I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 896: 4 Dragon Lord, the cracks move again!

"Well, there are a lot of people with problems."

On the main seat of the cloud world, Yu Zhiwen stared at all the images of the spiritual mirror, and found many abnormal reactions of the testers.

A large number of treasures spewed out from the cracks of the Void Island, and it was not only the Zhandao and Taixu who stayed near Dongtianwangcheng, but also the trialists from the Yunlun Mountains.

Even if these treasures were intercepted by the Holy Temple in the first place.

However, in the process of spraying treasure, some of the testers in the Yunlun Mountains really overreacted: temporarily abandoning the dispute over the Nine Dragon Veins, choosing to stay away from the battle and start watching.

These people, as soon as Yu Zhiwen thought about it, knew that what they wanted was nothing more than fear that the dispute over the Nine Dragons would delay their time to seize the treasure.

In the end, the treasure did not flow down, so they each chose to continue participating in the trial.

But the choice to wait and see at the beginning has its own problems.

Except for the stowaways, except for those who coveted the "Holy Daoji", which normal tester would ignore his current affairs and abandon the trial process because of the crack in the Void Island?

"Seventy-six, a bit too much!"

Yu Zhiwen counted these problematic people.

As soon as the Wangcheng trial began, a large number of stowaways had already been arrested.

During the middle trial, the law enforcement officer was still closing the net.

Up to this point, there are still 76 questionable testers, which have been hidden until now.

It has to be said that the hiding ability of these people is indeed quite powerful.

But that's probably not the case!

Yu Zhiwen sorted out the pictures of these people's spirit mirrors and passed them all to Rao Yaoyao.

Next, it's the job of the law enforcement officers, arresting them one by one and interrogating them to see if they can ask anything.

After finishing his job, Yu Zhiwen adjusted the picture of the spirit mirror belonging to Xu Shao and watched it carefully.

This is not voyeurism.

but tasks.

From the standpoint of the Holy Spirit Temple, Yu Zhiwen knew that this battle was very important, and even the head of the different radicals died in the line of duty.

Even if Xu Shao is a saint slave, Xu Xiaoshou's suspicion has been dispelled in the red-clothed high-level.

Yu Zhiwen still trusts his intuition.

She has always believed that it is impossible for two people in this world to behave like this.

But I suspect Xu Shao, after all, there is no evidence, so I can't say more.

So while Yu Zhiwen was peeping at Xu Shao, he actually wanted to find some evidence to prove his ability.

But it backfired.

From the beginning of the trial, Xu Shao did not reveal any flaws, he was as perfect as another normal person.

Now that the cracks in Void Island are spraying treasures, it stands to reason that if he is Xu Xiaoshou, he should cooperate with the actions of Void Island, right?

After all, Ba Zungan is on the inner island of Void Island.

All of this was probably done by him.

As a member of the saint slave, Xu Xiaoshou should also have his own hidden tasks, and he must cooperate with the action.

But no!

At this stage, after entering the fourth dragon vein, Xu Shao and his group, including his guardians, and the captains of the various squads, all led people to attack the mountain frantically.

It seems that in the eyes of Xu Shao today, nothing in the world is as big as the Nine Dragon Veins.

This is the normal performance of a normal spiritual master.

But putting it on Xu Shao made Yu Zhiwen a little confused.

"He's so normal... that's not normal in itself!"

"But it's impossible to use this reason to ask the law enforcement officer to look for something. After all, he still has the identity of a semi-holy descendant."

Yu Zhiwen's emotions are very complicated.

Not only is he glad that he didn't find Xu Shao's obvious evidence, but also has the self-doubt of "this person should have a problem, but there is no problem at all, is it because I am not capable enough".

Second on the Taoist ranking list, Yu Zhiwen is very confident in his abilities in all aspects.

Rao Yaoyao has entrusted himself with the important task of supervising the spiritual mirror. Others can do it.

Yu Zhiwen thought the same way before.

But after the death, it can't be like this. .

She is the Virgin of the Holy Temple.

The Holy Spirit Temple has spent a lot of resources in cultivating talents. How can you hope that the people you cultivate will have the same achievements as ordinary people?

You can't have past, you must also have merit!

This is the pressure Yu Zhiwen feels.

In the Temple of the Holy Spirit, the incompetent cannot live.

Especially the competition between the goddess and the goddess, the survival of the fittest.

Yu Zhiwen didn't want to embarrass her master, she had to get some results.

If you are mediocre, you will feel sorry for all those who put great expectations on themselves.

"It's so difficult..."

Yu Zhiwen stared at the Lingjing screen, very tired.

She hasn't rested for a long time.

But when he was discouraged, he immediately adjusted his emotions.

Rao Yaoyao hadn't even found out the key evidence in the overnight death, which further proved the strength of the opponent.

Difficulty is normal.

No wonder.

"Can't slack off, I'm going to keep watching!"

Yu Zhiwen stared at Xu Shao on the screen of the spirit mirror. After a long while, he suddenly realized that his speculation might be right.

"He's so normal."

"It's so normal that it doesn't look like it's Xu Shao, but it's really Xu Shao, and it completely loses Xu Xiaoshou's behavior style."

"Once Xu Xiaoshou really seriously participates in the battle of the Nine Dragons Vessel, even if it is to clear the suspicion of murder, he will not have enough time to cooperate with other actions of the saint slave, so this is simply impossible."

Yu Zhiwen pondered.

She was thinking if she was Xu Xiaoshou and also participated in the killing of aliens as a member of the saint slave, what would she do next?

All these speculations are based on the base point of "Xu Shao is Xu Xiaoshou".

But Yu Zhiwen would not immediately deny this point. She and Xu Xiaoshou had acted together and knew how smart this person was.

If you want to reason about Xu Xiaoshou, you can't do it in a normal way of thinking from the beginning.

He had to keep up with his wild imagination and behavior that seemed to be absurd and unreasonable, but in fact hides the real mystery.

"If I were Xu Xiaoshou..."

"When I was in Dongtianwangcheng, I was able to use Xu Shao's identity to hide myself, and now I can also steal the day and change my identity again, and hide behind Xu Shao's back..."

"Anyone else?"

Yu Zhiwen frowned, hesitated, thought about it, and there was an incredible look in his eyes.

She still did not deny herself immediately, but with suspicion, she opened up the pictures of all the testers around Xu Shao's body, carefully observed, and did not miss a single one.

Can be of the same age, the same sex, and fellow practitioners, and those with similar images can be dropped...

Yu Zhiwen has carefully observed any expert whose temperament and ability match with Xu Shao's identity more than once, but still can't find a flaw.

"It should be impossible."

"Xu Xiaoshou can become someone else, he is powerful enough, but if that's the case, who will be used to pretend to be Xu Shao?"

"After all, Xu Shao's ability, realm, and resourcefulness are also very high, not everyone can pretend to be..."

Yu Zhiwen has a headache.

She always felt as if she could grab something.

But Xu Xiaoshou seemed to be doomed to miss him, and he would disappear into the vast crowd again without a trace.

Yu Zhiwen hugged his knees, confusion appeared in his eyes, and his mood was a little dejected.

She was thinking that if Bai Cave was there, she could be more firm and sincere, and directly throw out all the information that the Holy Spirit Temple liked him to Xu Xiaoshou, and forcibly put an olive branch on him.

Will it be possible to change the current results?

Yu Zhiwen lost his mind.

She thought about the past and Xu Xiaoshou's past.

From the very beginning, Xu Xiaoshou had been firmly grasped by Shengnu Wuxiu, and he appeared too late, like a hurried passer-by in his life, it seemed destined... no fate?

Thinking of this, Yu Zhiwen lowered his head, hugged his knees and curled up into a kitten, and sighed.

"Really, it's so hard..."

The fourth dragon vein.


"Move everyone~"

"Have fun, don't hang your head down!"

Mu Xiaogong, the incarnation of Xu Xiaoshou, happily directed the dozen or so men under his command to start planting flowers on the mountain.

When all the testers in the Yunlun Mountains were fighting desperately, only the dozen or so testers in the fourth dragon vein seemed to be outsiders.

This style is totally different from others.

But indeed, it was something that Mu Xiaogong, who had nothing to do, could do.

When Xu Xiaoshou had no next move, he could only continue to play the role of "Mu Xiaogong".

He knew that even if the magistrates were gathered in the sky, as long as time passed, Rao Yaoyao would definitely put the magistrates back in place after realizing that it was a matter of loud thunder and little rain.

At that time, the search for the murderer will surely follow.

Only by playing the role of "Mu Xiaogong" well will he not be suspicious.

After all, who could have imagined that the saint slave Xu Xiaoshou, a fierce and famous demolition madman, would become a little **** the fourth dragon vein and instruct everyone to plant flowers and plants?

When Mr. Sang came, he had to call himself "good disciple" instead of "Xu Xiaoshou! Get out of here!"

Xu Xiaoshou happily uses his vitality to protect the small flower seedlings to grow rapidly. If they grow crooked, they will be cut off, and they will grow again.

The wood property is used to grow flowers and grass, which is really suitable for curing patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

After only half a day of work, Xu Xiaoshou looked at the neat circles of red and bright flowers on the top of the Fourth Dragon Vein, and smiled very happily.


At this time, the trial jade pendant trembled, and Xu Xiaoshou took it out and took a look.

"Congratulations to the tester Taixing for pulling out the Dragon Lord Flag, activating the Dragon Vein Formation, and becoming the third Dragon Vein Dragon Lord!"


Needless to say, Xu Xiaoshou also knew that Taixing was promoted to the altar with the support of super powers such as Xu Xiaoji, Xin Gugu, Liu Changqing, Luo Yin, Rong Dahao and so on.

At this moment, all the testers in the Yunlun Mountains also received this reminder at the same time.

Almost ninety-nine percent of people had confusion in their eyes.

"Tai Xing?"

"Who is this guy?"

"From the beginning, it seems that this name has never appeared at the top of the standings?"

"A sudden rise?"

Many people began to search for information about Taixing and inquired about the people around.

But except for some people of the same level in the Central Region who have a little understanding of Taixing, most of them don't know Taixing at all.

And just when everyone was confused.

Trial Jade Pendant's introduction to the dragon master originally only had a prompt, but after a pause, another message appeared.

"Taixing, the fourth dragon vein dragon is under the banner of Mu Xiaogong, the first dragon guard."

All the spirit refiners in the Yunlun Mountains immediately boiled.

The Dragon Lord Taixing of the third dragon vein is the dragon guard of the fourth dragon vein?

Doesn't this mean that someone is going to start competing for the title of "Lord of the Nine Dragons"?

The spiritual master who was attacking the mountain panicked.

Jiang Xian, Tang Zheng, etc., who took down the dragon veins, also felt that things were starting to go bad.

The spiritual masters were not very familiar with Mu Xiaogong, but they knew too much about the title of "Lord of the Nine Dragons" in the Yunlun Mountains.

After a little inquiries, everyone knew that Mu Xiaogong was just a puppet introduced by Xu Shao, the leader of the Xu Gang.

The Lord of the Nine Dragons is Xu Shao, who is fighting!

"Congratulations to the leader of the wood gang, Captain Taixing won the title of the dragon master, and the master of the wood gang is one step closer to the achievement of the 'Kowloon Master'."

"Heximu gang master, wood gang master for thousands of generations, unifying the rivers and lakes!"

The outside world is panicking, but the dozen or so people in the fourth dragon vein are excited.

Everyone knows what their deputy gang leader Mu likes to listen to the most. After receiving the reminder of the trial jade pendant, they immediately slapped a rainbow fart.

The master of the wooden gang was so happy that he waved his hand and gave everyone a holiday, so that they didn't need to continue watering the flowers, but went to rest.

But for a moment.


The trial jade pendant came to inform again.

This notification is too frequent, and all the testers in the Yunlun Mountains are all uneasy.

Sure enough, as soon as the trial jade pendant was picked up...

"Congratulations to the tester Su Qianqian for successfully grabbing the Dragon Lord Flag, reactivating the Dragon Vein Formation, and becoming the Eighth Dragon Vein Dragon Lord!"

"Su Qianqian, the fourth dragon vein dragon is under the banner of Mu Xiaogong, and the third dragon guard."

With a bang, everyone was terrified.

The Eighth Dragon Vein was previously the Dragon Lord Gu Qingsan, a kendo throne that everyone recognized for his strength.

Who is Su Qianqian?

Did you succeed in grabbing the Dragon Banner?

For a moment, the testers panicked.

The Xu Gang's actions were too big, which made them very terrified. Wouldn't anyone be able to win the title of "Master of the Nine Dragons" on the first day of the battle of the Nine Dragons?

This is so exaggerated!

Another hour has passed...


Whether they were attacking the mountain or defending the mountain, when they heard this sound, they all picked up the trial jade pendant tremblingly.

"Congratulations to the tester Mo Beibei for pulling out the Dragon Lord Flag, activating the Dragon Vein Formation, and becoming the second Dragon Vein Dragon Lord!"

"Mo Beibei, the fourth dragon is under the banner of Mu Xiaogong, the second dragon guard."

Mo Beibei…

Another nameless person!

But there is a second message prompting that this person is a dragon guard of the fourth dragon vein!

The trialists in the Yunlun Mountains are numb.

Is this action too fast?

In just a short time, the people from the Xu Gang have already won four dragon veins, which is close to half of all dragon veins?

"That's an ass!"

"I know that the fourth dragon vein is Luo Yin, the descendant of Taixu, who is attacking the mountain, but now there is no more, Luo Yin does not know where to go."

"Among the Xu gang, there is Xu Shao, the two guardians of Xu Shao, there is Rong Dahao, the descendant of Taixu, and Ru Ruo Luo Yin was also taken by them..."

"Isn't that enough for five people?"

"The next five dragon veins will be captured by me. Who can withstand the Xu Gang army led by these five generals?"

Xu Gang's speed of attacking the mountain as fast as lightning, and the powerful strength of crushing, make people feel hopeless.

Someone gave up attacking the mountain and turned around and ran.

"Goodbye, dear friends, I decided to kill the cloud beast."

"I picked up junk, bah, and picked up the cloud beads. Maybe I can pick up the Origin Stone of Dao Ze, and it will explode."

"With this wear and tear, indeed, I might as well continue to wait for the pie from the sky. The Dao is either the source stone or the treasure in the space crack. Just come and smash me to death..."

The trialists collapsed.

Some looked at the cracks in the void island above the sky and began to have delusions.

After all, in the previous wave of cracks spraying treasure, even if everyone's spiritual thoughts were sealed by the cloud world, the people with strong eyesight can see one or two of what happened in front of the black hole in that space.

The magistrate is gone.

Shortly after the cracks stopped spraying treasures, they lost their reason to stay any longer, and by this time they had dispersed, and the law enforcement work in the Yunlun Mountains had resumed.

At this time, there are not many people in the cracks of Void Island.

"If you spray the treasure again, if no one stops it, with the falling speed of those treasures, the cloud world can't stop it, so it should land in the Yunlun Mountains, right?"

Someone began to calculate the trajectory of the falling treasure, and had an unrealistic daydream.

But it happened at a time when neither the tester nor the law enforcement officer expected it.


There was a strange sound from the crack of the Void Island, resounding in all directions.

At this moment, all the daydreaming testers woke up and their eyes widened.

Really want to fall pie?

Can you fall this time?

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