I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 389: What kind of magic is this?

"no response?"

   Fu Zhi looked at Xu Xiaoshou's face, but he couldn't say a word.

   He was a little dazed.

   You are responding!

   Where did the "Heaven's Secret Technique" come from? If you don't speak so much, you just have a smiley face. You think I am a god, can read mind?

   "Suspected, passive value, +1."

   "Cursed, passive value, +1."

   Xu Xiaoshou quickly recovered, and quickly moved away Fu Zhi's hand.

"keep distance."

   This very serious sentence fully expresses Xu Xiaoshou's mood at the moment.

   Even if he doesn't want to, he must draw a clear line with this person.

  Fu stopped out of the sea of ​​flowers, but still trapped myself back?

   That's impossible to cut!

   If this guy also goes to dinner later, how close the relationship is at this time, how awkward it will be at the time? !

   Fu Zhire's cheeks were on his cold ass, but he was not at all unhappy.

   On the contrary, such a person who has such a personality and still cherishes his words like gold is definitely a person.

   I can't say, my own heavenly secret technique can still find a breakthrough from this guy!

   "Brother Shou, I won't say anything else. If you can break this spiritual formation today, you must have extraordinary attainments in the'Heaven's Secret Art'."

   "Dare to ask, where do you learn from?"

  Payzhi straight to the point.

   "Heaven's secret technique?"

   Xu Xiaoshou chewed on this vocabulary. This is the second time he has heard a term from this guy.


   What is this thing?

   Heaven's secret technique?

   Your own thing is called weaving technique!

   is a thousand miles away from this "Heaven's Secret Technique"!

   didn't ask much, but Fu Zhi nodded directly.

   "Yes, it's the celestial secret technique. Brother Shou can't hide from me. Ordinary spiritual formations will definitely not break my'celestial secret formation'."

   "Is it possible, who taught you?"

   Xu Xiaoshou has a headache.

   He got a headache when he heard "Shou Brother"!

   But Fu Zhi's words revealed a lot of information.

   "Heaven's Secret Art" can be at the level of a master, can it achieve so many nested spiritual formations?

   Is this thing still an upgraded version of the spiritual formation?

   Also, who is that person?

   Xu Xiaoshou was the most annoyed guy who talked in the cloud, and asked directly: "Who?"

  Pay for a moment, "No?"

   "If you don't tell me, how do I know if it's right?"

   Fu Zhi is a little dazed now.

   "On the mainland, there will be a family of Heaven's Secret Technique. Besides Dao Tiantian, who else can there be?"

   Xu Xiaoshou frowned: "Dao firmament?"

   Who is this again?

   He faintly felt a little familiar. It seemed that someone had mentioned it in front of him, but he couldn't remember it.

   Fuzhi was startled again.

   "Just the Dao Hall Master!"

   "Quilehan, eight masters, unpredictable to the sky."

   "Holy Hall, Dao Hall Master!"

   Xu Xiaoshou was taken aback until the last sentence of "Dao Palace Lord" came out.

   What Fu Zhi said turned out to be the first person in the Holy Spirit Continent, the master of the Holy Spirit Temple today, Dao Tiancang!

   Is this heavenly secret technique related to the Taoist firmament?

   or the only one in the mainland?

   Xu Xiaoshou's mind was filled with mist again.

   But when he looked at Fu Zhi's eyes, there was a suspicious look. He knew that he was acting a little too ignorant!

   There is no way!

  The opinions and realm of the two parties are completely different on the same channel. Xu Xiaoshou has only been in a county in Tiansang County, and naturally he can't keep up with this person.

   This kind of situation often happened in the conversation between him and Sang Lao.

   After all, that old guy always likes to use some strong names to suppress his spirit.

   Xu Xiaoshou has long been used to it.

   He flicked his hand, and the misunderstanding on the face was to put it away, and then he closed his hand lightly, as if the name of a small person lost in his memory was mentioned, and it took a while to remember.

   "Oh, he."

   "No, I am not a secret technique."

   Fu Zhi felt that he was shocked.

   Oh, he?

   Such a casual tone, how disdainful this guy is to the Taoist firmament!

   Is it possible that what he is practicing is not a heavenly secret technique, but a terrible heritage that can be comparable to the heavenly secret technique?

   When the two phases are compared, are they lighter?

  Fu Zhi immediately became serious, and said: "Fu has so little knowledge, dare to ask what kind of inheritance the brother learned?"

   "Textile technology."

   Xu Xiaoshou answered as soon as he didn't want to think about it. He didn't know how to use Heaven's Secret Technique at all, but this person would, in this case, pretend that he was destined to die miserably, and it was better to tell the truth.

   And to be honest, this guy may not know him yet.

as predicted!

   "Weaving..." Fu Xing really didn't think about secular weaving for the first time.

   On the contrary, there was once again a scene of the God of War of a thousand needles dancing behind only Xu Xiaoshou in his mind, raging across the sea of ​​flowers.

   "What kind of magic is this?"

   Xu Xiaoshou laughed.

   He stretched out his hand, pinched with two fingers, his fingertips compared to his heart, and each pinched a needle.

   "What is this?" Xu Xiaoshou asked.

   Fu Zhi looked at the needle and fell into deep thought.

   Is this a manifestation of the avenue?

   doesn't look like it...

   Or, what is the meaning of this realm?


   collected all the weird abilities in his memory, and Fu Zhi suddenly felt that there is only one ordinary ability to explain it.

"this is……"


   Xu Xiaoshou glanced at him and nodded approvingly: "Yes, very savvy."

   Ordinary people, even if they guessed it, dare not say so directly.

  Pay only:? ? ?

   "Suspected, passive value, +1."

   Xu Xiaoshou did not speak, and when his hands interlaced, the spirit element was compressed into a line.

   With the movement of the spirit needle, behind the needle butt, there is a precarious spirit thread.

   "What is this again?" Xu Xiaoshou asked again.

   There is a strange color on the face of the payment stop.

   Even if he wants to associate this thing with something tall, his reason and memory are telling him soberly: I can't do it.

   "Line?" he whispered, his voice slightly uncertain.

  Xu Xiaoshou smiled, and nodded: "Yes."

  Pay only: "……"

   He is speechless.

   But when I think of this guy flying in the void and not moving, the scene of manipulating a thousand needles and breaking the sea of ​​flowers is a bit excited.

   It's not impossible, this simple thing, what kind of terrifying killer can UU reading www.uukavanshu.com combine into?

   He looked down expectantly.

   Xu Xiaoshou felt his gaze and started his own action.

   Between the hands, quickly, the needles threaded and intertwined in the void, playing the wind movement, dazzling people.

   Fu Zhi swallowed his saliva, staring at Xu Xiaoshou's movements, trying to realize something from it.

   This is the legendary "weaving technique" that can break one's own "celestial array"!

   Maybe, there is only one chance in this life, and I can touch it so close!

   must be grasped!

   Xu Xiaoshou's hands are flying, and this random weaving action is totally out of order for him.

After    accidentally glanced at Fu Zhi on his side, he saw a familiar figure from this person's eyes.

   Such a thirst for knowledge...

   Yunhe, is that you Yunhe?

   Xu Xiaoshou has already noticed something is wrong, this guy seems to have too high expectations for himself.

   can demonstrate by oneself...

   Fu Zhi's eyes widened, but Xu Xiaoshou's eyes became more and more vacant. Finally, the two sides stopped abruptly at a rhythmic climax.


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