou was shocked. Only then did he realize that he was attracted by the spirit circle in the sea of ​​flowers.

   And here, there is more than that.

   Even if it is the void, an extremely large number of formations have been carved.

   The transfer of heaven and earth, this nested spiritual formation is not a two-dimensional plane, but a three-dimensional one!

   A strong smell of ban came from the body, trying to suppress Xu Xiaoshou, but even if the spirit array was superimposed no matter how rampant, Xu Xiaoshou's "resilience" was still tenacious.

   "Can't hold it down?!"

   It seems that in this world, there is nothing that can make him bow his head!

   Xu Xiaoshou felt happy. Of all the spirit formations around, the highest level was the Grandmaster Peak level, and there were none at the Throne level.

"Why is that?"

   "Being able to have this level of spiritual formation nesting strength, I am afraid that the throne-level spiritual formation is a piece of cake for him."

   "Why is there still no throne-level spiritual formation in this sea of ​​flowers?"

   Doubts spread in his heart, but Xu Xiaoshou didn't struggle. Instead, following the strength of his body, he fell directly back into the sea of ​​flowers on the ground.

   "Xu Xiaoshou!"

   Mu Zixi ran over quickly, looking worried.

   The sudden change in the sea of ​​flowers really scared her.

   As soon as the pattern on the spot lighted up, the little girl felt that she had walked into some altar, as if she would be sacrificed in the next second.


   "This place is too evil to stay!"

   Xu Xiaoshou didn't hesitate, and after he finished speaking, he immediately pulled Mu Zixi and left.

   Although the spirit array is strong, he still can't stop him who possesses the "sense" weapon of breaking the array!

   But at this moment, another message popped out in the information bar.

   "Suspected, passive value, +1."

   Xu Xiaoshou immediately shook his body, that fellow can still see himself?


  What is he doubting?

   Is it possible that he can see that he is acting, and that break is actually of no use to him?

   He is even more panicked, the one in the sea of ​​flowers is by no means an ordinary person.

   This wave is too waves!

   If it doesn’t work, it might not be Zhang Taiying’s burial place, but his own burial place!


   Mu Zixi had already felt Xu Xiaoshou's panic, but she also knew that she could not walk indiscriminately and kept stepping on Xu Xiaoshou's steps.

   It's over, the Little Forest, Little Flower Sea Project, was discovered...

   was still thinking funny, she didn't see Xu Xiaoshou in front of her suddenly shocked, and then she forcibly retracted the steps she was about to take, and stopped in the void.

   A halo suddenly appeared under his feet.

   If Xu Xiaoshou couldn't hold it back, he could step in with one foot.

   What consequences, no one knows!

   Even if he pulled himself subconsciously, Mu Zixi still couldn't restrain it.

   The two are too close, the distance between the front foot and the back foot for fear of losing.

   Xu Xiaoshou stopped and the little girl ran into it.

   Fortunately, Mu Zixi, who had learned from the past, turned on the spirit body guard at all times, and was not directly shot off.

   But this shock still made her take a step back.

"Be careful!"

   Xu Xiaoshou turned around abruptly, and was about to pass Mu Zixi.


   As soon as the little girl's feet stepped back, a circle of light appeared at an appropriate time, and when she stepped on it, she disappeared with a sound of "Ah".

   Xu Xiaoshou: "!!!"


   He was shocked!

   What level of spiritual formation is this?

   Grandmaster Spirit Array can achieve the effect of teleportation?

   This is simply unscientific!

  Hanging heart, Xu Xiaoshou can no longer think about where Mu Zixi has been sent.

   He didn't have the urge to reach the point where his junior sister's front feet were sent away, and his back feet were about to follow him to take a look.

   Not to mention whether the two people will teleport at the same location.

   is the consequence...

   One death is better than two deaths!

   ah, no.

   It’s always good to be able to run out!

   How can I find someone in the payment bank if I don’t go out alone?

   Xu Xiaoshou looked back to the information bar. He had already determined that the person in the sea of ​​flowers was manipulating all this, and that person must have discovered his own weirdness!

   "Calculated, passive value, +1."

   "Suspected, passive value, +1."

   These two messages ~www.ltnovel.com~ The first is the key to Xu Xiaoshou's stopping, and the second is the timely feedback from the other party after he forcibly stopped.

   It's a pity, all the reasons cannot be reported back to Mu Zixi in time.

   Otherwise, this little girl would probably not die so miserably...

   "You want to **** me?"

   Xu Xiaoshou looked weird, he turned his head and looked directly at the unknown person.

   He can't see this person, but the other person can obviously see him.

   "Be watched, passive value, +1."

   Xu Xiaoshou took a deep breath and glanced back at the distance from the border of the sea of ​​flowers.

   Mingming is only a few feet away, but maybe, there is some ghost teleportation, I really can't get out of this sea of ​​flowers tonight.

   In that case...

   He stopped, turned around slowly, and hundreds of spirit needles suddenly lit up behind him.

   At this moment, a sea of ​​colorful flowers is rustling.

   The wind whispered, and thousands of flowers worshipped, and there was a feeling that the mountains and rain were about to come and the wind was all over the building.

   Even if he couldn't see the opposite person, Xu Xiaoshou still felt the sarcasm of the other person, and seemed to laugh at his own overweight.

   "Be taunted, passive value, +1."

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