A crow appeared from the Infinite Divine Flame, and its color was still reddish gold.

This can't help but remind people of a certain top-level divine beast - the Golden Crow Divine Bird.

Shen Tian and Yue Yunde looked at each other in dismay, looking at the golden crow divine bird that was surrounded by black aura, their eyes were filled with horror.

This divine bird of the Golden Crow has obviously been entangled by the power of resentment and turned into a resentful spirit. It would be fine if it were in other places, but this is in the tomb of the Great Golden Crow.

The information contained in this is a bit frightening to think about.

"Could this be the god's mind left behind by the Golden Crow?"

Yue Yunde seemed to be talking to himself, but he shook his head quickly: "Emperor Jinwu has not fallen, he has already ascended to the fairy world, how could he leave a god in the lower realm?"

"And if it's really the Divine Mind of the Golden Crow, it's absolutely impossible to only have the fighting power of a newcomer to the holy rank, and everyone in the entire emperor's tomb will die."

While waving the Dinghaishen Hammer to suppress the Golden Crow of Resentment, Shen Tian said helplessly, "Senior Brother, can't you help me out?"

Yue Yunde laughed and said: "Junior brother is so powerful, why do you need my help? Come on, junior brother, I will support you mentally and cheer you up!"

Shen Tian: "..."

Now he seriously doubts whether this dead fat man is a disciple of Master or Master Bilian.

Forget it, anyway, this Golden Crow has almost been saved, sooner or later.

Shen Tian continued to activate the six samsara discs to reduce the power of the resentful spirits lingering around the Golden Crow, and at the same time knocked the flying and struggling Golden Crow back with one hammer after another like hitting a gopher.







Dinghaishenhammer swung the golden crow again and again, smashing it to the ground.

The Nine Sons rosary on Shen Tian's wrist trembled slightly: "Master, the resentment of this Golden Crow seems to be being cured while it is growing."

Resentment is still growing?

Shen Tian's eyes were slightly condensed, and there was a silver light looming in them.

He also vaguely felt that as he continued to use the Six Paths of Samsara to transform the resentment of the Golden Crow, the resentment around it became less and less.

But these resentments are like wildfires that can't be exhausted, and they are still breeding.

"What is the origin of this golden crow?"

Yue Yunde muttered: "There are very few Golden Crow beasts in the Five Realms, but they still appear in the tomb of the Great Golden Crow, could it be..."

Before the fat Taoist could finish his sentence, Shen Tian's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly: "Brother, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, five-color divine light rose all over Shen Tian's body.

The power of the wonders of heaven and earth merged into one in an instant, and a divine light mask formed by the five elements of divine light suddenly appeared behind him.

boom! ~

The five-color divine light cover covers the sky and the sun, and firmly covers the Golden Crow of Resentment.

Then, Shen Tian grabbed the fat Taoist priest, and his whole body turned into a golden light in an instant and shot towards the other side of the passage.

The Golden Crow of Resentment was frantically struggling and colliding in the five-color divine light shield, but its resentment was over half, and its strength was also weakened by half.

Although the five-color divine light shield fluctuated violently, it never collapsed and shattered, but the light gradually dimmed.


Suddenly, there was another sharp cry in the passage.

Another group of black and red flames appeared in the passage, and the coercion emanating from that group of flames was even more terrifying than the coercion emanating from the previous Golden Crow of Resentment.


In the black-red flame, a group of extremely concentrated fireballs suddenly shot out.

The whole body of this ball of fire exudes an incomparably hot breath, just like a small sun.

When the fireball collided with the five-color divine light shield, the five-color divine light shield trembled violently, and both inside and outside were violently attacked.


The veil of divine light cracked slowly, and the Golden Crow of Resentment, who had been saved by half, escaped again.

The red-gold body was once again wrapped in black resentment, and the monstrous killing intent gushed out from the resentment, as if to destroy the world.

And as the two Golden Crows of Resentment approached, the aura emanating from the two became stronger at an unimaginable speed, as if they complemented each other.

The two Golden Crows chased after Shen Tian in the direction they left. The place they passed was filled with fierce aura, and even the divine patterns in the passage seemed to become dimmed.

For a while, even the existence of the holy ranks of those major forces felt heavy in their hearts.

There seems to be some ominous premonition!


On the other side, Shen Tian pulled the fat Taoist priest to perform the lightning shadow step, and he escaped thousands of feet in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, he directly cast the Void Technique, and the two of them hid in the void and collected all their aura, as if they disappeared in an instant.

The fat Taoist was amazed by such a method.

He stared closely at Shen Tian, ​​his eyes were extremely hot, as if he was staring at a beautiful work of art, or at a priceless treasure.

The corners of Shen Tian's mouth twitched slightly: "Brother, I'm not good at that."

The fat Taoist was stunned, and an embarrassed smile suddenly appeared on his chubby face: "Brother, you misunderstood, brother, I'm usually not good at this... Bah, I'm not good at that either."

As he said that, the fat Taoist priest showed an expectant expression on his face: "Junior brother, what you just performed is the unique skill that has been lost for thousands of years in the holy land of the gods: lightning shadow step?"

Shen Tian nodded: "Yes, what's the matter."

The fat Taoist hurriedly said, "Did you learn from that bastard?"

As he said that, the corner of the fat Taoist's mouth twitched slightly: "They are all the sons of the gods, so why did the bastard teach you and not me? It's so unfair!"

Looking at the aggrieved fat Taoist priest, Shen Tian smiled helplessly.

You open your mouth and keep calling him a bastard, it's no wonder that he can teach you his special skill of pressing the bottom of the box!

That senior Baidi doesn't look like a broad-minded master at first glance, with your cheap mouth, if people don't bite you, it's considered a fellowship.

The fat Taoist looked at Shen Tian's thigh meanly: "Brother, let's have a discussion, and you can teach me this lightning shadow step! I'm your real brother!"

Teach you the Lightning God Shadow Step?

Shen Tian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but frankly he didn't care.

After all, although the speed of the Lightning God Shadow Step is indeed exaggerated, even in terms of short-distance evasion speed, it is stronger than the Kunpeng method.

But with so many spiritual skills in his body, the Lightning God Shadow Step can only be considered outstanding, but it is not essential, and Shen Tian would not be reluctant to pass it on to others.

The problem is, this exercise was created by Baidi and Holy Master Jinguang together, and even Holy Master Jinguang didn't spread this exercise indiscriminately.

Shen Tian felt that if he casually passed this footwork to the fat Taoist priest, he might be bitten by a turtle in the future.

Thinking of this, Shen Tian smiled and said, "I want to discuss this with my Taoist companion."


Yue Yunde was slightly taken aback: "Do you have a Taoist companion?"

Shen Tian smiled, and was about to answer: There is no Taoist companion, so there is no discussion.

At this moment, Yue Yunde showed a frightened expression on his face: "Could it be - that turtle?"

In order to learn this footwork, the little junior brother actually married a tortoise as a Taoist partner?

Still a male turtle! ! !


The smile on Shen Tian's face gradually froze.

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