I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 292: The cardinal plate, lost!

Xu Xiaoshou was still paying attention to Fu Zhi's condition a second ago.

I never thought that after the fear emerged, this guy calmed down as if he had completely changed.

The kind that is terribly quiet!


Xu Xiaoshou was surprised. Seeing this guy's face, he must have thought of something terrible from his last sentence.

But what will it be?

Is it possible that the giant hand that manipulates the rules of the Great Dao in the illusion really exists?


Xu Xiaoshou didn't dare to ask more, he was still in a state of acting. If he exposed his too much ignorance, he would only increase his doubts.

The look in Fu Zhi's eyes changed completely.

From the disdain at the beginning, to the astonishment after being suppressed, to the ecstasy of being realized, now it has evolved into...

"Feared, passive, +1."

Xu Xiao was shocked by the whole person.

What kind of situation is this? This guy, what has his brain added?

"you are……"

Fu Zhi hesitated, but after all he couldn't help but asked, "After the Holy Emperor?"

Xu Xiaoshou frowned slightly.

Holy Emperor... he knows!

This world, or the strongest existence in this continent, is the realm of Saint Emperor.

However, there are only legends about the "Holy Emperor".

Under the legend.

Even the first person in the Holy Spirit Continent, the contemporary master of the Holy Spirit Hall, Dao Qiu Cang, seemed to be a step away from this realm.

It seems that on this continent, the realm of "Holy Emperor" is like a god.

It's just faith, and it never appeared.

Now, Fu Zhi said directly...

After the emperor?

Xu Xiaoshou's heart was overwhelmed, this City Master definitely knew what to do!

Is it possible that the big hand that manipulates the rules of the world is the "hand of the holy emperor"?

However, even if he was puzzled, Xu Xiaoshou did not ask much.

No matter how close Fu Zhi is, he is just an outsider. Maybe Sang will know these things?

Old Sang...

This old man does not seem simple.

Just look at that giant hand, and then think of his terrible "cage theory" and "world chess game"...

Xu Xiaoshou was inexplicably palpitated, and he didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

This breaking theory is only used by oneself to fudge.

In the end, even myself was scared.

After secretly making a ridiculous sound, Xu Xiaoshou shook his head insignificantly.

He didn't answer the question head-on, but said: "Now you have figured out this dilemma, what are your plans?"

Fu Zhi glanced at him deeply, again without too much entanglement, but with Xu Xiaoshou's words, all his mind was reduced.

"Naturally I have to clean up, and then go to meet my baby girl who hasn't seen me in a long time."

Speaking of her daughter, Fu Zhi suddenly smiled: "It is also fate to want to come. Today, I have to be helped by my brother. Not only did he break through the ‘Heaven’s Array’, but it also made another breakthrough."

"I want to come, it's not far from the Great Master Breakthrough."

As he said, he patted Xu Xiaoshou's shoulder with excitement, but his hand was directly bounced off.

Fu Zhi was stunned for a while, his eyes flashed astonishment, but he didn't care, and continued to happily said: "Brother Shou, you must stay, this city lord's mansion will have a banquet tonight, I will treat you well!"

"By the way, let you also meet your nephews and nieces, they are also first-class existence among the younger generation!"

Xu Xiaoshou's feet softened instantly.

Nephew and niece?

You are talking about Fu Xing and Fu Yinhong?

Xu Xiaoshou hurriedly waved his hands: "If you want to set a banquet, you don't have to come."

"You don't know if you are trapped here, but the City Lord's Mansion tonight is very lively."

"Oh?" Fu Zhi was surprised, "What activities are there?"

"White Cave."

With just two words, Fu Zhi understood something at once.

He counted the time, and it seemed that the distance from the time he got the "Tian Cardinal Disk" to the present, it was almost time to catch up with the opening of the next round of dimension space.


"Such a coincidence?" He didn't believe it.

Xu Xiaoshou smiled and said, "If the white caves were not opened, the City Lord's Mansion had to allocate places, how could I come here, and how can you come out?"

"This is not a coincidence, in the dark, this is God's will!"

Fu Zhi Dayue: "Great. In that case, we will go to the banquet now, and then introduce Fu Mou's daughter to..."

"No!" Xu Xiaoshou interrupted his words, "have you forgotten something?"


"My junior sister!"

At this time, Fu Zhi was shocked, and suddenly said: "Yes, I almost forgot, Fu Mou still has one thing left, wait a minute!"

"Your junior sister, who is there too, let it out now." Fu Zhixi smiled.

Having said that, when he turned around, he was about to fly to the place where he was originally.

At this time, the two were shocked at the same time.


Xu Xiaoshou immediately let his spiritual thoughts fly, and once again found a trace of life from the place where Fu Zhi flew out.

Slightly... familiar?

"Heaven Cardinal Disk!"

Fu Zhi's pupils shrank, without even thinking about it, he fled away.

After four years of no one’s attention, Fu Zhi had long forgotten that in this world, there are actually many people who have been obsessed with the "Tian Cardinal Pan".

And now, when the White Cave is opening, how can these guys stop?

I even made this mistake because of negligence!

How can the cardinal plate stay in place?

Even if it is because the collection procedures are extremely complicated, you should leave time for it first!

However, when he thought of Xu Xiaoshou's move that directly detonated the sea of ​​flowers, Fu Zhi also knew that he did not have too much reaction time at all.

But at the moment, I can't blame Xu Xiaoshou anymore.

It was not intentional!

The thief is truly terrible.

The time spent chatting with Xu Xiaoshou only on his own, if that person knows how to collect it, it would be enough!

However, what kind of strong would it be able to remain completely unexposed at such a close distance for this long time?

It wasn't until the last moment of the collection that the power of the heavenly secret burst revealed a trace of his life breath?

Pay stop panic and regret at the same time.

He thought, his figure appeared in the original sky instantly.

However, here, there is nothing but an unraveled spiritual formation, a pit the size of a tree stump on the ground ~www.ltnovel.com~.


Fu Zhi's fist squeezed his eyes tight, and the bones crackled.

Really, was stolen?

At this moment, his anger was directly detonated.

If you don't leave for four years, outsiders can't make it. Did you really forget to pay him?

At this moment, dozens of figures flew from the sky.

The heads are Fu Yinhong and Liu Jing.

When these two saw the sloppy and decadent man on the ground, they were first startled, and then there was an incredible light in their eyes.


"City Lord?!"

Several people behind him were equally surprised.

It turns out that the blast in the back garden just now was caused by the old city lord breaking the pass?

Then, how strong is his strength?

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