I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 388: Accept, accept brother?

  Pay for a stay.

   He thought about many possibilities, how would this kid explain what he did.

   But Dudu couldn't think of it, is this sentence "It's well clothed."

   Is he... encouraging me?

   The payment stopped stunned.

   After becoming the lord of the city for so many years, for the first time there is a junior who dares to speak to himself in this tone.

   However, the same sentence made him have to abandon outdated concepts and start to face this young man squarely.

   At the beginning, he thought that the one who could crack Huahai’s "Heavenly Array" would be an old predecessor who had been immersed in the Spiritual Array for many years, and even had a lot of research on "Heavenly Secret Art".

   But after seeing this guy, he hesitated.

   Looks so young... It is impossible to practice spiritual formation and heavenly secrets in the womb of the mother so fast!

   But this sentence made him pick up his previous point of view again.

   Without strength, how did he break through the "Heaven Array"?

   Without strength, how dare he speak, saying this word of encouragement?

   "Your Excellency, who is it?" he asked in a calm voice.

   Xu Xiaoshou heard a "sir", and his heart settled.

   The change from "you" to "you", which means that Fu Zhi, is suppressed.

   Of course, all of this is based on his own evil "weaving technique".

   has nothing to do with others.

   Xu Xiaoshou squeezed the words, slowed down, and walked: "It doesn't matter who I am, or if you say who I am, you probably won't know."

   He looked at Fu Zhi with a smile on his face.

   Fu stopped for a moment, and then his face flushed with shame again.


   I have been trapped by my own "Heaven Array" for four years, isolated from the world, and already out of touch with the times.

   In the past four years, who knows how he lived?

   Poverty is mixed, sadness comes from it.

   But he died to save face, and he could still communicate with Fu Xing, but he refused to admit that he was trapped by the spirit formation.

  So that, after four years of pondering, I still failed to come out, but got stuck deeper and deeper.

   At the beginning, Fu Zhi still had a chance to break through the spiritual formation forcefully.

   But later, as he studied the direction of the "Heaven Cardinal", he could no longer even force a breakthrough.

   Under the nesting layers of spiritual formations, the mysterious power made him crazy and obsessed.

   and lost...

   "Four years..."

   Fu Zhi murmured, he really had no idea what was going on outside.

   The communication with the payment bank was also very early after saying "retreat" at one time, and I couldn't get in touch at all.

  This caused the people in the City Lord's Mansion to think that he was in retreat and did not dare to disturb.

   And he is within the nesting spirit circle, if there is no help from outside, he can't get out.

   Thinking of this, Fu Zhi sighed softly.

   Even if the kid in front of him detonated the spirit circle too much, he is also his own savior.

  This is why Fu Zhi hasn't done it for so long.

   I feel so sorry!

   Xu Xiaoshou watched his unpredictable expression, and finally after struggling for a while, the message bar popped up with a message "Grateful."

   He was dumbfounded.

   "Thank you?"

  I blew up his spirit circle, still grateful?

   This guy, what's in his head?

   hadn't personally been locked in by his own spirit for several years, no one could understand Fu Zhi's thoughts at this moment.

   Xu Xiaoshou is no exception.

   But this does not prevent him from following the trend.

   "Let it go?" His voice was calm, as if to mention casually.

   As for what to put down, to be honest, Xu Xiaoshou doesn't know.

   Fu Zhi heard this inexplicable remark, but he let out a groan, knowing that the person in front of him is not easy, and he saw everything through.

  This kind of guy, I don’t think it’s as simple as I see it on the surface, I can’t say...

   is all disguise!

   Including this face, age, strength...

   are all fake!

  -but it doesn't matter!

   Fu Zhi's face tightened, but after looking away, he relaxed, clasped his fist and said, "Thank you for your help, so Fu can escape this trap, but..."

  He looked away, his eyes turned away, and he turned his head and said: "Can you please keep Fu Mou a secret, don't you publicize this matter?"

   Xu Xiaoshou almost couldn't help laughing.

   But only gently nodded.


   One word settled, and there was no sound for a long time, and the two of them were embarrassed at the same time.

   Xu Xiaoshou naturally knew that his cherishing words such as gold would cause such a situation, but all this is still in his calculations.

   As long as I don’t feel embarrassed or embarrassed, it belongs to others.

   When Fu Zhi couldn't hold back, he opened his mouth and chose to change the subject, then everything would pass.

   As expected, the air was quiet for less than a few seconds, and Fu Zhi had already noticed something was wrong.

   However, he is the lord of the city after all. Although he has been in a dilemma for a few years, his communication skills are still alive.

   "Dare to ask your name?"

   Without waiting for Xu Xiaoshou to speak, he continued: "After all, you can be regarded as Fu's savior. If you don't know your name, it will be Fu's disrespect."

   Xu Xiaoshou looked at his sincere face and hesitated.

   He thought of "Zhou Tianshen" for the first time, and almost blurted out.

   But when I think about it carefully, this big tall man seems to be one of the four masters in Tiansang City, and he knows if he can't stop paying!

   After all, his name is not something shameful, so Xu Xiaoshou didn't hide it.

   There are some things that you can’t hold back after all.

   "Xu Xiaoshou."

After    said, a faint disappointment flashed in Fu Zhi's eyes.

  The name...

   Is it so perfunctory?

   Even if you don't want to let yourself know your real name, make up something nice!

   Xiao Su?

   "Suspected, passive value, +1."

   Xu Xiaoshou raised his brow, this guy, don’t you believe it?

   His lips were square, and he wanted to say something, but he didn't know that the city lord Fu had really hidden all emotions extremely well.

   just jumped out of "suspicious", this guy seemed to have changed a person suddenly, and he slapped him with an enthusiastic slap.

   "It turned out to be Shou brother!"

   "Long admiring the name!"

   Xu Xiaoshou:? ? ?

  Shou brother?


   can't help, uncle!

   He staggered, almost limp.

   It’s okay to pay if you call me brother, you old man, you can be my uncle, you call me "Shou brother"?

   I am so ashamed!

   "Your excellency is serious, we seem...not so close?"

   "Hey!" Fu Zhi naturally knew what Xu Xiaoshou was thinking, and patted his shoulder with joy:

   "There is no end to learning, and the one who reaches the top is the first. The wave of ‘Heaven’s Secret Art~www.ltnovel.com~ just revealed by my brother can afford this title!"

   Fu Zhi smiled heartily, while talking, while still observing Xu Xiaoshou's reaction in secret.

   The "Heaven's Secret Technique" deliberately revealed, I don't know if this guy will pick it up!

   You must know that even if this thing is in the Temple of the Holy Spirit, it is a secret.

  I can comprehend it because I got the "Cardinal Disk" from the white cave. And how can the guy in front of me get it?

   Xu Xiaoshou's focus is not at all on "Heaven's Secret Technique".

   The channel in his mind has been tuned to an address that he doesn't even know at this moment.

  Shou brother?

  Shen Te Mo Shou brother!

   Your family, even the confession brother is inherited by blood?

   But can you distinguish the objects?

   You call me Shou brother, and Fu Xing call me Shou brother. How should I call you hello?


younger brother?

   or... uncle?

   A trace of despair appeared in Xu Xiaoshou's heart. If this happens then...


   Did I pretend to be a bit too much!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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