I Am Rich Second Generation, Do Whatever I Want

Vol 2 Chapter 356: : Lin Feng's request!

An Qing didn't know what Lin Feng wanted to talk to her about, but she obediently sat opposite Lin Feng and listened quietly.


Lin Feng pondered for a while, then said, "An Qing, I hope to get help from An's pharmaceutical company!"


When it comes to An's Pharmaceutical, An Qing's heart is even more unpleasant, and there is a bitter smile on the corner of her mouth:


"Sorry, I can't help you with this. I no longer have any relationship with Anshi Pharmaceutical."


Lin Feng looked at An Qing, pondered for a moment, and said, "An Qing, what if I could help you take back An's Pharmaceutical?"


Hearing Lin Feng's words, An Qing's beautiful eyes flashed with brilliance.


Take back Anshi Pharmaceutical!


Is this possible?


Now she has lost everything in the medical world!


She no longer has any capital, so how can she win back to Anshi Pharmaceutical?


However, An Qing still did not directly reject Lin Feng. Looking at Lin Feng, she asked with doubts, "I don't quite understand what you mean..."


"It's very simple!"


Lin Feng said calmly, "I'll help you expose Dongfang Pharmaceutical and help you regain your position as an An's pharmaceutical company!"


"After this is done, I need 20% of Anshi's shares, and then I hope you will grant me a request!"


"how do you feel?"


"Can you help me expose Dongfang Pharmaceutical?"


An Qing was stunned.


She did not expect that Lin Feng would say such a thing.


You must know that the scale of Dongfang Pharmaceutical in Anhe is not small, and there are many enemies. Countless people want Dongfang Pharmaceutical to collapse!


But Dongfang Pharmaceutical has stood firm for so many years, which shows how tough Dongfang Pharmaceutical is!


Although An Qing has a lot of evidence that Oriental Pharmaceuticals manufactures and sells counterfeit goods, it is not enough.


An Qing still lacks the most important piece of evidence!


That is the specific ingredient data about Oriental Pharmaceutical products!


This point, An Qing analyzed for a long time before, but couldn't analyze it!


Because Dongfang Pharmaceutical spent a lot of money before and introduced the world's most advanced encryption technology!


Now, the most advanced encryption methods in the world are used in the medicines of Dongfang Pharmaceutical!


Ordinary people can't crack it at all!


This is also the reason why Dongfang Pharmaceutical dares to be so arrogant!


Without conclusive evidence, it is impossible to bring down Dongfang Pharmaceutical!


The reason why Anshi Pharmaceutical gave up Anqing was also because of this.


So, now that Lin Feng said he could move Dongfang Pharmaceutical, An Qing was full of doubts about it.


"Lin Feng, Dongfang Pharmaceutical has a huge power, and it is impossible for us to be Dongfang Pharmaceutical alone..."


An Qing thought that Lin Feng had just come from a small town, so he probably didn't know the power of Dongfang Pharmaceutical, and just wanted to explain it to Lin Feng.


But Lin Feng interrupted her directly.


"You have no way out now, you can only trust me!"




Lin Feng looked at An Qing with eyes like torches.


An Qing was slightly startled, thinking of the upcoming medical industry conference, her heart also felt sad.




Now even Anshi Pharmaceutical has given up on her!


She had no choice but to trust Lin Feng!


After thinking for a while, An Qing gritted her teeth: "Okay, I promise you!"


"If you can really bring down Dongfang Pharmaceutical, I can give you anything you want!"


An Qing already hated Dongfang Pharmaceutical to the core!


As long as it can destroy Dongfang Pharmaceutical, let alone a request, that is to let her die, she agrees!


"Okay, then it's a deal!"


"A word is for sure!"


Seeing that An Qing agreed, Lin Feng smiled slightly.


To get the help of Anshi Pharmaceutical, it is definitely a great thing for him now!


The market value of Anshi Pharmaceutical is as high as 400 billion. After the destruction of Oriental Pharmaceutical, the market value can increase to at least 600 billion, making it the largest pharmaceutical company in Anhe!


And Lin Feng, once he holds 20% of the shares of An's Pharmaceutical Company, then he is equivalent to obtaining a huge amount of money!


With this fund, it will be of great help to his future layout in the business world!




Six p.m.


Lin Feng and An Qing went out together.


They are now going to a medical conference.


The pharmaceutical industry conference is an annual summary of the pharmaceutical industry. Many pharmaceutical companies will come to participate. In addition to pharmaceutical companies, some prestigious figures in the pharmaceutical industry will also come!


And most importantly, at the medical industry conference, there are people from the General Administration of Drugs!


Therefore, it is undoubtedly the best choice to expose the Oriental Pharmaceutical Industry at this pharmaceutical industry conference!


When Lin Feng and An Qing left Tomson Yipin, perhaps they didn't notice that a pair of beautiful eyes were watching them.


Not far behind them, there is a shadow.


This beautiful figure was tightly wrapped, wearing glasses and a mask, only revealing a pair of smart eyes.


However, although she was very tightly wrapped, it was difficult to conceal her beautiful temperament!


This person is none other than Murong Cheng!


Today, Murong Cheng didn't announce that she was on vacation at home. She thought it was too boring to stay in the house, so she came down for a walk!


I didn't expect to meet Lin Feng here!


After seeing Lin Feng, Murong Cheng felt a sense of fear in her heart!


Lin Feng actually lives in the same place with her, if we meet again later!


Then isn't she...


Thinking of this, Murong Orange's expression turned extremely sad.


She couldn't believe what would happen if she really met Lin Feng!


She wants to move and get out of here.


But she knows that she can't do this, she is a star, a public figure!


If she moves out of Tomson 1st Grade, she will face many, many dangers!


Therefore, although Murong Cheng was very scared, she knew that she could only bear it silently.


"How could I be so unlucky."


Murong Cheng stomped her feet and almost cried.




The headquarter of Oriental Pharmaceutical Industry.


The chairman of Dongfang Pharmaceutical, Zhou Changshan is also preparing to go to the conference site.


"Chairman~www.readwn.com~ The car has been prepared for you. It's outside. Do you want to leave immediately?"


An assistant respectfully asked Zhou Changshan.


Zhou Changshan stopped his work and asked indifferently, "What's going on at An's Pharmaceuticals recently?"


The assistant thought for a while, then smiled: "An's Pharmaceutical has fully surrendered to our Eastern Pharmaceuticals. An Hai, Chairman of An's Pharmaceuticals, has given up many of An's Pharmaceuticals' channels!"


"Also, An Hai also said that after tonight, An's Pharmaceutical would like to sign a cooperation agreement with our Oriental Pharmaceutical!"


"In the future in the Anhe pharmaceutical market, Anshi Pharmaceutical will no longer be the enemy of our Oriental Pharmaceutical!"


After listening to the assistant's words, Zhou Changshan couldn't help but sneer: "I didn't expect this An Hai to be quite knowledgeable about current affairs."


"I originally thought that An's Pharmaceuticals would fight against us, but now it seems that I think too much..."


The assistant said flatteringly, "Chairman, Anshi Pharmaceutical is completely vulnerable in front of our Eastern Pharmaceuticals. How could they dare to fight against our Eastern Pharmaceuticals?"


"Chairman, you still think too highly of them!"


This assistant has been with Zhou Changshan for many years, and his flattering skills are also top-notch!


A few simple words immediately made Zhou Changshan feel very happy. Rich Chinese

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