Chapter 19: An Encounter with the Evil Grandmother

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Instinctively, Yan Susu held Lu Xingguang’s little hand tightly, straightened her back, and greeted the woman in a low voice. “Grandma…”

Since he had been gripped so tightly, Lu Xingguang was trying to free himself when he felt Yan Susu shudder and looked at her with curiosity.

“Where did you crawl out from, calling me Grandma! Are you trying to suck up to the Yan family, or planning to muddy the Yan family name?”

What she said ignited Yan Susu’s wrath. “I am your son’s biological child, so I must have crawled out from the same place your son came from!’

Since Yan Susu was little, her grandmother had disliked both her and her mother, making her distaste clear to them on a daily basis.

Not expecting the normally reticent Yan Susu to even dare to talk back to her, Old Mrs. Yan went berserk. “You wretched thing. You are so disrespectful; how dare you talk to me like that?”

“Who are you to me? Why can’t I talk to you in that manner?”

“I am your grandmother!”

Exasperated, Yan Susu laughed. “I’m sorry. I am not worthy of the Yan family, much less of trying to muddy the Yan family’s good name, so I would not dare to claim you as my grandmother. Otherwise, you might have me killed with a packet of rat poison, just like you tried to do when I was a kid. Am I right, Old Mrs. Yan?”

There was a collective gasp of shock from the crowd. They had guessed correctly from the dialogue between those two that they were grandmother and granddaughter, and that there was bad blood between them. However, they had never expected the old lady to be wicked to the extent of trying to poison her own grandchild…

“Shut up, you! This is exactly how a motherless child would behave, wild and promiscuous, casually getting herself knocked up by some man and giving birth to his kid. And now, becoming a stepmother. A shameless mother, and an even cheaper daughter!”

“No, it’s you who should shut up!” Yan Susu’s eyes turned red with fury as she raged like a beast provoked, hair standing on end.

“Whose fault was it that I lost my mother? You and that mistress bullied her and forced her to divorce my dad. My mother had not been gone for three days before you allowed that mistress and her brats to move into our family home. A month later, you made a splash by organizing the wedding for the mistress. Now, is that what a human being would do?

“Your son was useless and couldn’t produce a son, so you blamed my mother. Were you raised by dogs or something, to not even know that the gender of a child is determined by the man?”

“Your son couldn’t keep his pants on and had affairs with other women, betraying his wife and child. When he got another woman pregnant, you yelled at my mother instead, calling her shameless. The only shameless people are you, your son, that mistress, and her brats!”

“You shut up, you wretched little…” Being yelled at and ridiculed in public by the granddaughter that she had often bullied without retaliation, along with being judged by the onlookers, made Old Mrs. Yan shudder and break out in a cold sweat, her lips turning blue.

“Who do you think you are? What right do you have to tell me to shut up? Regardless of how cheap I may seem to you, could I even compare to you all when it comes to being trashy? You used to put shards of glass and poison in my rice; did you think I never noticed?

“You used to lock me up in the kitchen, turn on the gas, and hope that I would die of carbon monoxide poisoning; did you think I never noticed? Your son’s blood flows through my veins, but you still tried to kill me time and again…”

By then, Yan Susu was far past caring. Her eyes flashed with rage, and she looked extremely scary.

She had had enough. These people, with their smirks and insinuations– they just disgusted her!

Realizing that Yan Susu was going to spill all the gory details, Old Mrs. Yan panicked and raised her walking stick to hit her.

“Don’t you dare!” Lu Xingguang shouted as he stood protectively in front of her.

He was the only one who had the right to push this woman around. Who did this ugly old hag think she was?

“Bastard, you can’t be anything good, either!” Not caring that he was just a little boy, Old Mrs. Yan raised her walking stick and brought it down hard.

Yan Susu pulled Lu Xingguang in quickly and wrapped him in her arms.

With a loud thud, the walking stick came down heavily on her, instead.

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