I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 556: Give a thin noodle

The trembling red dress, the trembling storyteller, the motionless Xu Xiaoshou...Pai Sang Lao.

No one speaks.

It seemed very depressing.

And embarrassment.

"Be in awe, passive value, +18."

"Waiting, passive value, +12."

"Being watched, passive value, +19."


Xu Xiaoshou knew that everyone was waiting for him.

But he only glanced at the constantly refreshing information in the information bar, and ignored it.

"Jian Nian..."

Inner view came into the body.

The fierce demon sword aura with four swords did not instill too much power into Jian Nian.

In other words, it had already sensed that the sword thought at this time was too weak.

It's like a tender sprout that dared to be born.

When Jian Nian was visibly swollen and was a little bit out of Jian Nian, the power of the fierce demon with the four swords stopped such a gaffe.


Xu Xiaoshou can be sure that there are four swords so excited that they must be inseparable from the "Guanjiandian".

But as long as it is calm, it will not cause much harm to itself.

At this time, the protagonist will not be it.

Don’t pay too much attention to yourself.

Feeling the fierce demon power that has returned to silence in the body, and the leaked icy and fire dual energy energy, once again reached a delicate balance.

Although this kind of balance still brings great harm to oneself.

But this time.

The recovery ability of "unending life" can completely suppress the injuries in the body, and even faintly can help oneself, slowly advancing in the direction of repair.

Xu Xiaoshen was relieved.

He moved slightly.

In his body, he recovered a little bit of mobility.

There was no silence for too long, Xu Xiaoshou looked at the storyteller and gently picked up the four swords.

"If you do something wrong, after you go out, you will care about it."

"But since the old man is out at the moment, I must do something."

The storyteller's heart twitched, and timidly asked, "Do something...what?"

Xu Xiaoshou shook his head lightly, without speaking.

He looked at the red double dragon python that was completely stained with ink. At this time, the madness could even make it forget the pain of body tearing.

The red double dragon python, struggling, tried to fight again.


Xu Xiaoshou sighed inwardly.

Caramel sugar has done enough for Xin Gu Gu.

The body shattered by thunder tribulation, plus the fierce power of four swords...

With such a serious injury, the Red Double Dragon Python, even if it struggles to stand up, what can it do?

"Fly over?"

Xu Xiaoshou clenched tightly with four swords, and he could faintly feel that, relying on the two sword thoughts in his body, he had initially received the approval of having four swords.

Although there is still a long way to go before recognizing the master.

But in this case, it is not a problem to borrow a part of the power of the fierce sword.

Thoughts moved.

Void and violent winds raged, and the overflowing fierce demon power suddenly began to recede and gathered into the blade of the fierce sword.


Xu Xiaoshou was delighted.

If the Fierce Demon Sword Intent can be recovered, maybe the caramel can be saved?

Fang wanted to move.

But as soon as his thoughts came, a tearing pain hit his lower body, and Xu Xiaoshou almost took a breath.

"Endlessly" is indeed restoring the physical body.

But the entry was too slow.

This kind of big action that requires one step is really impossible at this moment.


Taking a look at the storyteller who didn't know why, as well as the crowds of red clothes facing the enemy in the distance, Xu Xiaosui twitched at the corner of his mouth.


After a disdainful sneer, he calmly took this step forward without urgency.


The wind blows through, and the picture is quiet but weird.

"Disappeared, disappeared?"

Everyone stared at Xu Xiaoshou's person, and their pupils suddenly shrank at this moment, filled with shock.

Even if it was the night watch, when the power of the emptiness had already been mobilized in the body, the picture that he saw was still the second step of the holy slave, and the whole person disappeared completely.

Yes it is.

Just disappear!

Just like this person, never appeared in this world at all.

There are no traces of heaven and spatial fluctuations.

Completely disappear!

This kind of ability is not like the realm that Zhan Dao possesses to integrate into the Heavenly Dao.


Higher level!

"Exceeding the power of Heavenly Dao...Holy Dao?" Vigil was shocked.

He glanced at the storyteller without leaving a trace, wanting to see from the face of the perverted man in the red dress what way to go.

But when he glanced over, even the storyteller was shocked at the moment.

"He doesn't know either?"

The vigil froze.

That is to say, the ability that the second child of the saint slave showed at this moment was even something that no one of the saint slaves had ever seen before?

"So, after a battle with Wuyue Sword Immortal, there was another breakthrough, and thus entered that level of realm?"

Vigil closed his eyes heavily.

"Half Saint?"

How to fight like this?

There is no solution at all, okay?

"It didn't disappear, he just moved!" Lan Ling on one side suddenly said.

Different from others.

Holding the Fengtian Great Formation in her hand, although she could not sense what means Saint Slave's second child used to disappear.

But when it reappeared, it was still sensed for the first time.

Head twisted.

Everyone looked at it at the same time.

I saw a violent red double dragon python above his head, and after maintaining an extremely safe distance, Xu Xiaoshou suddenly appeared.

"Attention, passive value, +16."

"Surprise, passive value, +19."

Seeing the message in the message box, Xu Xiaoshou knew what he was doing, and then successfully controlled everyone.

"Disappearance technique, as expected, this kind of awakening technique completely ignores the existence of rank."

"If it weren't for the Throne and Dao with a special induction type, even the Fengtian Great Formation would not be aware of it."

"And in the state of the'disappearance technique', use the'strike to the sky in one step' again."

"Even if it is a spatial shift, no one can snoop and get the spatial fluctuations."

Xu Xiaoshou felt a little secretly.

Magical skills!

In fact, for him, if he wants to achieve a similar effect, he can go straight to the sky in one step.

But the spatial type of spiritual skills, Sang Lao may not be able to.

And if you add that seemingly superfluous disappearance technique...

Xu Xiaoshou secretly observed the reaction of the storyteller.

Seeing him with a confused expression, his heart was successful.

A method of using the so-called "Holy Dao" that can fool all Dao-level powerhouses was born!

And its composition is actually not simple.

Two full awakening skills!

"Second, what do you want to do?"

The storyteller watched the second child appear on top of the Red Shuanglong Python, and he had an inexplicable premonition in his heart.

Xu Xiaoshou ignored it at all.

After taking a long and deep breath, feeling the increasingly violent emotions of the red double dragon python under his feet, he will have four swords tilted and his eyes lowered.


The air was directly crushed by the majestic momentum accumulated by Qi swallowing mountains and rivers.

The eight-winged red double dragon python, who was still struggling to flop, was even more smashed into the ground as if it had flew into the air under this gaze.

Smoke and dust everywhere started from the bottom of the python's body and splashed everywhere.


The storyteller took a breath.

Up to this point, he couldn't see exactly how the second child's aggressive attack method did it.

He could do it with his eyes alone, but he could only use it for people at a low level.

And the eight-winged red double dragon python...

Although this ghost beast has suffered the ravages of thunder.

But under the demonization of the four swords, the pain has been forgotten.

Sensing someone provoked on his head, his wings should have fluttered, and he was about to pounce.

But its actions, seemingly indistinguishable, fell into the eyes of the second child.

There is no opportunity to counterattack at all.

A look, suppress in advance?

No one knows that Xu Xiaoshou's look not only embezzled almost all the power of Qi swallowing mountains and rivers.

Even more secretly, he directly used the sword of all things, with the four sword intent as the point, and from the inside, he took another step to severely inflict the red double dragon python.

After all, Ruuo couldn't hold his eyes.

Then this time, it is estimated that it will be about to stir up the pot.

He Xu Xiaoshou can no longer spare half of his energy to deal with anyone present.

Even if it's just an ordinary red shirt.


"What is he going to do?"

Suddenly there was an exclamation in the red clothes.

I saw the second son of the holy slave who had suppressed the seriously injured Red Shuanglong Python, gently mentioning the four swords.

In the humming sword chant, a large amount of fierce demon aura was extracted from the red double dragon python and went straight into the sword body with four swords.

The storyteller's face turned pale in an instant.

"Second, what are you going to do?"

Is this to grab a gift?

Are you shameless?

If you really want to reconcile with your brother, wouldn't you go looking for gifts?

Do you want to destroy the best product that others have worked so hard to produce?

"Save the python." Xu Xiaoshou said without answering.

"Save the python?" The storyteller said with a headache, "But they are doing experiments!"

"Can't you tell, your experiment is dying." Xu Xiaoshou sneered.



The storyteller is anxious, and Lanhua's finger stretches out, and he screams: "It can be demonized by the four swords. After the demonization, if the strength can break through, it may be able to turn a python into a dragon, or even a dragon."

"You can't interrupt its evolution!"

Hearing the sound, Xu Xiaoshou finally raised his head, staring straight at the storyteller, and finally put down Lanhua's fingers in silence.

"To shut up."


"Cursed, passive, +1."

"Be in awe, passive value, +12."

The crowd in red was speechless.

what is this?

It was a good war, but since the appearance of the second sage slave, everything has changed.

Large-scale educational children's scene?

This storyteller, when did he have such a good temper?

I've been reprimanded like this, but I still don't resist?

How come there is no direct war!

"Lan Ling."

Vigil looked back at Lan Ling.

Others may still feel that the storyteller has lost his temper.

But after fighting with this guy, he knew that the storyteller couldn't be like this.

Attitude will show a super big change of 180 degrees. It can only be said that this holy slave's second child is too strong!

Even the storyteller dare not defy his words and deeds.

So, I really want to let this holy slave's second child continue to follow his own actions.

Come back then...

Red, what should I do?


Lan Ling didn't say much.

Secretly, he had already secretly pinched the seal, and quietly mobilized the power of the Fengtian Great Array.


"Chi Chi Chi Chi."

The strong black ferocious spirit was extracted from the twitching red double dragon python back into the sword body with four swords.

Xu Xiaoshou was bearing the majestic and terrifying energy, but his face was already pale as paper.

But the advanced use of "change" is that no matter what situation he is in, his face needs to be rosy, and the expression of his face is rosy!

"No, you can't breathe it anymore, if you breathe it down, the snakes and snakes are going to be gone!"

The storyteller couldn't stand anymore, and if he took a step forward, he was about to fly over.

Xu Xiaoshou lowered his eyelids and turned his eyes.

When Yu Guangyi fell on the jade feet that the storyteller had repaired and stepped forward.

This guy had a stiff face and didn't dare to make extra moves.

Xu Xiaoshou didn't say much, but with a smile, he tilted his head and looked in the direction of the red shirt.

Swipe, the wind shook.

All the red robes suddenly converged, and their bodies were completely taut, as if their prey was being stared at by a hunter, and they became vigilant.

Even Lan Ling, who had small actions in secret, stopped Yin Jue for the first time.

"Feared, passive value, +16."

"Don't be nervous, the old man is not here to kill."

Xu Xiaoshou smiled softly, pondered for a moment, the smile on his face slowly stopped, and then said indifferently:

"But now that the old man has come out, I invite you all to give me a thin face."

"This time, let the old man."


Lan Ling only felt his throat dry.

Sure enough, his little actions were still discovered?

She said like an innocent person: "What time?"

Xu Xiaoshou chuckled, turned his head, and cast his gaze on the Four Swords, who was constantly absorbing the fierce spirit in his hand.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The index finger tapped the hilt of the fierce sword lightly.

A faint echo in the quiet void, at this moment, it turned out to be very ear-piercing.

"When seniors are moving, as juniors, you don't need to move."

"What the old man meant..."

Xu Xiaoshou paused, and then said: "Don't show the trembling of a finger."


When the last word was settled, the earth suddenly cracked.

Almost in an instant, all the water in the world seemed to be evaporated.

Even the voids that have been repaired by themselves are beginning to twist and have a tendency to melt.

high temperature.

Extremely high temperature!

There is no need to release all the power of the original Jinzhao, Xu Xiaoshou has achieved the same degree that Sang Lao did when facing the masked man.

When you don’t need to do it.

The exaggeration of this atmosphere, the fear of the unknown given to others, is the best way to shock people.

as predicted.

Regarding the red clothes, Lan Ling's move, let alone secretly pinched Ling Jue with his hands behind his back.

Even a mouthful of saliva is stuck in the throat, and I don't dare to swallow it.

Even if there is no Adam's apple, she is afraid that a vague rolling in her throat will cause death.

After all, the storyteller is already a pervert.

As the second-in-command of the saint slaves, the old guy said, "Don't show up with the trembling of a finger", does it really contain some of his own random thoughts...

Hard to say.

But for the sake of my life, I can't try!

As soon as the night watch's lips pressed, he wanted to say something, and suddenly felt that the heat around his body was getting worse.

Even the spirit essence in the body is at this moment, with a tendency to burn.

With his mouth open, UU read www.uukanshu.com and dare not close it for a while.


It is not true that the storyteller does not accept it, nor does it not accept it.

He suspected that the second child was accusing Sang Huai and the evidence was solid.

Therefore, I can only maintain this awkward posture, coughing lightly, "Second, we are in the same group, don't forget..."

Xu Xiaoshou did not reply.

After the fierce demon's energy was pulled out of the body by the four swords, with a light hand flip, the eight-winged red double dragon python was sent into the Yuan Palace.

The audience was silent.

The storyteller's eyes twitched wildly, his brows jumped wildly, and he didn't dare to say a word.

But Xu Xiaoshou, after doing all this, turned his head and looked at him again.

"If the old man remembers correctly..."

"Those tauren were finally included in the space paper by you, right?"

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