I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 936: 0-level boundary locks Huangquan, shocking 4 time and space!

It's over, it's over?

At the moment when the dark realm shattered, Ye Xiaotiancong recovered from a state of jaw-dropping.

He had just reacted from the raid on the vigil...

He just got the answer from his thinking, "It may be different, it may be Xu Xiaoshou, but in any case, it is the enemy on the opposite side, and the enemy of the enemy is a friend, and I should help out"...

He just wanted to use the "Lord of All Realms" to help the "transformer" with a high probability of being Xu Xiaoshou to solve the troubles in the realm of the throne...

But the power of the "Lord of All Realms" in the space realm has not yet been condensed, and the dark realm is broken!

The six senses are closed, and it is only a few breaths of time.

Ye Xiaotian thought that within these few breaths, because of his hesitation, Xu Xiaoshou was beheaded by Vigil.

However, when his vision returned to clarity, he could only see the position where the vigil was standing just now, and there was that little girl standing bent over, reaching out and wiping the toe of her shoes.

There is still blood on the toe...

Ye Xiaotian: ? ? ?


This is absolutely impossible!

If it is the difference between the peak of Taixu, Ye Xiaotian can understand the vigil of Zhan Dao in an instant.

But his speculation was that the little girl was more likely to be Xu Xiaoshou.

In this way, how could Xu Xiaoshou, who was in the master realm, make the vigil of the Dao Slash realm evaporate on the spot in such a short period of time?

Ye Xiaotian suddenly had a guess, and glanced at the back without leaving a trace, that was the direction of the sea of ​​clouds between Guyin Cliffs.

"He, used the 'forbidden enchantment'?"

"Suspicious, passive value, +1."

In the void, there are still traces of space being broken and repaired, and the traces extend straight to the sea of ​​clouds between the cliffs, and then disappear.

It is difficult for outsiders to detect, but Ye Xiaotian has mastered the throne of the profound meaning of space, and he can naturally perceive that these are all newly formed spaces.

"He just used the 'forbidden enchantment'!"

Hearing this, Ye Xiaotian calmed down.

It is not entirely impossible that Xu Xiaoshou, who is the body of the throne, used the "forbidden law enchantment" to bury the Taoist Vigil in a very short time.

This judgment verified Ye Xiaotian's thoughts, and it also testified that the little girl was different and was still her own.

Ye Xiaotian then secretly erased the traces of the brand-new space left in the void, so as to avoid Rao Yaoyao and others from discovering the abnormality of the "forbidden enchantment". After all, this was the last escape in his mind.

At this time, Ye Xiaotian only sighed in his heart:

"I just told him about the 'forbidden enchantment'...

"He was still grabbed the first move, and was covered by the Night Watch Realm first. However, in the case of a late attack, he can still do it in an instant, even if it borrows the power of the 'Forbidden Formation'...

"Xu Xiaoshou, have you grown up to this point?"

"Sighed, passive value, +1."

"Stunned, passive, +102."

the other side.

"What about the vigil?"

The darkness faded, and Wang Dazhui almost jumped up in shock.

In such a few breaths, he was shrouded in darkness, and he hadn't had time to find the direction to locate the situation on the battlefield.

See you again, the night watchman is gone?

"You..." Wang Dazhui stared blankly at the little girl who had returned to his feet, only to feel that the other party was hiding something that could threaten his own life.

At this time, he had no idea whether the other party was an enemy or a friend.

It was because Vigil's move angered Yi, and Yi ended the opponent.

Or did Xu Xiaoshou set up an ambush in secret, included Vigil's move into the scope of prediction, and used some special ability to make Vigil disappear on the spot?

Regardless of speculation...

How can a slashing road disappear out of thin air and die instantly?

This is ridiculous!

Wang Dazhui was suddenly horrified.

This is a thriller from the unknown, not because of the strength of the enemy.

He looked at Rao Yaoyao, trying to get an answer.

"You're not a stranger, you're Xu Xiaoshou..." Rao Yaoyao muttered to himself, his voice faint.

In her equally dazed eyes, when she saw the little girl standing up and looking at her, she had become more determined.

"Different, I won't shoot against my own people!"

Vigil's sudden attack was indeed far beyond Rao Yaoyao's expectations.

She was waiting before.

She is also willing to take the time to cooperate with the "different" tricks on the other side.

These, in the final analysis, are all dragging time.

As if the other side was dragging time, Rao Yaoyao also wanted to wait for a bigger fish to take the bait.

But Rao Yaoyao knew the last bottom line in his heart - no matter what the speculation or the outcome, now these people, when it's time, can't let any of them go!

Since the other party may like to act, she is willing to follow the other party's rhythm and experience it personally. When she is in such a situation, what decision will she make.

This is a brand new experience, just like her swordsmanship and heart refining.

But what Vigil thought was different from her.

What Vigil was afraid of was that Rao Yaoyao was really led away by the other party, she really believed what the other party said, and finally became the "Second Night Watch", so she chose to take action and forcibly interrupt these processes.

Rao Yaoyao could see the intention of the vigil.

The reason why she didn't stop her subordinates from attacking was because she felt that it was almost enough.

One saint slave Xu Xiaoshou may not be enough, but adding another Yu Gu, it has greatly exceeded the expectations before the action.

But the vigil was shot, and when she hadn't moved, the vigil was gone in the next second...

This situation seems a little serious!

No one could have predicted that Zhan Dao Vigil would be swept away by the enemy in an instant.

The key is that Vigil is not an ordinary slasher, he is one of the first batch of testers in the Holy Spirit Temple, and he has mastered the power of Taixu, "Heroes and Righteousness".

If you really want to die, that's fine.

But the vigil has evaporated from the world and disappeared! ,

If this is really taken by the saint slave, under the interrogation of the soul, the secret of the Holy Temple may not be able to be kept.

At this time, Rao Yaoyao could no longer remain calm.

Her state at the moment is like watching a very wonderful trick of changing the living in the world. This should make people applaud, but if the lost living person is her own, and when the life and death are unknown...

Who can laugh?

The good show started, but he somehow became an actor, fell into the rhythm of the opposite juggler, and had to cooperate with the performance like a puppet...

Who can stand this?

The big fish was never caught, but the rod was the first to break...

Which fisherman can continue to wait indifferently?

Rao Yaoyao's expression softened, her brows and eyes were already a little dark, she raised her hand slightly, her red lips slightly parted, and she couldn't help but spit out a word.


Can't wait any longer.

If you wait any longer, as Vigil said, the situation will be completely controlled by a young man.

And now, the situation is moving towards the worst situation step by step, and only by forcing a shot can we break this deadlock!

Hundreds of law enforcement officers behind him got the order, looked solemn, and shouted in unison.


The murderous aura of the sky soared into the sky.

Then, under the horrified gazes of Ye Xiaotian, Lei Xi'er and others, the thrones, Zhan Dao, Tai Xu, and others swung their hands to their sides in the same way, and the Qi Hai Ling Yuan couldn't help but fully bloom.

"Boundary, open!"

"Boundary, open!"

"Boundary, open!!!"

Hundreds of people shouted in unison.

In an instant, colorful rays of light drowned the entire Guyin Cliff.

But in just a moment, with the roaring sound, layers of boundaries have risen from the ground, covering everyone in this place, like a nest of dolls, completely blocking everyone's retreat.

Hundred layers of realms suddenly arise!

"Frightened, passive value, +1."

Not to mention Lei Xi'er, Ye Xiaotian, etc. Rao was Xu Xiaoshou, who had just kicked away the vigil, and was shocked by the spectacular scene at the scene.

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, light, dark, wind, thunder and ice...

Xu Xiaoshou had never seen such a complete range of major attribute realms in his life, generated in front of him.

He never imagined that there would be such a day when he provoked hundreds of thrones at the same time, and at the same time was overwhelmed by the realm of hundreds of thrones!

It's just...

There is no escape, there is no escape!

And when such a crisis situation comes, he has not grown to the throne realm with even the lowest coping means, but is only a master...

Well, strictly speaking, the celestial realm.

I'm numb!

Xu Xiaoshou looked at the layers of boundaries above his head, and his mentality was about to collapse.

He was grumbling about why he had dragged on for so long, and still no support had come.

Did he make a mistake in his judgment? The idea that guided him to Guyinya was not his own, but an enemy he had never met before.

Fortunately, Xu Xiaoshou never pinned all his hopes on others.

From the moment he kicked the vigil, he had already thought of the worst outcome—the worst, but the current scene!

"If you want to do something with the law enforcement officer, you will definitely not be able to keep your identity.

"So, do you want to make a fat man with a swollen face and wear this meaningless vest until death, or show your true body and completely face the enemy?"


Xu Xiaoshou has already formulated the "third plan"!

"Ha ha."

At the critical moment, Xu Xiaoshou suppressed the impending tremor of his calf, and in the midst of all the attention, he slightly opened the corner of his mouth, smiled sarcastically, and raised his voice:

"This seat has already given you the opportunity to deceive yourself, but Naihe's waiting is useless, and he has repeatedly challenged this seat's bottom line...

"Note, curiosity killed the cat!"

The voice that appeared again from the little girl's mouth became neither male nor female, very neutral.

The ethereal charm, the special tremolo technique that drifted down from all directions, evolved into an image of a sleeping boss who was finally awakened by anger.

This voice is a little familiar... Some of the law enforcement officers around are vigilant, and feel that this kind of voice seems to have been heard somewhere.

Rao Yaoyao's next move was also interrupted, and she looked at the little girl in a different direction, and the next second, her complexion changed sharply.

"Attracted attention, passive value, +144."

Amidst all the attention, Xu Xiaoshou's figure began to wriggle again.

This time, his height was raised, and the clothes on his body were no longer simple, but turned into a gorgeous and extravagant golden color.

A large hood was put on his head.

There was a golden mask on his face.

On his back, a knife and a sword were also crossed, and they were all entangled by the sealing belt.

The knife is a Tang knife, and the sword is a long sword!

As soon as this very eye-catching image appeared, all the actions of thrones, slashing, and even Taixu were frightened to a halt, and shocking expressions appeared on their faces.

Wang Dachui was stunned.

Rao Yaoyao's eyes also seemed to have lost focus.

"Ye Wang, Huang Quan?"

"Suspected, passive value, +144."

Rao Shi fell on the edge of Guyin Cliff and was trapped in the realm of hundreds of thrones. Ye Xiaotian and Lei Xier, who had aroused vigilance and response, were also shocked beyond words.

Ye Xiaotian performed very badly.

At this time, he even had goose bumps all over his body, and he was so frightened that his soul fell to the ground when Huang Quan, who was perfectly reproduced and even had the same breath, appeared on the stage.

Since returning to the Hidden Heaven Sangling Palace, Ye Xiaotian has made a total of two shots with all his strength.

For the first time, he was interrupted by the first masked man of the saint slave, the eight Zungan who later learned his identity.

The second time, in the Yunlun Mountains, he was caught by the King of Hell, Huangquan, and was tortured to the point of being unable to take care of himself.

It can be said that these two people left a deep impression in Ye Xiaotian's heart, making him dare not say that the world is invincible even if the profound meaning of space is complete, and even dare not show up with a more flamboyant behavior.

Ye Xiaotian knew very well that there were many crises in this world. Before he cut the Dao, the profound meaning of space was also an ant.

Therefore, now this Huang Quan suddenly appeared, even if he knew that it might be fake, the impact of this image on him can be imagined.

Tears on the other side were filled with collapse and disbelief.

In the battle between Xu Xiaoshou and Vigil, because the six senses were closed, outsiders couldn't see it at all, but Lei Xi'er was not included.

Her **** and demon pupils are high in the dark realm of Vigil, so she can naturally see that Vigil was kicked off the bottom of Guyin cliff by Xu Xiaoshou.

Therefore, under the premise of knowing Xu Xiaoshou's true identity, Lei Xier's "Yellow Spring debut" this time, although she still wants to maintain her newly established high-cold image, but now she can't hold back at all, and there is nothing left in her heart. An idea:

How dare he?

A supernatural power has fooled the magistrate so far, Xu Xiaoshou must have racked his brains and used all kinds of poor information to catch the opponent by surprise.

Lei Xi'er replaced her with her body, knowing that if she were to be herself, she would definitely be exposed if she didn't say three words.

Xu Xiaoshou has done his best!

But right now, at this moment of all kinds of danger, why did he dare to become Huang Quan?

Are you kidding?

This identity, even if you don't need to speak, will definitely be exposed after Rao Yaoyao is surprised!

What's wrong with the identity of "Xu Xiaoshou", because he has been cursed so much that he doesn't dare to use it at all, right?


"Huang, Quan?"

Sure enough, after Rao Yaoyao was surprised, the corners of her lips twitched, and her eyes became more mocking: "Xu Xiaoshou, you are so unexpected, this is so interesting."

Rao Yaoyao was really amused.

She had never seen such an interesting person who would do anything to delay time.

Huang Quan didn't dare to appear in front of him alone!

If Xu Xiaoshou really got the imitator and changed, what ability can he imitate, and can he inherit Huang Quan's time and space attributes?


Rao Yaoyao didn't want to pay attention to this pretender at all. She turned her eyes and met the silver-haired woman not far away.

Among the three people present, only Yu Gu, the Tears family, has the greatest value and is most worthy of his own shot.


With an order, the law enforcement officers behind him stood up and invoked the power of the realm one after another.

The power of hundreds of realms, in various colors and in different forms, is about to shoot down the "Yellow Spring" that pretends to be a ghost.

During this time, Rao Yaoyao took his sword and flew alone in the direction of Lei Xi'er.

Lei Xi'er's pupils trembled, and she didn't care to curse Xu Xiaoshou in her heart, so she subconsciously used the power of "God and Demon Eyes" to attack.

At this moment, the critical moment that cannot be sent...


A sigh, wafting out of the void, contained countless helplessness, and seemed to be complaining about why the world didn't believe it.

After that, everything in the world seemed to be delayed.

The power condensed in the Hundred Layers Realm is slow~www.readwn.com~ The silhouette of Rao Yaoyao flying away is slow, the air suddenly becomes quiet, and only the sound of rustling wind is delayed. Weird sound.

Click twice.

Rao Yaoyaoyu's neck seemed to have more gears that suddenly rusted, and it was very difficult to turn her head back.

With just one glance, she saw Huang Quan, who was pretending to be a ghost. He shook his head slightly, and raised his right hand. The remaining four fingers of his right hand were slightly raised, and only the **** was lightly tapped in the void.

And the void, with this as the center, opened up a circle of ripples that were hard to see with the naked eye. This ripple enveloped everyone on the edge of the cliff, and it was the culprit that slowed everyone down.

Rao Yaoyao's thoughts seemed to be as long as a century before he felt a boundless shock in his heart.

"Time... time... late... slow?"


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