Chapter 18: The Abusive Stepmother

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Yan Susu did not know how to respond.

What was all this about being left on his own? The great Young Mr. Lu seemed to be behaving like a henpecked husband…

“What would you like to eat? I can bring something back for you.”


The implication of what Lu Zhanxiu had just said turned Yan Susu’s face a brilliant red.

According to the rumor mill, Young Mr. Lu was a ruthless person who didn’t mince his words, but…why did she seem to feel differently?

“Miss, your kid’s meal and spicy chicken burger are ready.”

“I…I’m hanging up now.” At a loss as to how to respond, Yan Susu was so confused that she hung up abruptly. Picking up the tray, she looked at Lu Xingguang and said, “Let’s go over there and eat.”

“Hmph, this is so embarrassing,” Lu Xingguang snorted irritably. That woman was fine in his presence, but she had turned a bright red after just a brief phone call with that iceberg. How annoying!

Yan Susu smiled in resignation. Well, she was really in his bad books now, and possibly for a very long time, too.

After dinner, Lu Xingguang insisted on going for a walk. If Yan Susu even hinted at any objection, he began to go into instant meltdown, yelling, “Stepmothers are all the same, abusive!”

Yan Susu could only comply with his wishes.

She took him to the night market, where they feasted on grilled octopus, eggy shrimp fritters, clams, and hot dogs…

Lu Xingguang had never tasted any street food, and he ate till his little tummy bulged. Refusing to stop eating, he continued to point his little fingers at everything, exclaiming, “I want to eat that, and that, and that…”

“You shouldn’t eat anymore, or you won’t be able to sleep tonight.”

“Stepmother, you’re mistreating me again!”

“You can say anything you like. No more eating.”

Lips pursed, Lu Xingguang began to cry out loud, “My stepmother is so mean. She’s abusing me and not allowing me to have dinner. I’m so hungry!”

Hearing his cries, a crowd began to form immediately.

Looking at the beautiful, angelic face of the little boy, the onlookers felt a surge of sympathy, and they all started to criticize Yan Susu.

“She’s so young but so wicked. Imagine treating a little kid like that.”

“That’s right. She must have been the mistress who squirmed her way into the family. Shameless!”

Yan Susu massaged her forehead, feeling a headache coming on.

As he continued crying, Lu Xingguang stole a glance at Yan Susu out of the corner of his eye. Sensing that, even with her headache, she had not relented, he cried louder still.

“Don’t cry, little one. Aunty will give you something to eat,” an attractive woman said, glaring angrily at Yan Susu. She handed some grilled food to Lu Xingguang.

“Thank you, sister.” Lu Xingguang’s eyes shone brightly as he reached out to accept the food.

Alas, a pale hand suddenly reached out and pushed the grilled food back towards the woman.

“What are you doing? You are not feeding this kid, and you refuse to let anyone else give him food?”

“He’s had plenty to eat today. If he eats any more, he won’t be able to go to sleep tonight.”

“Oh please, you’re just trying to rationalize the way you’re treating him.”

Sensing that it was futile to reason with these people, Yan Susu decided not to argue. Turning to Lu Xingguang, she said firmly but gently, “If you want something, you must try to get it by your own effort. You cannot solve all your problems by spouting lies, crying, or throwing tantrums.”

“Anyway, you have overeaten today, and you’ll have problems getting to sleep tonight. You will feel a lot of discomfort. There will always be plenty of delicious food available. You cannot eat it all at once. Saving some for another day would be much better, no?”

Pursing his lips, Lu Xingguang grunted, “Ugh, stepmother!”

Laughing softly, Yan Susu took his hand, and they started to walk away.

At that moment, a mature and robust voice suddenly spoke up. “That is exactly how a motherless child of unknown origin behaves, never satisfied or grateful, always acting up in public and making so much noise!”

Yan Susu froze and raised her head slowly. Her hunch was right. She saw her grandmother’s wrinkled face, with its cruel expression that repulsed her. It pierced her heart, making it ache incessantly.

For the first time in six years, this so-called blood relation of hers had appeared before her, as abusive, insulting, and contemptuous as ever.

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