I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 937: Stealing the sky and changing the sun, Xu Xiaoshou, the source of all evil, the **** an

That's right!

It's "time lag"!

When Xu Xiaoshou, who incarnated into Huangquan, pointed in the void, and used the moment of "time is slow", even he was surprised.

But after the surprise, more, it is relieved.

After he cut Yi and won the imitator, Xu Xiaoshou also read the real usage of the imitator from Yi's soul memory:

First, the ever-changing ability is the basic ability.

Second, those who have seen, recorded, and have the same attributes can easily imitate one or two percent of the ability of the imitated object, but the effect is minimal.

Third, if you want to further imitate the attributes and abilities of others, you must first obtain the blood of others and inherit their attributes, so as to exert a minimum of 70% and a maximum of 100% of the imitation ability.

These prerequisites…

To be honest, Xu Xiaoshou didn't like it!

In terms of ever-changing, he has "changes", and the two are completely homogenous.

As for obtaining other attributes through "blood", Xu Xiaoshou does not need it, he now knows that he is actually "all attributes".

The imitators most admired by Xu Xiaoshou are only the learning ability that suits his kind of special person—everyone who has seen, recorded, and possessed this attribute can use it!

This, after getting imitators, Xu Xiaoshou has already verified it successfully.

When he transformed into Mu Xiaogong, and when he used the wood ability, he did not get the blood of the younger sister.

But because the wood attribute is the basic attribute, it is very easy to get started.

The full-attribute Xu Xiaoshou easily imitated the image of an acquaintance "Mu Xiaogong", and through the imitator's attribute blessing, he used the wood ability that had never been used before, and successfully produced a small wooden pot and a small wooden shovel. and other toys.

He turned into a different person, and when he fooled the law enforcement officers, he did not get the blood of the different.

But "soul reading" is too different, Xu Xiaoshou's understanding of different moves is much more than what he can get by sacrificing a drop of blood to imitators.

The "spiritual shock" and other moves that consume 10% of the energy, Xu Xiaoshou uses it with nearly 100% of the power. In just an instant, his own exhaustion is "transformed" + "endless" + "full of vitality". Combination, restore at once.

Now imitating Huang Quan...

To be honest, Xu Xiaoshou had only seen Huang Quan a few times.

The real time to see Huang Quan's use of his abilities was when the other party slapped the dean.

After all, the entry threshold for time and space attributes is too high. Xu Xiaoshou has made certain psychological preparations. He thought that imitating Huang Quan's space ability would be fine, but imitating time ability would be hindered to some extent.

But right now, he used the "time delay" without any delay, and the power is not weak...

Do not!

Not only weak!

Judging from the situation charged in the audience, this is already considered "a bit strong"!

Xu Xiaoshou was quickly relieved, because he thought of the precondition that he not only had all attributes, but also had countless knowledge deposited in the dust of memory earlier.

He doesn't know anything about "time".

Among the kendo understandings similar to the nine major swordsmanships brought by "sword mastery", there is an ability analysis based on the first realm of fantasy swordsmanship, "time and space transition".

These things are not formed "space-time jumps", so Xu Xiaoshou cannot use them directly, but they contain the basic knowledge of combining to form "space-time jumps".

Among these basic knowledge, the understanding of time and space attributes occupies most of them.

"Textile proficient" textile is not only the secret, but also the human body's muscles and bones, the growth texture of all things, the rules of heaven and earth, and so on.

These basic knowledge, too, have not evolved into something that can be directly used.

But two of the "Rules of Textile World Avenue" include the basic knowledge of "time" and "space" rules.

Except for these mastery passive skills that have grown to the throne level and brought a lot of experience.

When Xu Xiaoshou dreamed of obtaining the power of innate attributes in the past, the "first stone of Taoism" that he had studied in boredom also contained the foundation of all attributes between heaven and earth.

Among them, there are also "time", "space"...

It is precisely because of the precipitation of these basic knowledge that Xu Xiaoshou does not know how to use it at the end of the day, but when the time comes, he can accumulate a lot.

Just like the moment he got the Origin Stone of Space, he immediately realized the basic ability to use the Way of Space, and through this, he obtained the ability to break through the Throne Realm, which is composed of space nodes, and then steal the plane to cross.

The imitator, in the hands of Yi, is a weapon for killers and spies.

In Xu Xiaoshou's hands, it has become a learning machine that enhances attribute functions. Wherever he can't imitate, he can become proficient with his abilities.

So now!

In front of Rao Yaoyao and other law enforcement officers, he used "time delay" to successfully control everyone.

After Xu Xiaoshou was pleasantly surprised, the only feeling was: the person who lost his memory suddenly remembered some memories and successfully showed them to the world, that's all.

Of course, the surprise was in his heart, and Xu Xiaoshou never showed it at all.

His face is still incomparably indifferent, even with a mask covering it, he is very good at maintaining the demeanor of the king of hell.

Don't be frightened by humiliation, calm down.


two breaths...

Three Breaths…

Just when Rao Yaoyao and the others felt that a century had passed, in fact only a few breaths had passed, Xu Xiaoshou was keenly aware of the change in his Qi Hai Ling Yuan.

It takes so little effort to maintain "time is slow", and his anger is almost bottomed out!

Even the "full vitality" and "transformation" driven by the "endless life" run together, some can't bear the consumption!

This motherfucker... Xu Xiaoshou wanted to scold her.

But he was not surprised, his body slowly floated up, and in the air, he folded the space to form a translucent high-backed throne, and then he knelt in the air and slowly sat down.


Like the sound of water droplets falling, Xu Xiaoshou tapped again in the void with his fingertips, ripples spread in the radius, and the flow of time returned to normal.

At this time, the information bar started to pop up like crazy.

"Stunned, passive, +132."

"Awe, passive, +121."

"Suspected, passive, +18."


When Xu Xiaoshou saw this number, he said in his heart that when I became an alien, you were madly suspicious of me, but now I have become an even more unscientific king of hell, Huang Quan, and I only showed a little preliminary use of the time attribute, so you are scared of this. like?

He was calm on the surface, and through his masked eyes, there was a bit of a joke that belonged to a big boss - learned from Huang Quan's demeanor when he beat Ye Xiaotian.

Then, he leaned on the armrest of the space throne with his elbows, and crossed his fingers under his jaw. He looked at the people below, tilted his head and said with a light smile:

"Is it still interesting?"

This sound was Xu Xiaoshou's first reaction when he mocked Rao Yaoyao when he saw him turn into Huang Quan.

This is impossible!

This is absolutely impossible!

Although Rao Yaoyao's thoughts could not stop popping up in her mind, the power of time displayed by Huang Quan who suddenly appeared still could not make her ignore it.

He is so calm, so skilled...

His attitude of staring down at the people below is so confident, so sure...

Rao Yaoyao flashed many thoughts in his mind in an instant.

She thought of the vigil, thought of the vigil's exhortation, and then speculated that this was the change of the saint slave Xu Xiaoshou.


The power of time, how to explain?

Xu Xiaoshou can imitate Wang Chao and Yi, and Rao Yaoyao does not doubt these.

Because Wang Chao didn't know what happened during the coma, he died at the opponent's hands, and there was blood to activate the imitator, which was very reasonable.

But Huang Quan, it's outrageous!

Even if Xu Xiaoshou gets an imitator, he must have the blood of the King of Hell, Huangquan, in order to imitate the time attribute, right?

Has he contacted Huang Quan?


How could the saint slave Xu Xiaoshou have an intersection with Huangquan, the king of hell? Not to mention that in a short period of time after getting the imitator, he will get the blood of the other party!

Huang Quan got Xu Xiaoshou's blood, and it was almost the same!

So, when all impossible reasonings are ruled out, the only answer that remains, no longer outrageous, is the truth.

Well, the truth is...

Rao Yaoyao's lips twitched, and with an unbelievable look, she raised her eyes to the golden-robed masked man sitting in the air.

"Is he really Huang Quan?"

This is even more outrageous!

It's outrageous, it's outrageous, his father opened the door for outrageous, and it's outrageous to come home!

"It is absolutely impossible for him to be Huang Quan, otherwise, how can I explain my previous inferences?

"But if he is not Huang Quan, who else has the power of time in this continent?

"It's not so, it's free hatred, right?"

Rao Yaoyao forced herself, who couldn't calm down, to calm down, but she still couldn't calm down, and frantically contributed passive points to the opponent.

"Subject to speculation, passive value, +1."

"Suspected, passive value, +1."

"Recognized, passive value, +1."

Xu Xiaoshou snickered at the contradictory information.

You are only one vigil away from the truth. Unfortunately, he is now at the bottom of the cliff, and he still doesn't know his life or death... Xu Xiaoshou easily understood the changes in Rao Yaoyao's facial expressions.

After all, he was afraid of death, and even more afraid of Rao Yaoyao being a reckless husband, so he tried to give him a guide.

It was as if the seniors were giving the ignorant and confused little girl the real answer to a question. Although Xu Xiaoshou did not know Huang Quan's age and the relationship between the other party and Rao Yaoyao, this did not affect his continued "high and profound". Unpredictable".


Xu Xiaoshou tilted his head and changed to leaning on the armrest with one elbow and pressing his fist against the profile mask, giving a one-word prompt.

At this time, he saw Wang Dachui and other reckless men, as well as the master of the Hundred Layers Realm, and it seemed that there were signs of movement again.

And Qi Hai Ling Yuan, because it does not need to maintain the power of time, has recovered 70% to 80%.

Xu Xiaoshou immediately turned his eyes under the mask to the side, and gave the reckless husbands another note of "time is slow" - don't suffer me!

Rao Yaoyao, as one of the few people who was not shrouded in the power of time, at this moment, clearly felt the "deceleration" action of the surrounding people.

She has practiced magic swordsmanship, and she has also learned about the ability of time.

However, even if Rao Yaoyao is not as strong as Gou Wuyue, he can clearly draw the conclusion that the mastery of the magic sword technique is that the ability of a practitioner of the Dao of Time, no matter how strong, is stronger than the ability of a person who masters the time attribute, that is, the opposite Huang Quan.

At this time, Xu Xiaoshou once again felt that the Qi Hai Ling Yuan was rapidly depleting. He had to temporarily release the gesture of "cherishing words like gold", and said aloud at a slight cost:

"This seat, I just want to get a space for private conversation. After all, I have revealed my identity in advance, and the opportunity to communicate with Rao Jianxian is also very rare.

"And you, obviously, can restrain your subordinates well, don't you?"

He rolled his eyes as he spoke, aimed at the group of slow people, and quickly released the "time delay".

Rao Yaoyao's heart froze, he raised his hand and suppressed the impulsive Wang Dazhui and the others, and was really calmed down by this calm Huang Quan.

She had to think again about what the other party had just said.


What's the meaning?

He wanted to express that it was not Xu Xiao who was killed, but he killed him?

From outrageous to gradual acceptance, to the current attempt to substitute... Rao Yaoyao tried to substitute Huang Quan as the murderer of the unidentified incident, and got a terrifying result:

Xu Xiaoshou is really difficult to kill. He must have a teammate with strong output and strong control. This teammate was a storyteller and an unknown magician before.

But if Xu Xiaoshou is fake, Huang Quan is the real murderer...

All those problems are no problem!

Just a Huangquan, as long as he falls into his ambush, let alone escape, under the attributes of time and space, it is difficult to fly with wings!

But Huang Quan, why do you want to kill Yi?

Doesn't he know the consequences of killing an alien?

Rao Yaoyao was still at a loss, and she raised her eyes to look at Huang Quan, who was sitting high in the void, only to feel that under the mask of the other party, there was endless ridicule, mocking her ignorance.

The surrounding law enforcement officers have calmed down a lot after being forcibly charged twice. Even if Rao Yaoyao did not issue an order, they did not dare to take action.

At the moment, seeing the quietness of the scene, many smart people also fell into the guidance given by "Huangquan", and thought about it along the way.

Wang Dazhui was rather irritable, but could do nothing.

Xu Xiaoshou naturally wouldn't be rude enough to interrupt other people's mysterious thoughts about him.

When he gave the word "different", he actually gave all the answers, and these answers, obviously, smart people do not need to be prompted by others.


Soon, after a meal, Rao Yaoyao got the answer from the situation where Huang Quan turned into a different person - Huang Quan, it must be to get imitators!

However, what is the purpose of taking imitators by force?

Pushing forward step by step, Rao Yaoyao, who feels that he is about to decipher the truth, thinks of another identity before Yi Zai's transformation - the saint slave Xu Xiaoshou. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

If this identity is also fake...

Huang Quan changed?

In this way, Huang Quan is hidden in the saint slaves, and why?

Only when Rao Yaoyao thought of this, there was a flash of light in his mind, and his pupils shrank immediately.

She thought of the purpose of the King of Hell: to search for tears!

At the scene, there is a silver-haired woman with the most powerful demon body and the strongest pupil technique of the Lei Family.

And in the beginning, Huang Quan stood side by side with this woman!

As expected, Rao Yaoyao suddenly looked back at the silver-haired woman.

This time, she clearly saw the pair of mysterious eyes drenched in black and white mist, clearly saw the layout of the King of Hell who wanted to push all the calamities on the head of the saint slave, and clearly saw the only answer that led to the strange death...

"God Demon Eye?!"

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