I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 555: I am sorry!

"This is, who?"

When the old man with a sword in the sky, holding a squinting vigor, appeared in the sky, the people in the red clothes clenched their hearts together.

That skinny figure, twilight-like temperament, iconic straw hat, thick dark circles...

The vigil swallowed hard.

In the ears, the words of the storyteller rang out again.

"Second, take the sword!"

So, this person...

Lan Ling cast his gaze similarly, and nodded with a difficult face and extremely tacit understanding.

"It's him!"

In the information coming from outside.

In Qinglong County, the second-in-command of the saint slave who intercepted and killed Wuyue Sword Immortal, the old man with the nickname of sleeveless, did not dress exactly the same as the one who appeared at this moment?

"But, the second in command of the saint slaves, shouldn't he retreat with injuries?"

"Even Wuyue Jianxian was already injured after that battle."

"Sleeveless, how can it be so fast to return to this state?"

The red clothes are all puzzled.

Look at this momentum!

The man just stood holding a sword out of thin air, and the audience was silent.

Even the storyteller was still in a frozen state, unable to speak for a long while.

The space that was torn apart, under the pressure of that person's aura that was condensed into substance like a mountain and river, even the speed of recovery was extremely slowed down.

"Sleeveless didn't escape, but after failing to intercept and kill Wuyue Jianxian, he stepped into the white cave space first?"

"Then, waiting for an opportunity?"

Almost at the same time, all the red clothes flashed such inferences in their hearts.

My heart seemed to drop a haze.

A storyteller with the Seven Commanders of the Saint Slave had already tortured everyone in this place like this.

Now, another holy slave?

How to fight this battle?

Saint slave is crazy, this is!

If you gather together in the white cave, you are really not afraid of being given a pot by the white clothes? !


Wan Lai was all silent.

Xu Xiaoshou held a sword in one hand and a straw hat in the other.

He didn't speak, but his momentum kept accumulating.

And in this repressive atmosphere, no one dared to ask questions.

The storyteller's "Second, take the sword" was too confusing.

An existence that even the seven masters of the holy slaves recognized, no one would question his identity for the first time.

Not to mention that Xu Xiaoshou's figure standing with the sword at this moment, under the influence of "qi swallowing mountains and rivers", invisibly left a deep imprint on everyone's souls when he appeared on the stage.


The red double dragon snake entrenched in the fragmented space groaned in pain.

The fierce spirit of four swords is terrible.

No matter how tenaciously resisting, it is not sword repair, and has not mastered the sword mind, it is impossible to resist the power of the eighth sword immortal in the past.

The robbery cloud dispersed early.

But the remaining power in the body was enough to destroy this huge red double dragon python.

No one pays attention to the dying ghost beast.

Even though the moaning sound is miserable, everyone's eyes are still locked on the old man with straw hat.


far away.

The face of the storyteller was a little sluggish.

It's different from the strong debut of the second child surprised by others.

His gaze was staring straight on the withered right hand holding the four swords.

How dare you?

Even if it is the second child, not a sword repairer, how dare you directly hold the four swords?

"Second, you..."

"To shut up."

Xu Xiaoshou twitched his stiff neck, swept it coldly, and broke the storyteller's words.

Everyone was stunned.

They didn't realize it until then.

This so-called second-in-command of the saint slaves, the state at the moment, is basically the same as Cheng Xingchu at the beginning.

He is actually one of the few people who have grasped four swords, but has not been demonized!


"Ferocious sword, approval?"

"Under suspicion, passive value, +13."

Xu Xiaoshou felt the manic primitive desire in his body that was constantly impacting his soul.

He was fighting hard, trying hard or squinting his eyes and turning into a violent giant.

The effect of the Xingugu special training at that time was reflected at this moment.

Relying on the willpower that was inherently tenacious to ordinary people, Xu Xiaoshou clung to the last point of Qingming on his spiritual platform.

But he knows.

The source of preventing oneself from being completely demonized is not the so-called will.

It's Jiannian!

From above his own dantian, the wisp of sword thought given by the sloppy uncle seemed to echo the power of the four swords.

The fierce sword is in hand.

Xu Xiaoshou could clearly feel that it was trying to get close to the power of the sword thought at his dantian.

Some are cowardly, some are cautious.

And when I really came into contact with that Jian Nian...


Xu Xiao Su was suddenly injured by the fierce demon's air in his body.

He forcibly supported himself from spurting blood to show others, he was constantly repairing his injuries from the "lifelessness", and the surface was calm.


Yes it is.

When the strange emotions of Si Jian came into contact with Jian Nian, they disappeared abruptly and turned into anger.

It seemed the hope that was extremely anticipated, and finally turned into a bubble.

Xu Xiaoshou could clearly feel the rage caused by such a sense of illusion that was instantaneously broken.

"Hold it up."

Gritting his teeth, Xu Xiaoshou was silent.

He didn't understand what the Four Swords were trying to test, but if he couldn't hold the fierce sword's rage, he couldn't hold back the place...

If one reveals his stuff, he will undoubtedly die!


There were four swords that trembled, and the magic pattern was deeper, almost covering Xu Xiaoshou's body.

Feelings of powerlessness, lack, weakness...

All kinds of tired emotions struck from the soul level, and the eyelids became heavier and heavier.

Xu Xiao resisted as hard as he could. He knew that once he closed his eyes, he might lose himself directly.


too difficult!

With the power of the four swords, how can it be innately contended?

The heart is bigger than the sky.

But reality, always inadvertently, will defeat any happy fantasy.

"It's over, I'm big..."

Just when Xu Xiao felt that he should compromise, hand over his body to You Sijian, and let him destroy this world wantonly.


Above the dantian, covered by the light of various powers, another extremely subtle sword thought, completely inconspicuous, suddenly made a soft sound.

Under the suppression of the major forces such as Jinzhao original species, Three Days Frozen Calamity, Great Sword Nian, this strand of sword Nian, which was insignificant like a silver thread, stepped forward at this moment.

"My... Jiannian?"

Xu Xiaoshou was stunned.

This strand of sword thought, if not unexpected, should be the sword thought that he has continuously used the "sword-watching technique" to observe from the body of Zangku.

"So... Guan Jiandian?" He was a little unsure.

At this moment, Xiaojian thought, and the sword intent of the four swords was stagnant.

In the next second, he went crazy, rushing to the sword thought that he had previously ignored.


At the moment of contact, there were four swords trembling in an instant.

The meaning of rage turned into ecstasy, and the power of the fierce demon began to continuously pour into this vague sword thought.

It seems to be caring, and it seems to be nurturing and nurturing...


The sky above the Lijian Grassland suddenly exploded the sword intent, directly forcing everyone to retreat in horror.

Xu Xiaoshou regained his sanity, and immediately wanted to converge his sword intent into his body.

After all, Sang Lao is not a sword repairer, if he reveals his sword intent at this moment, it will inevitably make people feel suspicious.


"Feared, passive value, +8."

"Surprise, passive value, +19."


The situation spied by "Perception", instead of developing in the direction that one had imagined, was the whole audience, one by one, with shocking faces!

"There are four swords, recognition?"

"How is it possible, the second in command of the saint slaves, it is clearly not a sword repairer, but this sword intent..."

Some red clothes hesitated.

After a long time, someone finally woke up and said in shock: "This is the sword intent of the Four Swords!"

"Horrible, is this okay?"

"It is worthy of being a holy slave. Not only does he win the famous sword, he even has four swords, but also has a unique method that can be directly mastered?"

"This, how to fight?"

"The second in command, the seventh in command, plus one with four swords, you don't even need to move, just a draw, no one in the audience can take it, right?" Someone said, looking at the vigil.

Lan Ling watched the panic that appeared on the faces of the red clothes.

For a while, I didn't know what means to use to comfort him.

A storyteller can barely comfort it.

Now, it is difficult for even oneself to suppress the panic, so how can you comfort everyone and regain your fighting spirit?

Vigil frowned and didn't reply.

He stared at the old man who appeared in the void and was in a very wrong state.

After struggling?

Ultimately suppressed?

Judging from the series of performances of the second in command of the saint slave, even if he wants to control the four swords, it is by no means easy.

But now, it seems to be successful?

But where does this inexplicable familiarity come from?

Xu Xiaoshou's figure suddenly appeared in the vigil's mind.

That kid has a black sword, which is very similar to four swords.

At that time, the appearance of pulling his sword in the city lord's mansion was almost like the posture of the old man with the sword holding the sword at this moment.


How can a spirit sword of the eighth or nineth rank compare to the four swords?

How could the congenital little ant become the second in command of the saint slave?


Shaking his head abruptly, Vigil immediately denied his absurd idea.

Xu Xiaoshou is indeed a bit mysterious.

But no matter how mysterious, can his true identity be the second in command of the saints?

Is it strong enough to make the storyteller really shut up after one sentence of "shut up"?

"Surprise, passive value, +13."



The storyteller was obviously also frightened by Xu Xiaoshou's gesture of controlling the four swords.

When did he have this ability?

Is it possible that this link is included in the task that his brother entrusted to him, so he told him the means to control the four swords in advance?

"Second, take the sword?"

Without waiting for him to continue thinking, temporarily suppressing the fierce spirit, Xu Xiaoshou, whose eyes have recovered a little bit of clarity, has already swept away coldly again.


Even Xu Xiao was suppressed by all his might.

But where the line of sight was condensed, the power of Qi swallowing mountains and rivers suddenly gathered, directly destroying the already fragmented space again.

The storyteller trembled suddenly.

At this moment, he didn't have the heart to resist at all, and he felt that he had become the most humble ant in the world.

And the second child is a dazzling existence like the nine gods and demons.

"His strength..."

At a glance, the storyteller knew that the second child's injury had definitely recovered.

Moreover, after more than ten years of tempering and the final battle with Gou Wuyue, the cultivation base has definitely undergone earth-shaking changes.

Is there such a power with just one look?

If you really want to make a move, isn't it ruining the world?

"Inside, I was a little too excited just now, and forgot your mission..." The storyteller hesitated and couldn't speak.

The second child did say that, he has his own mission.

But at that time, he had suppressed the audience, and all the red clothes were terrified.

I thought that in the presence, there was no one that could block his own existence.

So, under the urging effect of high-pitched emotions, he even directly revealed the existence of the second child.

And now...

The other party is obviously angry!

"It's people's fault!"

The storyteller smiled obediently, and then explained: "But this is also a tactic..."


Xu Xiao raised his eyebrows under the straw hat, and did not continue to say more.

The storyteller stiffened directly.

"Inner, inner..."

Thoughts run wildly, but even if they rack their brains, the storyteller has nothing to say.

Although the two parties did not say clearly before.

But the tacit understanding is that when the storyteller gets the four swords, he should try to replace it with the fake sword on the old second hand without anyone noticing it.

At that time, something really happened.

Even if the four swords are taken, what is lost is only a fake.

The real fierce sword has entered the holy slave.


At that time, I was really stimulated by ghosts and beasts. How could storytellers care so much?

Thinking that he suppressed the audience, he not only didn't even bother to change his sword.

Even with four swords, the Red Shuanglong Python was directly classified as a mad python.


The second child of the heyday comes to settle accounts after autumn, who can handle it?

This is a grumpy old ghost who dared to start with his elder brother if he didn't agree with him, and even just said "different ways, don't conspiracy" to draw a clear line, and he has not rejoined a saint slave for more than ten years!

Don't say it's now.

Even if it's the second child in a weak state, the storyteller will play around with him at most.

Really need to do something...

Give ten courage, he dare not tell the story!

"I am sorry."

The storyteller's eyeballs curled away, completely gone, and he simply covered his chest, and bowed directly at ninety degrees.

Can't beat, people apologize.

I made a mistake, they admit it.

You, don't be fierce!

"Received an apology, passive value, +1."

"Be disgusted, passive value, +1."

The eyeballs of the red-clothed crowds who were on the sidelines immediately protruded directly.

The storyteller, who was just so arrogant, bowed and bowed?

This is the holy slave?

This is the difference between the second in command and the seventh in command of the slaves

Although I don't know what little contradiction has occurred between the two, I just bowed without saying a word?

"Is there such a big gap?"

Xin murmured, looking at the figure of the straw hat holding the sword, there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

Is this an existence that can rival Wuyue Sword Fairy?

The storyteller is a child in front of him!

"Feared, passive value, +18."

Xu Xiaoshou was silent.

The black face was as dark as ink, and it was impossible for people to see the half emotions in his heart.

But under the mighty deterrence that day, he did not move and said nothing, but he added a sense of mystery to everyone's hearts.

But my family knows their own affairs.

God knows how much pressure Xu Xiaoshou has been under when this party stepped forward.

He wants to talk.

He wanted to use his long-formed theories in the past, plus well-founded truths, to refute all doubts.

But the fierce sword intent in the body is too cruel!

It's like meeting a child of one of his dearest relatives. The ray of sword intent that Four Swords has realized from their own observing of swords is the continuous perfusion and continuous birth...

Just like that, I'm afraid that Jiannian will grow into malnourished.

Xu Xiaoshou didn't know whether this change was good or bad.

But now, he couldn't bother.

Dantian originally formed a delicate balance when several forces fettered each other.

But the fierce demon sword entered the body directly and ruthlessly broke this balance.

The growing strength of Jian Nian brought hundreds of times the pain that he had endured while watching the sword.

In addition, the gray destructive power that was leaked after the three-day freezing calamity and the original Cinders was broken after the balance was broken...

And the big sword mind that trembles and cuts occasionally...


Xu Xiaoshou is really miserable!

Every time he tried his best to suffocate a few words, it was already the limit, and he couldn't form a complete sentence at all.

However, the accident is so magical.

Under the shock brought by Mr. Sang's face.

The people present, including the storyteller, not only did not doubt, but would use a few words to speculate on their own meaning.

Perhaps, cherishing words like gold is what the real strong should do?

Is it also the best way to speak at this moment as the old sang?

Inexplicably ~www.ltnovel.com~ Do you know this well?


Xu Xiaoshou maintained the "change" at all times, preventing the corners of his mouth and eyes from twitching.

He held the four swords tightly, unable to make even the slightest move. He only moved his eyes slightly and looked into the sky, completely blackened by the sword intent of the madness, and lost his self-consciousness.

Do not.

Caramel sugar!

I, Xu Xiaoshou, stand up this time, even if I move, I can’t move...

The purpose is also for you.

Ghost beast?

Emotional ghost beast?

Regardless of how the outside world might question it in the end, Xu Xiaoshou just wanted to hold his heart at this moment.

"She's just my friend's... friend, nothing more."

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