I am Really not a Child of Luck (I Am Really Not The Son of Providence)

Chapter 376 Follow the Son of Luck, Absolutely Safe!

"Junior Brother, why are you so overwhelmed?"

"I have robbed tombs everywhere for the sake of the sect, and I already feel that I am a big deal."

"I didn't expect, junior brother, that you were willing to commit yourself to that wretched perverted turtle in order to find the supreme law of your sect."

"Brother, you have paid too much for our sect, I am so moved, so moved!"

Seeing the tearful and chattering fat Taoist priest, Shen Tian slowly clenched his fists.

There was a smile on his face: "Brother, you misunderstood, I..."

The fat Taoist hurriedly raised his right hand and swore: "Don't worry, brother, I'm not the kind of person who can't keep secrets! This matter is known to God, you know me, I know everything!"

"If the secret is leaked and other people know, it must be that bastard talking nonsense to the outside world, and it must not be me, senior brother!"

"If I tell the fourth person, I will let my senior brother strike five thunders from the sky, and tomb robbers will hit evil spirits!"



As soon as the words fell, there was a clear thunder sound not far away.

Vaguely, the sound of panic-stricken running and screams can also be heard, which is frightening.

Obviously, someone else was in danger in this emperor's tomb.

Yue Yunde: "..."

Shen Tian: "..."

Taking out some pills to restore mana from his bosom, Shen Tian said calmly: "Brother, stay here and don't move around, I'll check the situation."

After all, Shen Tian turned into a golden light and flew out in an instant, disappearing in front of Yue Yunde in an instant.

"Junior brother, come back quickly, without you by my side, I won't feel safe."

Looking at Shen Tian who was leaving far away, Yue Yunde shouted hastily.

Of course, Shen Tian ignored him.

When Shen Tian's back completely disappeared at the end of the passage, Yue Yunde showed a tangled expression on his face.

He muttered to himself: "I didn't expect that the trigger condition for learning the lightning shadow step with that old bastard would be to do that kind of thing, it's just crazy!"

"Junior brother looks gentle, handsome and elegant, but he is so relaxed, he really can't be judged by his appearance!"

Yue Yunde didn't notice that when he muttered to himself, the surrounding space fluctuated indistinctly.

He continued to mutter: "I don't know, to what extent."

"If Master Dao also goes to find that bastard, will he be willing to teach me?"

"Or should I report directly to the master, and ask the master to arrest that old bastard and torture him to extract a confession?"

"Master thinks so much about Junior Brother, if he knew that this bastard dared to moleste Junior Brother, he would definitely do it..."

Yue Yunde was muttering to himself!

Suddenly, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and he felt palpitations.

The keen sense of crisis cultivated by hundreds of years of tomb robbery made him subconsciously dodge to the side.


A long stick carried the force of wind and thunder, and bombarded the ground of the passage heavily.

In an instant, Yue Yunde's face was ashamed and his face became ugly.

"I'm knocking, what kind of bastard dares to sneak up on Daoist me!"

Seeing the man in black faintly matching the void, the corners of Yue Yunde's mouth twitched slightly.

He yelled: "Master Dao, I am the number one archaeologist in the Five Regions. I have offended Master Dao. Believe it or not, I will go to your house for archaeology, and I will dig up the graves of your ancestors!"


Before Yue Yunde finished speaking, the man in black instantly turned into an afterimage and merged into the void.

When he appeared next time, he was already behind Yue Yunde, stabbing the back of Yue Yunde's head with a long stick in his hand at an extremely tricky angle.

There is no killing intent in this move, and the hit will not cause serious injuries.

But if he was hit by this stick, he would faint for a moment.

"This guy is so fast, and he is completely integrated with the void. Could it be a member of that assassin organization?"

While fleeing in embarrassment, Yue Yunde thought quickly in his heart: "But Daoist, I have never dug their ancestral graves, why assassinate me?"

No, could it be that someone spent money to buy Daoist Master my good head?

But this guy has no murderous aura at all, and he used it.

It's not like an assassin's style to use moves to control the enemy instead of killing the enemy!

But with this method, do you want to threaten me, Dao Lord?

Little thief, you're too tender!

Yue Yunde twisted his fat body, seemingly clumsy but deftly dodging all attacks.

Then, he took out a small bronze bell from his bosom: "The sky and the earth are boundless, the universe is fixed, give it to me!"

A huge amount of mana poured into the small bell, and in an instant, the small bronze bell shot out ancient runes one after another, and shot at the man in black.

Wherever each rune passed, the void was sealed, and the stability suddenly increased by a hundred times.

The man in black who was like a fish in water in the void was forced to appear in front of Yue Yunde unexpectedly.

Moreover, the small bronze bell suddenly turned into a blue barrier, directly immobilizing the figure in black, unable to break free for a while, and the two became deadlocked like this.

"Didn't expect it! Daoist, I am the ultimate sacred weapon, the Qiankun Localization Clock, which is designed to overcome your void method!"

Yue Yunde whispered: "My junior brother will be back later, and then you will be finished."


As soon as the words fell, a golden light suddenly flashed across the end of the passage.

Shen Tian, ​​who was wearing the Dragon Abyss Sacred Armor, carried the golden divine wings on his back, and appeared in front of Yue Yunde in an instant as if teleporting.

The smile on Yue Yunde's face became more and more obvious, and all the fat on his face was piled together: "Junior brother, you are finally back! This little thief is planning to do something wrong, and it seems that he wants to harm our holy land."

"Brother, I've already pinned down this kid. Quickly take out that big hammer and give him a hammer. Let's take him back and hand him over to Master. Maybe we can blackmail him!"

After that, he looked at the man in black triumphantly: "You wait, you are dead!"


In the next second, Yue Yunde suddenly felt a slight shock in the back of his head, and then his eyes went dark.

Seeing Yue Yunde lying limply on the ground, the corners of Shen Tian's mouth twitched slightly: "Brother, don't blame me."

At first, I thought that the top-quality Ju Yi Dan given by the master would not be used, but now it seems that there is a first time for everything, and practice makes perfect.

Taking out a pill from his bosom, Shen Tian fed it into Yue Yunde's mouth, and he was relieved.

The reputation of the Son of Heaven has finally been preserved.

Seeing Yue Yunde, who was breathing evenly and fell into a deep sleep, still remembering to mutter in his sleep, clamoring to steal someone's tomb, Shen Tian couldn't laugh or cry.

Master, he is an old man, how did he accept this senior brother in the first place?

Then, Shen Tian looked at the man in black: "According to what senior brother said, this tomb of the Golden Crow Emperor seems not simple, maybe there is some special crisis."

The man in black said calmly: "In the novels since ancient times, accidents are bound to happen to the main character's experience. There are so many sons of luck in the tomb of the Golden Crow Emperor, so there will be ghosts only if there are no accidents!"

Shen Tian nodded slightly: "Anyway, let's remind everyone!"

At least Shen Tian didn't want to use disciples of Shenxiao to sacrifice to heaven, paving the way for some lucky sons.

Those are all his fellow disciples... Brothers!


Picking up Yue Yunde who was in a coma, Shen Tian used the Lightning God Shadow Step, and quickly rushed back to Fang Chang and the others.

It is worth mentioning that, after listening to Shen Tian talk about his experience of "micro-revision" of exploring the road this time, Qi Shaoxuan, Fang Chang, and Zhang Yunxi unanimously expressed that they did not want to quit the experience.

The reason is simple, because they believe that Shen Tian is the real son of luck.

Everyone felt that they only had to follow Shen Tian to practice.

Absolutely safe!

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