I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 385: Extreme horror, god-level weaving technique!

   "Passive value: 24125."

   Xu Xiaoshou only hated himself at this moment, why didn't he stay in the banquet room for so many minutes.

   is one thousand!

   Just one thousand passive value, oneself can reach 25,000.

   Twenty-five thousand, that is, five second-tier skill points, which is the "textile proficiency" at the master level!

   But now, even if it’s all exchanged...

   "Textile Proficiency (Innate Lv.6)."

   "Textile Proficiency (Innate Lv.10

   is one level worse!


   I did not expect such an emergency at all!

   suppressed the massive amount of knowledge that was pouring into his mind again, and directly chewed it up. Even if Xu Xiaoshou's "Master of Textiles" did not reach the level of a master, he still had a sense of confidence in his heart.

He was comprehending this wave of knowledge that the nested spirit array of the sea of ​​flowers had thoroughly understood. It was obviously just "weaving", but Xu Xiaoshou still found the answer he wanted from this massive knowledge system. .


  Through textile reconstruction, a new layer of yarn is painted on top of his current textile layer, and then a function similar to "spiritual nesting" is realized!

   Xu Xiao Su was excited.

   Sure enough, this proficient passive technique is to be used in battle!

  Different enemies will bring different inspirations to oneself.

   If it were a common point skill, Xu Xiaoshou would never combine this unremarkable "reconstruction" with the "nested spiritual formation" in front of him.

  Lv.10's "textile proficiency", if you say it is bad, it is so bad.

   After accepting this wave of knowledge, Xu Xiaoshou basically felt that it was enough.

   After all, the spirit array here is very peculiar. It obviously has powerful functions, but the level is only the master level!

   Use the innate pinnacle "textile technique" to fight against the "nested spirit array" at the master level...

   As soon as the wind blew, Xu Xiaoshou was behind hundreds of spirit needles, and instantly separated again, turning into nearly a thousand!

   The dense clusters of needles move in the void, arranging them in the wrong way, giving the illusion of a three-dimensional light curtain.

   "Suspected, passive value, +1."

   The other party obviously knows that he will also know the way of spiritual formation, but for this spiritual needle...

   As expected, I don’t understand at all!

   Xu Xiaoshou sneered.

   This "weaving technique", if you can understand it, that's weird!

   "Calculated, passive value, +1."

   As soon as this message popped up, Xu Xiaoshou suddenly jumped, separated directly from the ground, and flew up.

   In the next second, he turned into a circle of light where he was.

   Teleportation Array!

   Sure enough, that guy can specify the location of the teleportation array at will, and only use this master-level spiritual array to achieve this function!


   Xu Xiaoshou didn't think much about it, the spirit needle behind him moved at will, piercing the new aperture on the ground directly.

   簌簌 sounded wildly, and the spirit needle, like a dragon dancing, directly pierced this fragile transmission aperture that was completely unprotected.

   is almost completely effortless, and the aperture is pierced with a "pop".

   Even the fragments are transformed into sparkling light spots under the high frequency of the spirit needle.

   Even the light spot was stabbed into nothingness by the violent and terrifying attack of the spirit needle!

   "Suspected, passive value, +1."

   The opposite person is stupid!

   It seems that this is the first time I have seen someone use the way of the spiritual formation in this way, and this person is obviously restrained.

   The formation pattern of the void is understandable, but this spirit needle with attack attributes...

What is   ?

   Shouldn’t the Spirit Array be deployed in advance and then lure the enemy to go deeper and catch turtles in the urn?

   Just like this moment, he wants to catch Xu Xiaoshou this turtle.

   But this turtle not only knows the spirit formation, he even knows the spirit needle!

   This broken spirit needle can also directly spin new formation patterns, covering his teleporting light curtain!

   With this reconstruction, his spirit array has completely lost its original flavor!

   This special mother, play a few!


   Different from the "doubt" on the other side, after Xu Xiaoshou successfully verified his ideas, every cell in the whole body was shaking with excitement.


   It turns out that the way of the spirit array of the spirit needle is used to break the conventional spirit array?

   For those who have "weaving skills", spirit formations are clothes. I don't care how gorgeous, beautiful and expensive your clothes are.

   Just come and get a stitch, this dress is going to be ruined too!

   "This is too domineering!"

   "This'weaving technique' is really used like this?"

   Xu Xiaoshou was puzzled, he felt that his path had gone wrong again.

   But the deviation this time seems to be very beneficial to myself and to the enemy...

  The enemy should cry!

   Xu Xiao was in high spirits, and with a wave of his hand, the Thousand Soul Needle was like an aphrodisiac who had swallowed an aphrodisiac, and began to jump up and down, piercing back and forth in front of the void and the sea of ​​flowers, without mercy and fatigue!

   This one is incredible.

   It was like a wolf hoof full of ink and began to sway on the magnificent scroll. At first the scroll was just overwhelmed and snorted.

   It’s okay.

   After all, what is more precious than the famous paintings is the famous paintings that have been tarnished.


   If the degree of tarnish is not one stroke, but countless strokes...

   "Boom boom boom!"

  The spirit array exploded!

   "Suspected, passive value, +1."

   "Suspected, passive value, +1."

   "Suspected, passive value, +1."

   The trio of messages instantly played, directly showing the explosive mentality of the opposite person to the fullest.

   Anyone who sees the spirit circle that he has painted so easily is destroyed so easily, I am afraid he will doubt his life!

   Xu Xiaoshou smiled.

  He silently took out the pill, inhaling a lot.

   With the body's trembling, convulsions, and convulsions, the Qi Hai Ling Yuan rose again, and the speed of this Ling Qi dance increased instead of decreasing, becoming even more crazy.

   "No, I have to find time to put'Full of Energy' on it."

   "If you use the'textile technique' like this, it's not just that the spirit array can't resist it, but my body is also intolerant!"

   Xu Xiaoshou trembling, took out a "Yuan Ting Dan" again.

  The refining pill is recovering too slowly!

   can't keep up with this attacking rhythm at all!


   One tick.


   Body shook.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   Void burst!

   "Suspected, passive value, +1, +1, +1..."

  The sparks and electric light shot all over the sky, obviously here some of the attacking spirit arrays that have not yet been triggered have also been affected.

   reflected in the sea of ​​flowers, standing in the void and beautifully painted scrolls of spiritual patterns, under the attack of Xu Xiao's brutal and inhuman spirit needles, it has become completely different.

   This explosion has not only affected a small area.

  The artillery fire rang from the sky and moved the whole body!

   In just a short while, the torn spirit array sent out mushroom clouds in a fierce roar.

   The ills of the nested spirit array suddenly emerged.

   If you can't find the structural problems inside, it will be more durable than other spiritual formations.

   But once the load is exceeded, the explosion will make everything cool.

  Xu Xiaoshou’s "textile reconstruction", but no matter what the structure is, all the studs will talk about it after a round~www.ltnovel.com~ did not explode, it was a matter of luck!

   One stitch is not enough, then another stitch!

   When the blast is pushed to the top, when the red veins of the spirit pattern spread to a small half of the flower sea.

   Even Xu Xiaoshou felt something was wrong...

   Ordinary bombing, he can resist with the body of a master, but this time...


"No way?"

   Xu Xiaoshou took his hand and stopped the spirit needle in the void.

   Just then, a vague figure flew out of the distance, and at the same time, a voice sounded hoarse as if it had not spoken for many years.

   "Stop it!"


  The blue and blue spirit patterns of the sea of ​​flowers have all been invaded by red, and even the sky has been spotted with blood.

   At this moment, all the powerhouses in the city lord's mansion seemed to be alert and looked in the same direction.

   Between the sea of ​​flowers, followed by Xu Xiaoshou suddenly plunged into the ground.

   Like a blazing sun being thrown between the sky and the earth, the night sky suddenly lit up, and it exploded with a shocking blast!


   "Suspected, passive value, +1."

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