I Am Rich Second Generation, Do Whatever I Want

Vol 2 Chapter 357: : Arrogant Zhou Changshan!

Zhou Changshan sneered:


"They are considered interesting. If they really dare to fight against me, I will definitely let them die without a place to die!"


Zhou Changshan never took Anshi Pharmaceutical in his eyes!


In his opinion, this so-called Anshi Pharmaceutical is not worth mentioning at all!


The assistant next to him also smiled and said, "Chairman, now our only opponent of Dongfang Pharmaceutical in Anhe has succumbed!"


"As long as we completely suppress An's Pharmaceuticals at the pharmaceutical industry conference tonight!"


"Then it is logical for us to become the No. 1 pharmaceutical company in Anhe!"


"At that time! In the entire Anhe medical industry, no one will be our opponent!"


"And Chairman, you can also lead the entire Anhe pharmaceutical industry!"


"At that time, I'm afraid that the existence of the five great families will give you three points of face for the chairman!"


The more the assistant said, the more excited Zhou Changshan felt!


The No. 1 pharmaceutical company in Anhe!


This is the position that Zhou Changshan has been dreaming of for so many years!


I didn't expect to get it so easily!


And Zhou Changshan didn't think anyone could stop him. Now that even An's Pharmaceutical has been defeated, who would dare to oppose him?


At this time, Zhou Changshan seemed to remember something and asked, "Will An Qing come to tonight's meeting?"


The assistant thought for a while and said:


"According to the news, An Qing should be here!"


"Although An Qing has lost the protection of An's Pharmaceuticals, An Qing is not a woman who will give in at will!"


"I'm afraid she will still expose us at the business conference!"


When the assistant said this, he looked at Zhou Changshan and asked cautiously, "Chairman, I heard that An Qing has a lot of evidence in our hands. Will it pose a threat to us?"


Zhou Changshan said disdainfully:


"The evidence in An Qing's hands is only our sales account book. With this one thing alone, we want to bring down our Eastern Pharmaceuticals!"


"It's still too naive!"


"As long as she can't crack my coating encryption, she can't get the detailed data components!"


"Then she is not worth mentioning in my eyes!"


"At that time, just push a few ghosts out, and the evidence in An Qing's hands will be completely blank!"


Zhou Changshan is full of confidence.


The reason why he is so confident is because his drug encryption technology was successfully developed after spending a huge amount of money!


Unless the world's medical giants come, it is impossible to crack!


That's why he dared to be so reckless!


As long as there is no conclusive evidence, An Qing will not be his opponent at all!


"Chairman Gao Ming!"


The assistant patted his **** again, then rolled his eyes, and added: "Chairman, I heard that Lin Feng will also attend the medical conference with An Qing!"


"Lin Feng?"


Hearing this name, Zhou Changshan's complexion instantly turned gloomy and cold.


He knew this Lin Feng!


This is the murderer who killed Tianlin!


"I didn't go to him! Instead, he delivered it to the door himself!"




"Tonight I will let them pay their debts with blood!"


"I want them to know what will happen if I anger Dongfang Pharmaceutical!"


Zhou Changshan snorted coldly, full of suffocation!


An Qing!


Lin Feng!


You must die tonight!




Anhe suburb.


There is a lakeside manor here. Every year, meetings of the Anhe medical industry are basically held here.


Six o'clock in the evening.


When Lin Feng and An Qing came here, the place was already full of luxury cars, and countless big figures in the Anhe medical field had already gathered here.


"Lin Feng, are you really sure?"


Before getting off the car, An Qing still looked at Lin Feng with no confidence.


She really couldn't figure out what Lin Feng could do to help her move Dongfang Pharmaceutical!


She didn't think that Lin Feng could crack the encryption technology of Dongfang Pharmaceutical!


In order to crack the encryption, An Qing once tried to find countless well-known figures in the medical industry, and tried for nearly half a month, but in the end, there was no result!


Dongfang Pharmaceutical's encryption technology is too strong!


It's almost impossible to crack it!


Lin Feng glanced at her, without explaining too much, just said, "Let's go!"


After saying that, Lin Feng opened the door and got out of the car.


Seeing that Lin Feng was reluctant to say more, An Qing didn't ask any further questions and got out of the car together.


The two walked side by side and came to the door of the lakeside manor.


When they walked to the gate of the manor, the supervisor in charge of this meeting saw An Qing and was stunned for a moment, then turned around and shouted:


"Miss An is here!"


A loud shout spread throughout the manor!


Everyone in the manor stopped. They looked at An Qing with deep surprise in their eyes.


"I didn't expect An Qing to come here!"


"Haha, this An Qing is really stupid. It's not right to leave the good Miss An Jia, and it's ridiculous to have to be an enemy of Dongfang Pharmaceutical!"


"Who said it wasn't, now that she has lost her wife and lost her army, I heard that An's Pharmaceutical has given up on her! She came here today, and I am afraid she is also struggling to the death!"


"She is just doing her own thing. She dares to be the enemy of Dongfang Pharmaceutical, and she is beyond her own strength!"




After seeing An Qing, everyone around them started talking in a low voice.


Their tone was full of contempt, and they were full of disdain for An Qing.


Listening to these rumors, An Qing's pretty face was pale, and her heart was full of anger.


She really wanted to refute these people's words, she really wanted to let them know that what An Qing did was right!


But she knew that whatever she said was useless now!


Winning the king and defeating the bandit!


She has become a complete loser!


Thinking of this, An Qing lowered her head and looked lonely.


In order to maintain the fairness of the medical industry, she resolutely chose to fight against Dongfang Pharmaceutical, but she did not expect to end up being ridiculed by the group in the end!


This made her heart very sad!


Could it be that everything she did was wrong?


She didn't know, she could only look at Lin Feng beside her.


Lin Feng had an indifferent expression on his face, as if he didn't take everyone's words to heart at all.


Seeing Lin Feng like this~www.readwn.com~ An Qing felt a little relieved.


When countless people left her, there was one person who was willing to believe her, which made her feel very good.


Amid the chatter of the crowd, the two entered the main venue of this medical conference!


There are more people here, and they are basically well-known figures in the medical industry!


When they saw An Qing coming in, they all avoided her. Now that An Qing is in their eyes, she is like a disaster. If anyone gets involved, it will not end well!


An Qing and Lin Feng sat on one side, silently waiting for the start of the conference!


While waiting, a middle-aged man suddenly came over.




This middle-aged man is tall and straight, with a cold face.


He is An Qing's father, An Hai!


Seeing An Hai, An Qing's eyes flashed with displeasure, but she still covered it up and said, "Father!"


"Well." An Hai nodded and said lightly, "Come with me, don't participate in the meeting tonight!"


"No!" An Qing gritted her teeth and shook her head; "I'm not leaving!"


"Qing'er, stop being self-willed, you are not the opponent of Dongfang Pharmaceutical, and if you continue to make trouble, even being a father can't save you!"


An Hai persuaded. Rich Chinese

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