I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 897: Demon Emperor Black Dragon Scale


Before the crack of Void Island, Rao Yaoyao felt another wave of holy power fluctuations coming towards his face, and hesitation flashed on his face.

The last time the crack sprayed treasure, she thought it was a ghost and beast attack, and immediately called all the law enforcement officers, and set up a seventy-two dragon element formation.

Never thought that a lot of treasures were spewed out of it.

Will it be a treasure this time too?

"First use a wave of treasures to show the enemy's weakness, let me take it lightly, and then the second wave is mixed with ghosts and beasts, sneaking out?" Rao Yaoyao guessed, did not dare to be careless, and called everyone on the combat channel again.

After a while, all the law enforcement officers immediately aborted their current missions and returned to the cracks in Void Island.

The seventy-two dragon element formations will be laid out again.

"Rao Jianxian must have some bow and snake shadow, right?"

In the Thirteen Great Voids, the real person Huang Yang said with a smile: "Last time, there were not enough people in red. This time, with the help of a few of us, no matter what comes out of the crack in the interdimensional space, we can stop it."

Rao Yaoyao sneered and did not respond.

However, Teng Shanhai turned around and stared at him with stern eyes: "Did you ask you to speak? When you are not told to act, just stand by for this seat."

The real person Huang Yang ate a closed door, and shrank back rebelliously, and said no more.

He really wanted to help Rao Yaoyao win these treasures containing holy power, but unfortunately, Rao Yaoyao was too cautious and didn't give any chance.

In no time.

Amid the seriousness of all the magistrates, the familiar whistling sound came again.


Like sharp arrows, the second wave of treasures spurted out, more ferocious than the first wave.


A Dao Slashing Law Enforcer at the head tried to stop the holy treasure with the previous strength, but was bombarded to the point where he vomited blood and flew upside down.

He was taken aback, and immediately corrected his mentality, dodged back to his original position, and maintained the great formation.

As for the holy power treasure, after losing the holy power package, it was intercepted by the people behind.

"Everyone be careful."

"This time, the impact of the sacred treasure has increased by more than one strength than the last time. The throne of the Taoist realm does what we can, and borrows the power of the big array, and don't overdo it."

The Daoist Law Enforcer notified everyone immediately.

Within the large formation, the others became cautious.

Spray twice.

No matter how stupid they are, everyone has noticed that something is wrong, and their greed has long been put away. What they have to do now is to carry out the task seriously.

"Boom boom boom..."

The first holy treasure that bore the brunt was taken down, and the next pieces of flying treasures, such as spears and halberds, shot out, smashing all the figures in the big formation to the point of being overturned.

"I'm going, why is it so fierce this time?" Some of the throne magistrates had their chests sunken, their bodies cracked, and the whole person fell into a state of self-doubt.

He just wanted to grab a spirit sword, but he almost didn't get pierced through his chest by the spirit sword carrying holy power. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, dodged in time, and gave the sword to the person behind him.

But the sword that let it out was unabated. After crossing the three thrones, it was intercepted by the Dao Slashing Law Enforcement Officer.

"Strength up!"

Rao Yaoyao narrowed her eyes and felt threatened.

There was a wave of spray treasures on the cracks of the Void Island, and it was estimated that they were trying to test the protective ability of the red-clothed side.

After figuring out the power of the seventy-two dragon element formations, this time it directly went up against everyone's defense limit and climbed up an attack level.

"It's understandable to use treasures as a carrier to carry out cross-border attacks. However, how can they find out the defense information of the outside world?" Rao Yaoyao was puzzled.

Yunlun Mountain Range and the inner island of Void Island, as long as there is no channel for spiritual thoughts to enter and exit, the distance between the two can be said to be farther than the two domains.

Only half-sages have emerged, and they are qualified to investigate the situation here.

Therefore, the only explanation is that only the people on the inner island of the Void Island have eye lines in the Yunlun Mountains, and, despite the space constraints, there is still the ability to communicate between the two.

"A storyteller?"

Rao Yaoyao quickly thought of the incarnation of the storyteller discovered by Night Watch.

Perhaps, only the bizarre ability of the storyteller's incarnation can explain all this.

"Teng's first seat!" Among the forty outsiders on the side, the real Huang Yang was a little hard to see.

He pointed to a group of people in the great formation who had been bombarded with treasures, and asked, "Are you sure, you really don't need me to wait for the shot?"

Teng Shanhai didn't look sideways, and said calmly: "The impact of the holy force, without the protection of the great formation, you can do more than them. Therefore, there are not many more than forty of you, and there are forty less of you. A lot, just stay safe.”

The real Huang Yang was silent, holding the whisk and backing away.

To be honest, when he uttered this sentence, he really wasn't thinking about the treasure, but was trying to feel the impact of the holy power.

After all, in my whole life, I have only heard the power of the Half-Saint, and I dare not provoke it. Naturally, I have never personally experienced the power of the Holy Power.

He looked at the great formation, and there were obviously many slashing paths with impressive momentum, but without exception, one by one was also bombarded by treasures.

"Is it that strong?"

The real person Huang Yang was greedy.

Being able to be protected by the great formation and to feel the holy power without any worries, this is an opportunity for any spiritual master on the mainland.

Especially their group of Taixu who are extremely greedy for the Holy Daoji, any fluctuation of holy energy, they are thirsty for knowledge.

Looking back at the cracks in the Void Island, the real person Huang Yang was a little moved.

He also doesn't want treasures, but if there are treasures flying in this direction, it's not too much to take a little shot, feel the breath of holy power, and then return the treasures to Rao Yaoyao, right?

Thinking like this, when the soles of Huang Yang's feet moved, he was about to take a step forward.

If Teng Shanhaidong watched the fire, he snorted and shouted: "When there is no order, I advise you not to make any small moves. If you dare to ignore the rules of the Holy Spirit Temple, you will die without knowing how to die!"

Real Huang Yang was frightened and stopped immediately.

Other Tai Xu and Zhan Dao, who also had careful thoughts, also stopped their movements.

Seeing this, Teng Shanhai softened his tone and said, "This seat knows what you want, but at the moment of the war, we don't seek merit, but no fault. If you really need you, you can do your best, so that even if you win If you don’t get the consecrated Daoji of the City of the Sky, you have done a lot of credit, and this seat can also help you apply to the Holy Spirit Temple, what you want most.”

As the head of the war department, Teng Shanhai is extremely methodical.

As expected, Thirteen Taixu and Twenty-seven Zhandao heard the words, and their eyes became hot.

Even if they knew that Teng Shanhai was suspected of drawing a big cake, they might have received basic verbal assurances, but they would always be like headless flies, which is better than nothing.

Forty people stopped all careful thinking, and began to look forward to the possible battle next.

Prosperity is easy to pass, and wartime is successful.

For them, being idle represents death, and only by devoting their lives to pursue the vague holy way can there be a glimmer of hope for detachment.


"Boom boom boom!"

The second wave of treasure torrents lasted for a full quarter of an hour before the destruction stopped.

Within the seventy-two Dragon Elemental Formation, the law enforcement officers were panting and sweating from exhaustion.

Some law enforcement officers in the Taoist realm of the throne cannot last until the last moment, and they are defeated in just half a while.

But the result is gratifying.

Treasure torrent, all intercepted.

"It's crazy!" Real Huang Yang looked at the law enforcement officers, his envy was beyond words.

"Yes, these treasures, even if there is no holy level, but most of them are second or third rank, and there are many first rank. It is difficult for me to imagine that other than the city of the sky, where can supply so many treasures." Tianling mother-in-law is also jealous. , couldn't stop sighing.

"In the city of the sky, there is definitely a holy Daoji!" Hong Dang, the hand of the dragon subduing, said bluntly.

The other Taixu and Zhandao behind him also nodded.

Perhaps in the past, everyone had the legend that the city of the sky had a holy Daoji, and adhered to the mentality of "believe in its existence rather than believe in its non-existence".

But today I saw these two waves of treasures with my own eyes, and I believed it!

For a quarter of an hour, there are tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of treasures. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, who would dare to believe it?

This wave of spray treasures is almost equal to the heritage of a Taixu family.

Rao Yaoyao doesn't care about these small details like other people. People with different visions have different ways of looking at things.


As long as it is not a saint, in Rao Yaoyao's eyes, it is always just a number.

"Hurry up and count it to see if there is any ghost or beast aura."

Rao Yaoyao sent the order down, and the law enforcement officers continued to carry out their tasks.

The vigil came out to host, and once the ghost hunting plate was used, everyone was familiar with the process, and the search work proceeded in an orderly manner.

Soon, the results will come out.

Like the last spray, there is nothing abnormal!

Rao Yaoyao fell into a long silence after receiving the result.

"Picture what?"

"What are they looking at?"

It's already the second wave of treasures.

It can be said that the two waves of treasures thrown from the island of Void Island have been worth the total income of the Holy Spirit Temple for two years.

Are the people on the island of Void Island crazy, and dare to send treasure like this?

Based on these completed formations, spirit swords, spirit pills, ancient books, etc. that can be used directly.

The major forces under the Holy Spirit Temple, as long as the resources are allocated, can raise their combat power to more than one level.

When the time comes to fight back, aren't they still injured?

After thinking hard to no avail, Rao Yaoyao waved his hand and ordered, "Let's go first."

She couldn't let the magistrate spend all of it here.

Maybe, the spray treasure is just hiding people's eyes and ears. Somewhere else, there is the layout of the island in the void island, and it is taking shape?

The seventy-two dragon formations withdrew, and the magistrate left.

Above the sky, only forty-two people remained.

"How is it?" Teng Shanhai looked over and asked in confusion.

Rao Yaoyao pondered for a long time before he said: "The soldiers will come to block, and the water will cover the soil. Now, this is the only way."

call out!

The voices of the two fell, and the crack of the Void Island suddenly made a small sound, and a stream of light shot out.


Teng Shanhai reacted quickly, his figure flickered, he met the streamer, and grabbed his hand fiercely.


A huge explosion exploded, and a magnificent wave of holy energy overflowed.

The expressions of everyone around them changed drastically.

This holy power is more than one level stronger than all the treasures just now.

"So strong!"

Teng Shanhai was knocked back more than ten meters by the streamer, and he barely managed to stabilize his body.

This is a black scale the size of a human face, with a ferocious aura inside, but the surface is full of brilliance, like a magnificent treasure, the pure black ink color is intoxicating.

What surprised Teng Shanhai the most was not the magnificent black scales themselves, but their terrifying attack power.

It blasts out with holy power.

But the holy power is obviously not an external force, but a built-in one.

At this moment, Teng Shanhai's Cang God Armor resisted the attack of the holy energy, but the black scales were inserted into his palm armor by virtue of its own hardness.

"These scales have broken the defense of the Cang God Armor?"

Not only was Teng Shanhai startled, but Rao Yaoyao was also stunned.

The Cang God Armor is a masterpiece of the Holy Spirit Temple and Taoist Ministry.

What Teng Shanhai wore was the most precious set of Cang Shen armor.

The cost of a complete set of Cang Shen armor is higher than that of a holy spirit weapon.

It can be said that, apart from the eye position and the only three seams on the body, a person wearing a full set of Cang Shen armor is almost an invincible existence below the semi-holy.

The holy power attack carried by the black scales, as long as there is no semi-sage control, this power, the complete set of Cang Shen armor, can be unloaded by just relying on its attached celestial array, without the host wasting excess energy.

This was also the reason why Teng Shanhai was repelled by dozens of meters—to unload the force.

But the most unbelievable thing still happened...

The attack of the black scales was blocked by Teng Shanhai, but only because of its hardness, the scales could finally be inserted into the palm armor.

The defense of the Cang Shen armor was broken!

The power of Taixu cannot break the defense of the Cang Shen armor.

A half-sage shot can ignore the defense of the Cang Shen armor.

But between the two, there is nothing in the world that can compare to the Cang Shen armor.

Now, there is actually something that can completely crush the Cang Shen armor at the level of "hardness"?

"Holy Treasure!" Real Huang Yang's eyes were red, and he cried out in horror.

"It must be a holy treasure if it can break through the defense of the Cang Shen armor!" Grandma Tianling was also staring at the black scales, as if she saw the Holy Daoji.

"Ignorance!" Dragon Subduing Hand Hong Dang scolded in a low voice.

He also had disbelief written all over his eyes, but he still opened his mouth to explain.

"Even if it is a holy treasure, it has to be manipulated by someone to break through the defense of the Cang God Armor, but these black scales are simply unowned. It may not be a holy treasure!"

Thirteen Taixu and Twenty-seven Zhandao's expressions changed.

Master Huang Yang turned his head and asked in surprise, "Do you mean 'not a holy treasure' or 'more than a holy treasure'?"

Hong Dang paused for a while, UU reading www.uukanshu.com looked at the black scales in Teng Shanhai's hand, and swallowed: "I mean, it should be 'more than holy treasures'!"

In an instant, everyone was in chaos.

Immortal Huang Yang subconsciously took a step forward.

Teng Shanhai suddenly looked cold and said, "Not only holy treasures? The things are in the hands of this seat, you have the courage to take them!"

With a hum, everyone calmed down.

This is the head of the war department, the cultivation base crushes everyone present, and a set of Cang Shen armor, even more, the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kills the Buddha.

Rao Yaoyao stepped forward and took off the black scales from Teng Shanhai's palm. The more he looked at it, the more his heart palpitated.

"Can you see some way?" Teng Shanhai asked, "This thing doesn't seem to be artificially refined. It doesn't have any secrets, but it is full of Dao charm. It should be a natural treasure."

Rao Yaoyao raised her head, her pupils trembled, she shook her head and whispered: "This is not a natural treasure, this is just a scale on the Demon Emperor Black Dragon!"

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