A light of excitement burst into Fu Zhi's eyes instantly.

  He couldn't understand the sky, the earth, the moon, and the knot.

   But for a moment, when everything is presented to him in such a straightforward way, he still can't understand it, then it really doesn't make sense.

   "Spirit pattern?"

   "This is a spiritual formation?"

   Fu Zhi's heart was shocked, beyond the horror.

   The pattern Xu Xiaoshou gave him is too high!

   is so high that even if he looks up on weekdays, it is unattainable.

   "The world is a world, Tao is Tao, and spiritual formation is spiritual formation."

   "Between the three, it is just a recursive call that the spirit array borrows, inherits the rules, and then completes."

   This is the philosophy of the spiritual master.

   A process of complete self-realization by the hands of heaven and earth.

   and "Heaven's Secret Technique" is completely different.

   In the concept of heavenly secret art, the world is the Tao, the Tao is the formation, the formation is the man, and the man is the world.

   All these are in the same continuous line.

   Or in other words, homogeneity!

   There is no difference at all, and there is no need to distinguish!

  All living things, dead things, are made up of Tao.

   Tao builds the world, and people are born again, the source of all things is consistent!

  Fu Zhi couldn't believe it at all. This idea will be given out from Xu Xiaoshou's demonstration.

   Ke looked at the light of smiley approval in his eyes, and Fu Zhi realized that it was not he who wanted more, but the other party, who just wanted to give this meaning?

   "So, what you want to express is... Heavenly Mystery?"

   Xu Xiaoshou was taken aback.

"Do not."

   "What I want to express is still "textile art"!"

   Fuzhi feels a headache. Now when he hears the word "textile", he wants to explode.

   Mingming Xu Xiaoshou is in stock and has a lot of things.

   However, I couldn't connect to his channel. This feeling is too uncomfortable!

   Fuzhi felt that he was on the verge of a breakthrough, but he was just a bit close!

   is only a trace.

   He was in a hurry, so anxiously, he began to dig his toes and scratch his head. He even had blue veins on his neck.

   Xu Xiaoshou looked at him struggling, and suddenly thought of how he had entered the illusion of "Textile Mastery" at that time.

   At that time, no one enlightened himself.

   is just the process of comprehension from the human body vitality map to the world context map, and he has used it for many years.

   Although the feeling in the illusion is eternal, Xu Xiaoshou knew that he actually spent a lot of time.

   It's just that those processes are erased by the power of the special rules of the illusion.

   In other words, the illusion itself is a presentation of knowledge, and Xu Xiaoshou fully grasped it and only took a moment.

   But at that moment, he was taken to a time and space with different rules, and he realized the world all over.

   "What..." Fu Zhi whispered anxiously.

   Xu Xiaoshou looked at him in a hurry, a little funny, and said softly: "You are too obsessed with the way the Tao is presented."

  Pay to stop and stay.

   He felt that Xu Xiaoshou's words were like thunders, and he instantly empowered.

   Without waiting for him to think, Xu Xiaoshou's words continued to float behind him.

   "What about ‘Heaven’s Secret Art’ and ‘Textile Art’?"

   "Every way of using power, in the final analysis, is not a great way or a rule?"

   "I have shown you two worlds. These are two different worlds. One is seen by ordinary people, and the other is seen by spiritual masters."

   "In other words, you can only see what you said."

   "But so what?"

   Xu Xiaoshou walked to the face of Fu Zhi who was completely frozen, and looked at him steadily.

   "Since I have chosen to look at the world in the way of spirit patterns, what tools are used to understand Tao, is it important?"


   Heaven's secret technique is only a tool?

   Fu Zhi only realized that Ming Enlightenment gushed from his heart and went straight to the heavenly spirit cover. At this moment, the door of the new world was directly kicked open by Xu Xiaoshou.

   "Not important!"

   He was so excited as to growl, hissed:

   "The Tao is the spiritual pattern, and the spiritual pattern is the Tao, everything can be inscribed, and everything is enlightened?"

   "Yes, that's it!"

   "You are so right! A world can be viewed in a state of emptiness, but if it is truly empty, how can everything behave in such an orderly manner?"

   "So, the existence of spirit patterns, or the existence of invisible spirit patterns, is this great way?"

   Xu Xiaoshou showed a teachable expression of a child, this wave can be understood, I believe that this guy who is obsessed with the spirit formation can be said to be very helpful.

   No one can understand what level of shock Xu Xiaoshou was when he saw that new world in the illusion.

   What is given or presented in the fantasy realm may be the highest form of a proficient passive technique.

   So even his current "weaving technique" can only demonstrate a Chinese knot and a basketball net.

   That theory alone can make all people who study spiritual formations in this world obsessed and crazy!

   And this is only related to the "textile science" of "textile proficiency", slightly furry!

   Xu Xiaoshou looked at Fu Zhi holding his head and jumping wildly, excitedly burst into tears on the spot, and smiled.

   "I get it!" Fu Zhi held his head, in a crazy gesture like Fan Jinzhongju, uttering words like a devil in his mouth.

   "It turns out that this is ‘Heaven’s Secret Art’, it turns out that this is ‘Weaving Art’..."

"I understand!"

   "It turns out that this is what the'Cardinal of the Sky' means!"

   "I was wrong..."

   He wailed: "Nested spirit array is certainly a direction, but in the final analysis, it still uses the inherent form of spirit array."

   "Things that can be ‘shaped’ to frame the pillars, no matter how nested, no matter how strong, how can they realize the ‘invisible’ way!"

   "I'm stupid!!"

   "Papa" a few times, Xu Xiaoshou looked at Fu Zhi and slapped wildly. He was stupid.

   As for being so excited...

   He looked at this crazy guy, and realized that if this guy didn’t calm down, maybe Fu Xing would lose a father.

   Xu Xiaoshou hesitated, and thought of the big hand manipulating the rules of the world he saw at the end of the "Textile Mastery" fantasy.

   "There is another sentence, I don’t know if I should say it..."

   Fu Zhi stopped his madness in an instant, and rushed towards Xu Xiaoshou. As soon as he was short, he almost fell to his knees.

   "Shou brother!"

   "Say it!"

   "I'm listening! I was wrong, Fu was wrong, I really shouldn't doubt you just now, I can't get you wrong, I'm... shameful!"

   Xu Xiaoshou was almost scared to pee. This guy's expression was too exaggerated, like a piranha flower that was about to bloom, too oozing.

   "Calm down."

   He supported Fu Zhi until the guy was shaking and barely regaining his sanity, then he said, "How did the spirit run come from?"


   Fu Zhi immediately rushed to answer, looking excited.

   He knows that Xu Xiao is asking questions that are simple and simple~www.ltnovel.com~ and immediately added: "Draw by hand!"

   Xu Xiaoshou nodded in satisfaction, this guy is too savvy.

   He continued: "So, if the spirit pattern is Tao, how does Tao appear?"

   "What do you mean..."

  Pay only for a moment.

How did    appear? Of course it was drawn by people!





   At this time, Fu Zhi only felt that his head had been violently slapped with an ancient clock, and it went blank.

   The excitement in his eyes ceased, his pupils suddenly shrank, and there was panic.

   In the last eye socket, there is only a blank and fear.

   Xu Xiaoshou looked at Fu Zhi with a little astonishment. His original intention was just to calm this guy down.

   But pay only...

   This middle-aged man, as if he had solved some terrifying mystery, suddenly covered his head and roared in disbelief.

   "No, impossible!"

   Xu Xiaoshou:? ? ?

   Crazy, crazy?


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