Between the banquet and living room, everyone was frightened.

   This blast is no less than the wave that exploded in Danta a few days ago.

   Vaguely, it's still gone?

   At such a close distance, the extremely strong ground tremor spread, and everyone present was dizzy.

   "The city lord's mansion exploded?"

   After everyone shook their bodies, they could see the magnificent mushroom cloud not far away from above the open-air banqueting room.

   This time, the audience was a little silent.

  Who would have thought that someone would destroy the heavily guarded City Lord's Mansion?

   Still speaking, just like that day, someone came and attacked again, trying to split this piece of heaven and earth in Tiansang City?


   The feeling is completely different from that of others. Fu Xing looked at the flashing bright colors on the horizon, and his whole heart fell to the bottom.

   He has a different deep understanding of explosions because of someone.

   "Where is Xu Xiaoshou?"

   "Where did Xu Xiaoshou go?"

   has been walking among the people with a glass of wine, and has to go to the payment bank of the seniors, and has no time to pay attention to his disappeared brother Shou.

   But this wave of explosions made him realize that this is ignored, it won't work!

   That fellow came to the City Lord's Mansion, and he still doesn't stop?

   This wave of blasting so familiar, you can guess who did it by thinking about it with your toes!

  Fu Yinhong crossed the crowd, walked quickly, and came directly in front of Fu Xing.

   As one of the visual witnesses of the blasting of the Danta on that day, she also inferred the murderer behind the blasting for the first time.

   However, she has not dared to be completely sure.

   "Quick! Go and find Xu Xiaoshou! Stop him!"

  Pay Xing is very sure, "Don’t let him mess around!"

   His hatred!

   At that time, I still thought about the size of the city lord mansion and the protection of the heavy barrier.

   This guy refines alchemy, even if it blows up, he can't make much trouble.

  I never thought that Xu Xiaoshou had just turned the pot on the pot before this wave of alchemy began.

   This card hasn't started playing yet, did you figure out Wang Zhan?

   Fu Yinhong, although the whole person is still tight, but she glanced back and still didn't believe it.

   "Look at the distance and direction of the blast, it seems to be coming from the back garden..."

   "Who can get in there?"

   "Maybe, it was an attack?"

   "It can't be an attack!" Fu Xing interrupted her words, categorically saying: "It's Xu Xiaoshou!"

   Fu Yinhong frowned and thought, and said earnestly: "The place where Liu Xiaoshou can't get in, I don't think Xu Xiaoshou did it."

"it's him!"

  Pay Xing is anxious: "I don't want you to think!"

   You have never physically touched him, how do you know that guy is terrible?

   His strongest place is far more than alchemy!

   Fu Yinhong still wanted to talk, but Fu Xing strangled her words.

   "Don't say anything, now, immediately go to Protector Liu and lead people to the direction of the back garden."

   "If it is Xu Xiaoshou, he will subdue him directly, but he must not be killed."

   "If someone invades, open the big array directly and kill me!"

   "Nothing to be lost tonight!"

   Fu Yinhong nodded. She knew the importance of the dinner, but after all, she still had a task.

   "That red shirt..."

   The payment line was stagnant, and then his face was bitter.

   "You go busy first, and if the time is up later, you won't be able to come back."

   "I'll pick it up!"

   He was holding a wine glass, showing a slightly bitter expression of dying, it seemed that the person who was going to pick him up was not an individual at all.

  Fu Yinhong smiled immediately, and after chuckling twice, he patted Fu Xing on the shoulder.

   "Then trouble you, don't worry, I will take care of things."

  Fu Xing immediately stared: "You give me back quickly!"


   Watching his sister leave, Fu Xing suddenly fell into darkness.

   Just sent Wen to the old man back to Wen's house and forbid him to set foot in the city lord mansion again, which has caused him a headache.

   After all, this is not the result I wanted.

   But there is Xu Xiaoshou inside, and there is someone outside who wants to pick up...


  Pay Xing is anxious.

   He held his forehead, filled his throat with the wine glass, and drank it.

   "Father, when can you get out and pick up this mess!"

   "I can't carry my son anymore!"


   sea of ​​flowers.

   This can no longer be called a sea of ​​flowers.

   The flower clusters that were still swaying in the wind a few quarters ago have become scorched black at this time.

   There is an expensive smell of burnt in the air.

   I don’t know how much effort it took to construct the three-dimensional nested spiritual array, but at this moment, there is only a small piece of it.

   The whole piece near Xu Xiaoshou was all blown up.


   A piece of mud skin was topped off.

   Xu Xiaoshou popped out of the ground in disgrace.

   Seeing the deserted, completely different scenery around him, he was a little confused.

"How is this going?"

   To be honest, the blasting this time really exceeded Xu Xiaoshou's expectations.

   The "textile technique" was originally used to build spiritual formations, but this time I used it immediately, and I seemed to use it to develop another path.

   "Blasting flow, weaving technique?"

   Is this special? It's more exaggerated than the fryer!

   Xu Xiaoshou was shocked. He stood up, only to see a middle-aged man kneeling on the ground not far away.

   This is a character even worse than that sloppy uncle!

   His clothes are all scorched, even his hair is rolled up, and his clothes are tattered. He is kneeling on the ground at the moment, seeming to be weeping?

   Xu Xiao was pulled at the corner of his mouth.


   Is this the one who confronted him just now?

   He still remembered that at the critical moment of blasting, a figure flew out of the sky that could not turn the tide.

   That figure, in retrospect, is so desperate...

   "Big, uncle?"

   Xu Xiaoshou called out tentatively.

   He wanted to turn around and leave, but when he thought that he still had an unaccounted for, because of the sense of justice and mission that still remained in his body, he chose to stand up.

   "哧, 哧哧."

When    got closer, the more I could hear the intermittent sobs.

  Xu Xiaoshoudang is speechless.

   Is this person really crying?

   But even if this guy looks inconspicuous, he doesn't underestimate it at all.

   At the very least, from this point of view, the strength of the ordinary throne is certain, and it is estimated that it may not be ordinary.

   Add the wave of nesting spirit formations above...

   That spirit array can’t be said that because it was broken by oneself, it can be underestimated!

   That's just me, and it just so happens that I have such a small method that can solve problems violently!

  Nearly ten levels of nesting spirit array...

   Great Master undoubtedly!

   Even the level of this person may be even higher than that of Elder Qiao!

"Hello there?"

   Xu Xiaoshou stepped forward, leaned slightly, and asked in a low voice.


   The man had bare feet, his nails as long as half of a thumb, and black mud inside, he looked like a rough man.

   He is very thin, as if hungry.

   still weeping.

   Xu Xiaoshou hesitated, but the language is not clear?


  " The sobbing seemed to stop for a while, and then continued.

   Xu Xiao was stunned.

   What's the situation? I was bombed and cried?

   Such a vulnerable middle-aged person?

   He simply didn't speak, and squatted down next to the man, "Sensing" continued to search for his missing little sister.


   The sobbing sound continued for a while, and at such a close distance, the crying man seemed to finally feel embarrassed.

   He wiped his muddy face, turned his head, and opened his mouth.

   Xu Xiaoshou tilted his head.

   After this person swallowed two hard salivas, there was a voice.

"who are you?"

   After all, he made the cry, and Xu Xiaoshou felt that he had the obligation to make the other person happy.

   So he used a way of comforting the children, and raised his ears with his hands.


   "The kind of mushroom that JOJO calls."

   "Are you a mushroom too?"

the man:? ? ?

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