I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 935: 1 hit, instant kill!

The powerful blow that contained the power of Taixu exploded with a bang when everyone was caught off guard.

For Vigil, this can be regarded as a violent catharsis after being suppressed to the extreme.

From the smell of ghosts and beasts accidentally smelled at the gate of the main mansion of Tiansang City, to the unexpected appearance of Xu Xiaoshou, the vigil let Xin Gugu go...

From the back garden of the city lord's mansion, that is, the unexpected time of the sea of ​​​​flowers, Vigil felt the power of ghosts and beasts, and when Xu Xiaoshou appeared unexpectedly, Vigil was deceived by rhetoric and thought that Xu Xiaoshou was the great hero of slaying ghosts and beasts...

From the birth of the White Cave Yan Python, Vigil noticed it for the first time, and accidentally met Xu Xiaoshou. He finally gave birth to the heart of solicitation, and even gave away the ownership of the famous sword Yan Python for this...

From the Lijian Prairie of the White Cave, Vigil learned the Slave Sleeveless incarnation of Xu Xiaoshou, who did not receive olive branches, and brought terrifying damage to everyone's mind and body...

When the small world of the White Cave was shattered, Vigil once again caught Xu Xiaoshou's real body, and was only a short distance away from arresting him. Lose…

So many surprises!

So many coincidences!

After coming down again and again this time, Vigil could not remember how he was played by Xu Xiaoshou.

He understands that the two sides have different positions, and in the future, he may not be able to really take the ghost Xu Xiaoshou in his mind.

So now!

When Xu Xiaoshou tried to become someone else again, and dared to confuse Rao Jianxian and other hundreds of law enforcement officers in front of him, Vigil couldn't bear it anymore.

"There have been so many opportunities in front of me, but I failed to seize it... This last time, even if I die, I will never let Xu Xiaoshou escape!"

This is the only thought of the vigil at the moment.

At the moment when the "hand of slaying the sky" was sacrificed, Vigil could see the confusion of hundreds of law enforcement officers behind him, Wang Dazhui's hesitation, and Rao Jianxian's sway...

But as a visitor, Vigil can know better that no matter how beautiful Xu Xiaoshou's disguise is, he is afraid that others will force it.

In essence, Xu Xiaoshou was just a master.

He has a lot of strange things, but he is afraid of the arrogant!

The vigil has been a thinker so many times...

This time, he is willing to be the sword in Rao Jianxian's hand!

If he failed, he took action against a different radical, and he would die.

If it succeeded, Rao Jianxian didn't have to hesitate about whether the person at hand was a real person. The vigil was more able to fulfill his wish and took Xu Xiaoshou down.

Maybe Xu Xiaoshou is dragging time...

Maybe Rao Jianxian is also waiting for bigger fish to take the bait...

But the vigil is afraid of accidents!

There are too many surprises in Xu Xiaoshou, he is afraid that if he really tells this kid again, Rao Jianxian will lose his original idea and really believe that kid's nonsense!

For this reason, forcing a shot will break the possible layout of Rao Jianxian, so what's the harm?

"The taste of being deceived, the old man has tasted it for you so many times, you, there is no need to experience it yourself..."

The moment the dark realm swept across the audience and sealed everyone's six senses, the "hand of killing the heavens" descended from the sky, and went straight to where Xu Xiaoshou was.

Vigil's forcible action this time, not only shocked the seniors among the law enforcement officers such as Rao Yaoyao and Wang Dazhui, but also frightened Xu Xiaoshou to the point of numbness.


"That **** fool!"

Xu Xiaoshou almost scolded.

Vigil is obviously a good person. He has chosen to cooperate with himself so many times before and become a "wise man". Why is this time he is more impulsive than Wang Dazhui, and he does not even give a chance to take a shot?

"The Hand of Execution" cannot help but be suppressed...

Xu Xiaoshou knew that he had no time to think.

But he pretended to be different, after all, it was just a flash of inspiration, forming an attempt to delay time without any hope.

It is a great surprise to have achieved such an achievement that people are now in doubt and entanglement.

Xu Xiaoshou had a second plan for a long time—the second plan after the failure of pretending to be different, the second plan after being attacked by the reckless husband!

The "Hand of Execution" that descended from the sky contained the mighty power of Taixu.

Although I don't understand why Vigil is slashing the Dao and mastering the power of Taixu, I don't have time to think about it now.

Xu Xiaoshou could feel the aura of "vastness", "justice" and "killing evil" from it. He understood that this power of emptiness was not like the mysterious "ghost energy" like Yi Na.

This kind of "awe-inspiring righteousness" is a pure attack method, and it is the most direct positive output!

But at the same time, it is also an energy attack... Xu Xiaoshou only catches the shortcomings.


The dark realm shrouded everyone, closing off the six senses of all the law enforcement officers on the cliff.

Except that the vigil alone could see Xu Xiaoshou's position, even Rao Yaoyao, who was caught off guard by the vigil, could not spy on the abnormal movements in the realm.

This is exactly the opportunity that Xu Xiaoshou saw.

After he disappeared, "One Step to the Sky" shifted his position, but instead of avoiding the full-strength attack of Vigil, he met the "Hand of Execution" that descended from the sky!

That dazzling blaze almost blinded Xu Xiaoshou's eyes when it suddenly approached.

But the "disappearance technique" can be seen by oneself, but can't be attacked by the opposite side, and can penetrate any entity and energy by oneself.

It was impossible for Xu Xiaoshou to let this "hand of slaying the sky" pass through him and blast towards Lei Xi'er and Ye Xiaotian below.

This blow may not be able to kill Ye Xiaotian, but it will definitely make him frightened and shoot, and then involve the outbreak of a full-scale war on Guyin Cliff.

Therefore, you can only leave it to yourself to quickly resolve the battle.


Without any hesitation, Xu Xiaoshou displayed the "transformation" awakening technique behind him, a ferocious red gluttonous beast head that could devour any energy.


In the disappearing state, this gluttonous beast head is consuming Xu Xiaoshou's own spiritual energy with great consumption, but it is also in the same "disappearance" state where all traces have been erased in this world, and cannot attack automatically. To the "hand of killing the sky" on the top of the head.

"Partially gone!"

Of course Xu Xiaoshou didn't think of this, he changed it to only show a little skin on his fingers.

This is not even one-tenth the size of a fingernail, and it will not make people realize that after he disappears, there is another ability that Xu Shaoxu once showed - the ability to swallow.

But it is the appearance and disappearance of this skin that is linked to the real world.

The gluttonous beast behind him moved his big tongue hanging down, as if he had smelled some extremely delicious food, and rushed forward.


Swallow it!

That dazzling white giant bare hand was swallowed by a full third!

Xu Xiaoshou only felt that the sea of ​​qi was pouring into a majestic and pure energy, overflowing in an instant, filling all the muscles and cells in the body.

He couldn't help but straighten his back, his eyes turned white, and he almost lost all consciousness from the comfort. All the connected actions were interrupted, and only an invisible and seductive moan was emitted.


In the dark world, only the vigil, who is the master of the realm, can see and hear.

But he saw that the little girl Yi suddenly disappeared under Zhu Tianzhi, and he didn't know where she went, which was very similar to Xu Xiaoshou's ability.

After a short while, there was a little flesh-colored speck under the "hand of slaying the sky".

The next second that this little spot appeared, the "hand of killing the sky" was broken open from the middle, as if it had been bitten by a huge beast of ancient times.

It's not over yet!

The "hand of killing the sky" was inexplicably broken, and a male moan suddenly came from the void, and that extremely refreshing moan made everyone numb at the vigil.


what's the situation?

The vigil even thought of the saint slave storyteller at this moment.

The first time in the White Cave, when he used "Awesome Righteousness" to deal with the storyteller, a large part of the reason was that he couldn't bear the storyteller's sissy voice.

Now, the "Hand of Execution" reappears, and there are such terrifying moans.

This is…

inevitable accompaniment?



On the opposite side, what ability did you use to break your "hand of slaying the sky" so easily?

This doesn't look like Xu Xiaoshou's ability...

"Disgusted, passive value, +1."

"Suspected, passive value, +1."

Damn it!

God **** it!

After he woke up from that call, Xu Xiaoshou almost didn't dig a hole in the ground to bury himself.

What he hated even more was that he had never eaten such a majestic and pure power of Taixu before, so he couldn't understand how terrifying the sequelae was, so he couldn't hold back for the first time.

There has been a "breathing method" tune... um, training, Xu Xiaoshou's endurance is already extraordinary.

But it was just after this extreme relaxation that Xu Xiaoshou regained consciousness when he "perceived" in horror that the gluttonous beast head behind him wanted to "eat a meal" after a full meal!

And he, obviously too late to stop.


Xu Xiaoshou's inner thought was that he didn't dare to let it "swallow" any more.

The energy that was directly transformed by the energy that just swallowed has almost cracked him, causing his body to explode and die.

If he swallowed it again, Xu Xiaoshou would be able to "self-destruct" on the Guyin Cliff without waiting for Vigil to continue to shoot.

But the idea of ​​Nian Nian wanting to stop it is not bad. When Xu Xiaoshou reacts, when Si Nian turns off this terrifying awakening skill...

Delicious, I have already swallowed two mouthfuls in a row!



Nothing unexpected happened.

The "Hand of Execution", which gradually disintegrated the entity due to the out-of-control energy, turned into pure feedback and returned to Xu Xiaoshou's belly.

"The method of breathing, huh!"

"Call me!!"

Xu Xiaoshou's eyes were about to split, and he no longer closed the pores, but opened them fully, and suddenly excreted the excess force from the body.

The "Breathing Method" of the Throne lv.1 level was always suppressed by Xu Xiaoshou on weekdays, keeping it in a "half-closed state".

Otherwise, with every breath, he would drain the aura of the nearby heaven and earth.

Even if he didn't shrink the pores all over his body, after one step, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth would wrap him into a cocoon.

Now, this basic passive skill is no longer suppressed, and the "Breathing Method" can be opened up.

In an instant, the last two mouthfuls of gigantic spiritual energy that poured into the body because of "feasting" were vented out of the body surface.


Xu Xiaoshou's heart finally loosened, and he could clearly notice that a thick layer of blood scab had formed on the surface of his body.

This is a phenomenon caused by the cracking and bleeding of the body surface caused by the terrifying spiritual energy entering the body. After the "breathing method" solved the problem, it was repaired by passive throne skills such as "rebirth" and "transformation".

Well, the injury is recovering faster than expected...

Besides, I'm the only one who farts all over the world while fighting...

After Xu Xiaoshou thought in fear, his body had already followed the route of travel, and suddenly fell to the desired landing position before the action.

The aura transformed from the pure Taixu energy spurted out, forming a dense fog mass in the void, and even condensed a fine aura in an instant.

This spiritual liquid dripped down.

Vigil was stunned, and suddenly felt his cheeks wet.

He suddenly woke up!

Although I don't know how the other party solved the "hand of killing the sky", these visions around me are nothing more than reminding myself...

The enemy has come to our side!

Suddenly turned back.

At this moment, Vigil saw the little girl behind him who was smiling, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Yes, Xu Xiaoshou was so fast that after finishing the "hand of killing the sky" in an instant, he fell directly behind Vigil, who was defenseless and even felt that a single blow could cause great damage to the enemy!

"Senior, I want to apologize to you in advance.

"But this time it's you who made the first move. You can't blame me. After all, I still want to live..."

As Xu Xiaoshou said that, he turned his body to the left and raised his right foot.

Vigil turned around suddenly, staring at the little girl in horror, sweaty all over her body.

Because the voice that the other party appeared this time was no longer the lovely Lolita voice, but the voice of Xu Xiaoshou, who was very familiar to him.

This caused his thoughts to be forcibly stopped for a while...

You are indeed Xu Xiaoshou!

At the same time as he understood all of this, Vigil was unconsciously tense.

This is the natural reaction of the body when it is stimulated by death that may exist from the outside world - Xu Xiaoshou has lifted his foot!

"Xu Xiaoshou, the body of the throne!

"Even if I am in the realm of Slashing Dao, without the Holy Body and only the Spiritual Body Protection, if I force a melee blow from him, I will definitely be seriously injured!"

Vigil reacted quickly, and these thoughts flashed through his mind.

Then, he directly mobilized the power of the realm, and his figure was about to be integrated into the avenue.


Xu Xiaoshou let out a long sigh.

Vigil was under a strong attack, and he didn't think he would be approached at all, and if all of his temporary reactions had to be done under his own eyes...

Xu Xiaoshou, how could it be possible for the other party to really complete it?

There is no half-point fluctuation of spiritual essence...

Without any external support...

There are no other trivial actions that will cause the time to stretch and give the enemy a reaction...

One kick!

Just a whip!

After Xu Xiaoshou leaned his body sideways, with a full-strength kick, just before the vigil was about to disappear into the heavens, he suddenly pulled it out and slammed it into the space in front of him.

He has deliberately controlled it, not directly cutting off Vigil's slender waist.

But even so…


Under this blow, the void was in shock wave form, shattering inch by inch.

The speed of the collapse was so fast that the shattered space shattered from the edge of Guyin Cliff to the sea of ​​clouds between Guyin Cliff.

The vigil was miscalculated.

He thought that Xu Xiaoshou was the body of the throne, so even if he carried a little damage in front of him, he could take a moment to escape into the avenue.

But Xu Xiaoshou is not the body of the throne!

He is the "strengthening", "anti-shock", "toughness", "sharpness" of the throne level...and so on.

This passive skill was inconspicuous when he was in Tiansang Linggong, inconspicuous in the White Cave, and inconspicuous when he was in Dongtianwangcheng, because of Xu Shao's identity, he couldn't use it, so he was inconspicuous.

but now!

On the premise that UU reading www.uukanshu.com does not want to conceal his identity in front of the vigil, Xu Xiaoshou burst out again...

This is already dozens or hundreds of times the strongest combat power of the young junior in Vigil's impression!

"Boom boom boom..."

The roar of space fragmentation faded away in the ears.

While the afterimage of the vigil was shattered in place, the alien invasion was sensed between Guyinya and the sea of ​​clouds, and a burst of dazzling light flickered.

After that, the vigil was full of scars and flesh and blood, unable to resist even the slightest bit, so it was blocked by the forbidden law enchantment, and it fell straight down and disappeared.

One hit, instant kill!

Between lightning and flint, Vigil shot, Vigil was frightened, Vigil disappeared.

At this time, the dark realm that sealed everyone's six senses began to shatter... The time before and after, but only a few breaths.


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