I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 557: Does the predecessor have an apprentice?


Do you still think about my cute little tauren?

A big boa constrictor can’t satisfy you a dead old man, right?


The storyteller almost jumped with anger.

But under the pressure of the second child's nameless aura, even if his heart is no longer reconciled, he dare not show it.

"Ha, ha ha..."

"Second, what do you mean?" The storyteller sneered, his hand covering his chest involuntarily.

"What do you think?"

Xu Xiaoshou felt a lot better when his body stopped absorbing the evil spirits.

Even the "under attack" who is constantly refreshing the screen seems to be slowing down at this moment.

"Fission, blood rebirth, immortality..."

Xu Xiaoshou counted his fingers and said, his face gradually showed a perverted smile, his eyes were slightly fiery, "You know, if this is used as medicine, the old man can make a furnace, a peerless great pill!"


The storyteller's popularity is broken, and he shouted: "You took a snake, and you haven't investigated anything yet. Now you have to..."


"You are so greedy!"

The storyteller in the red dress who was watching from a distance directly pinched Lanhua's fingers, flicked his hands and jumped wildly with his elbows was frightened.

"This dead pervert..."

Xin felt that his eyes were stained.

This may require the use of Wangchuan River water to clean up the scene just seen.

The vigil also twitched the corners of his mouth.

He had fought against a storyteller, and he knew that if this guy got up, it would really make his scalp numb.

But the current situation is simply horrible!


Xu Xiaoshou saw goosebumps on his body, and almost slashed forward without a sword.

But he suppressed his discomfort forcibly, his eyes sank, and he squinted at the man in the red skirt without speaking.


The storyteller felt that he was presumptuous for a while.

The last time he released his instinct in front of this dead old ghost, he almost burned the hair on his body.

This time...


The storyteller curled up his fingers, turned his head off, and pursed his lips: "It's impossible for Niuniu to give it to you. Give it up. This is a gift I want to give to my brother."

"Gift, you already have it." Xu Xiaoshou was unmoved. ,

"This is the second one!"

The storyteller said angrily: "Don't you allow people to give a second gift?"


Xu Xiaoshou nodded slightly, pondered for a moment, and said, "But what about the old man? You are so rushing to call the old man out, so you don't have any intentions and give a gift?"

Condensed his gaze.

The storyteller suddenly felt a chill in his back.

This dead old ghost is going to settle accounts?

You are sick, but did you call you out in advance, and you didn't lose anything.

A snake as an apologize is not enough.

Do you want my cow?

If Xu Xiaoshou knew what he was thinking, he said indifferently: "Give the gift into a pair. Take it. I delayed the old man's experiment and directly trained you, do you believe it?"

"I do not believe!"

The storyteller roared in his heart.

But a stiff smile squeezed out of his face, and he took out a slap-sized piece of paper from his arms.

"Here, here..."

Xu Xiaoshou didn't say anything, smiled and narrowed his eyes, and the **** eyes were condensed into a ball, "Do you want the old man to go over and get it?"

The storyteller turned green in an instant.

You **** old guy!

Isn't it not letting people move?

They obediently did what you said, and now they are discussing these generations with me, are you sick?

"Oh yes, he is indeed sick."

The storyteller suddenly realized.

If the second child is not sick, how could it be possible for so many years to reach the point where even his brother would have to persuade him?

Dare not stay.

The storyteller handed both hands, and a spatial vortex appeared in front of him.

Then, in front of Xu Xiaoshou, a whirlpool also appeared.

The space paper is presented from the vortex.

Obviously, the storyteller was so cautious that he didn't even dare to approach him.

Xu Xiaoshou smiled and shook his head, and picked up the paper with two fingers.

In the small space of paper, there are tens of thousands of blood drops, like red duckweed, scattered in every corner of the space paper.

"do you died……"

According to "Perception", there is no life fluctuation inside.

Xu Xiaoshou felt gloomy.

If Xin Gu Gu is dead, what's the point of coming out by himself this time?

What is the difference between a friend who cannot be saved and being indifferent after witnessing his death?

"Not dead yet."

The storyteller saw the dark eyes of the second child, and thought that the old ghost was in a bad mood because of the death of the ghost animal medicine, so he hurriedly explained.

Xu Xiaoshou raised his eyes.

The storyteller immediately added: "This is also my ancient book space, and outsiders may not be aware of it, but with the power of ‘yin and yang, life and death?’ they can maintain a trace of his spirit and wisdom."

"Can you wake up to see good fortune... But if you want to refine alchemy, it should be possible."

"Not dead, hehe, really not dead."

Xu Xiaoshou stared at the storyteller for a long time before turning over and sending the space paper into the Yuan Palace.

In fact, if possible, he really wants to ask the storyteller to unlock the power of the space piece of paper.

In this way, as soon as Xin Gugu entered the Yuan Palace, he could be bathed in the breath of life imprints, and he could not die.

But this approach is too risky!

Not to mention whether Sang Lao knew the power of a storyteller or not, he couldn't understand it.

Just make an appearance...

If you still need to rely on others to help yourself, it is invisible, it is a performance of price drop.

In order to maintain his identity, and... to force the situation, Xu Xiaoshou had to pretend that I know everything.

Although at this moment, he couldn't even beat a tenth of a storyteller.


Xu Xiaoshou, who had no idea what to say, or even how to leave the field, had to look around, tap his head lightly, and said the two words that it is not painful or itchy.

"You guys have given enough time and given enough face. This is the end of what the old man has to do."


He looked at the red dress, then looked at the storyteller, and said with a smile: "Your business, you have to solve it yourself, the old man still has a task, goodbye."

Take a step forward.

My heart must silently recite the "disappearance technique".

But at this moment, there was a sound of retentive voice behind him:

"Senior stay."

It settled, and the audience was dead.

Everyone looked at the person who exited.

At this moment, even the storyteller felt a little depressed.

You red, what's your name?

This is a holy slave, do you understand?

You can afford it?

It’s easy to ask God to give it away. Finally, this dead ghost is going to run away. Why do you keep him!

Can you beat him?

Stay and continue to grab gifts?

"The sick girl...had already known that she should have digged out her eyeballs first!" The storyteller slandered, "I'm so angry!"

The crowd in red looked back in shock as well, and their gazes suddenly gathered on Yu Zhiwen's body.

Yu Zhiwen only felt the pressure for a while.

If possible, she also didn't want to bear the attention of more than ten thrones, or even several powerhouses at the Dao level at the same time.

But at the moment, I have to say.

Xu Xiaoshou naturally also saw the existence of Yu Zhiwen.

The girl had been frowning from the beginning, as if she had seen something with her delicate star pupils.

At this moment, when Xu Xiaoshou spoke again, Xu Xiaoshou only felt that his heart was hairy.

But, ignore it?

be honest.

If he ignores it, Xu Xiaoshou doesn't know how he can leave the field after using the "disappearance technique".

The deadlock on the battlefield was directly broken by his sudden intrusion.

At this time, without a proper reason, no one would smash the ancient book space of the storyteller.

Even in red, he didn't dare.

I didn't let Red Clothes do it before because Xin Gu Gu's matter had not settled yet.

But now I want it.

The other party, but really dare not!

As the second child of the saint slave, he still took a double gift, and Xu Xiaoshou at this moment had no reason to dismantle his family's desk.

Therefore, I want to get out of the space of ancient books.

Unless the storyteller's mind is caught by a crack in the space, he will detonate the ancient book space himself.

Otherwise, there is only one opportunity left.

One because Yuzhiwen said a few more words, inexplicably angered the second child of the saint slave, and then the second child of the saint slave became angry, forcing the red shirt to take action and break the space of ancient books!

Anyway, it is the most normal thing for Old Man Sang to lose his temper inexplicably.

"Little girl..."

Xu Xiaoshou smiled and stopped, turned his head and glanced at it.

With a bang, the space in which the red shirt was located collapsed and was unstable in an instant.

Yu Zhiwen, who was hiding in the shield of the Fengtian Great Array, even under the indiscriminate damage, immediately groaned, and even the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood.

Xu Xiaoshou: "..."

So weak?


Forget that besides himself, Yu Zhiwen should be the only second "innate powerhouse" left.

"Knowing Wen!"

Lan Ling flew to Yuzhi Wen's side, held the opponent with one hand, and passed the meek spirit element of the past.

She lowered her eyebrows, she didn't even have time to glaring at the sage slave **** who was bullying her little, but she kept gesturing with her eyes, trying to understand why Yu Zhiwen left this old fellow.

"It's okay, he has kept his hands."

Yu Zhiwen felt the pressure of this familiar aura, as if he had seen the scene of Xu Xiaoshou suppressing the audience when Daowen Chushi was born.

Thinking back to the same familiar scorching heat...

I sighed.

Vaguely understood something.

"Dare to ask Senior, is there an apprentice named Xu Xiaoshou?"

Yu Zhiwen spoke out his doubts.

The line of sight has been stuck on the four swords.

The words were settled, and Xu Xiaoshou didn't wait to react.

The vigil and the storyteller were all shocked.

"Xu Xiaoshou?"

The storyteller frowned.

This name, shouldn't it be the female apprentice I just met?

Why, there is still some familiar feeling faintly?

After a moment of contemplation, the storyteller's pupils suddenly shrank.

He has heard the name!

The little brother who ran out of the ancient book space with the sealed ghost beast in the previous battle between the incarnation and the night watch...

Is he the second child's apprentice?

At this moment, the storyteller looked at the old man Xiangli's eyes, and he began to play with it.


There is such a handsome apprentice, don't you tell them?

People can't beat you, they can only let you toss...

Okay, you give it to the dead ghost, you give it to others to wait!

"Xu Xiaoshou..."


He suddenly covered his red lips, as if he was thinking of something funny, stealthily cheering.


"Xu Xiaoshou?"

"No, no..."

"Which Xu Xiaoshou?"

"That Xu Xiaoshou?!"

The sound transmission inside the red shirt seemed a little noisy for a moment.

Lan Ling looked back at Vigil in disbelief, as if to confirm something.

"How does the old man know..."

The vigil was also dumbfounded.

Xu Xiaoshou, a disciple of the second son of the slave?

Even if he had previously felt the anxious power of the person in front of him that resembled Xu Xiaoshou.

However, due to subjective consciousness, Vigil never thought about this at all.

According to the private information that Hongyi searched, shouldn't Xu Xiaoshou be the suspected vice-president of Tiansang Linggong, the secret disciple of Mrs.

and many more!

Old Sang?

The vigil was suddenly startled, cold sweat broke out.

Old Sang seems to be the vice president of the Alchemist Association.

Old Sang, it seems that he was also the first president of the Tiansang Ling Palace, which had been burned halfway out of Yunfeng.

Old Sang...

Is it the second child of the holy slave?

Suddenly, the vigil was terrified.

Even if he had never dealt with the so-called vice president of Tiansang Ling Palace.

But some legends about that man are also heard a lot.


This suddenly.

The appearance of a Xu Xiaoshou connected everything together?


"The old man finally understands!"

At this time, Vigil suddenly understood something.

Why a small Tiansang County and a small Tiansang Linggong can cultivate such outstanding talents as Xu Xiaoshou.

If there is a saint slave who takes a shot in the dark, it will be cultivated with great effort, let alone such an achievement now.

It is possible for Xu Xiaoshou's strength to double again!

However, Xu Xiaoshou always refused to stay away because of his own big-handed solicitation before.

It seems that at this moment, everything is fully explained.

"Red, saint slave..."

"Can you stay away?" The night watch smiled bitterly.

Lan Ling also realized something.

Looking at each other with Vigil, each knows what the other side thinks.

When Xu Xiaoshou was included in the red blacklist during the night watch, Lan Ling didn't know why.

But now, all those pieces have been thrown in the corner of memory, it seems that there is no possibility of related things, they are all connected in series.

No one can stay calm.

Even if it was a letter whose mind had been ill-fated, he realized something at this moment.

"Sister Zhiwen, what you said is true?"

Yu Zhiwen didn't speak, a pair of beautiful star pupils stared straight at the old man in the distance.


To be honest, Yuzhiwen didn't believe it.

But if it's Xu Xiaoshou...

Everything is possible!

Even at this moment, in her heart, she still has a bigger doubt.

Jin Zhao's original species, the power of Frozen Calamity, the original sword thought from the Eighth Sword Immortal, plus that vast aura...

Even if the master and apprentice are in the same line, can they be so similar?

Although this old man with straw hat has never shown sword intent from beginning to end, it seems that everything is struggling with four swords.

However, if he is Xu Xiaoshou...

Everything can be explained.

"No! Impossible!"

Yu Zhiwen was frightened by his own guess.

If the person in front of you is really Xu Xiaoshou, then it is simply too appalling.

Reprimanded the storyteller, stunned in red, turned his hand to accept the ghost beast...

Xu Xiaoshou, give him ten courage, and dare not die like this!

Although the time to get along is not long, Yu Zhiwen knows.

The degree of Xu Xiaoshou's cherishment is even comparable to the gathering of everyone on the scene...!


The "Second Saint Slave" in the void twitched the corners of his scary mouth and smiled inexplicably.

His complexion also began to become gloomy and weird.

"The old man does have a disciple~www.ltnovel.com~ but it's not Xu Xiaoshou as your little girl said."

"he is……"

Xu Xiaoshou subconsciously wanted to move out of Zhou Tianshen to carry out the pot, but then changed his mind.

The red clothes present did not know Zhou Tianshen, but Yu Zhiwen had seen it.

Zhang Xinxiong?

Not possible.

Zhang Taiying is connected with the ghost and beast, and Hongyi must have checked the affairs of the Zhang family.

Push forward, who else can move out?

Zhang Xinxiong...Yes, this guy seems to be someone's cousin?

Xu Xiaoshou thought of this, and finally appeared in his mind a name of the first enemy from the outer courtyard of Tiansang Ling Palace that was about to be forgotten by himself, and everyone present would never know it.


Xu Xiaoshou held his hands on his back and raised his chin. "His name is Wen Ming."

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