I Am Rich Second Generation, Do Whatever I Want

Vol 2 Chapter 358: : 1 knife 2 breaks!

In An Hai's subconscious, he felt that An Qing was overthinking her abilities!


They, Anshi Pharmaceutical, have been in Anhe for so many years, and they have been steadily and steadily, and they have achieved this status today!


An Hai originally thought that the overall situation of An's Pharmaceuticals was settled now that he could step back and give up his position to An Qing, and have a good rest!


I didn't expect An Qing to make such a stupid move!


To dare to challenge the Oriental Pharmaceutical Industry, this is undoubtedly a self-destruction!


There are too many people in Anhe who know the tricks of Dongfang Pharmaceutical, but there are very few who really dare to take action against Dongfang Pharmaceutical!


This is because Oriental Medicine is too powerful!


Really too powerful!


There is absolutely no one who will be the opponent of Oriental Medicine!


That's why An Hai took back the power in An Qing's hands. He didn't want to watch Anshi's pharmaceutical industry collapse!


"Father, you don't know what Dongfang Pharmaceutical is doing, why don't you support me?"


An Qing gritted her teeth, looked at An Hai stubbornly and said.


"Qing'er, you are still too young. There are many things and people in this world that you cannot compete with!"


"Oriental Pharmaceutical is one of them!"


An Hai's tone gradually became cold and he said, "Qing'er, I will give you one last chance, come with me!"


"Otherwise, we will be cut in two!"


An Hai was completely angry, An Qing's stupidity made him very angry!


He didn't understand at all, where did An Qing have the confidence to fight against Dongfang Pharmaceutical!


Hearing the severance, An Qing's pretty face was extremely pale, and she said incredulously: "Father, are you really afraid of Dongfang Pharmaceutical's fear of being like this? In order not to fight with Dongfang Pharmaceutical, you don't even want your daughter?"


"I'm here for the family!"


An Hai said coldly: "As the patriarch of the An family, I will never watch you send the An family into the abyss!"


An Hai's words made An Qing's heart go cold.


She didn't expect that her father would choose to hold back and hang on for the sake of money!


You can even give up your own daughter!


This is already a bottomless begging for mercy from Dongfang Pharmaceutical!


Thinking of this, An Qing's pretty face gradually climbed up with a touch of frost, and she said coldly:


"Okay! You won't just watch Anshi Pharmaceutical fall into the abyss!"


"I won't watch Dongfang Pharmaceutical do anything wrong in China either!"


"We're different, we don't plan for each other!"


"From now on, it will be cut in two!"


An Qing's tone was also full of coldness, obviously she was completely disappointed with An Hai.




"You really disappointed me!"


An Hai blushed, sighed, and his expression became indifferent, and said, "Well, since you are obsessed with it! Then you can do it yourself!"


"I want to see what kind of climate you can be without An's help!"


After all, An Hai snorted coldly and turned to leave!


He had already made up his mind to let An Qing fend for itself!


He will never let An Qing drag the An family into the abyss!


Between the family and An Qing, he would only choose the family!


Looking at An Hai's resolute back, An Qing, who was still very strong, was completely knocked down. She sat back in her seat, feeling that her heart was about to break!


She did not expect that her biological father would give up her for the benefit of the family!


Tears fell directly from An Qing's eyes.


In fact, before this, An Qing still had a bit of fantasy in her heart, she imagined that the An family never gave up on her!


She imagined that her father would not be so heartless, and he would definitely come to help her!


But now, any illusion in An Qing's heart has been completely shattered!


An's Pharmaceutical completely gave up on her!


At this moment, An Qing is helpless in the entire Anhe medical industry!


An Qing also felt a sense of powerlessness from her heart.


She finally understood the horror of Dongfang Pharmaceutical. Even if Dongfang Pharmaceutical didn't make a move, it was already a big victory!


Today, do they really have a chance to win against Dongfang Pharmaceutical?


At the same time, Zhou Changshan, chairman of Dongfang Pharmaceutical, also came to the scene!


Zhou Changshan's treatment was much better than that of An Qing. Just after he appeared at the venue, countless people from Anhe's medical field came up and approached Zhou Changshan with compliments on their faces.


"Mr. Zhou is really getting more and more energetic!"


"I heard that Mr. Zhou recently negotiated a drug sales agreement worth tens of billions of yuan, and it was sold to Yanjing! Glory to our Anhe pharmaceutical industry!"




Their tone was respectful, and their expressions were humble. In front of Zhou Changshan, they were already in the lowest position!


Obviously, they have subconsciously regarded Zhou Changshan as a representative of the Anhe medical field!


This is not surprising. Looking at the entire Anhe medical field, who can be Zhou Changshan's opponent?


And the most shocking thing is that even An Hai, the president of Anshi Pharmaceutical Co., bowed his knees in front of Zhou Changshan.


"Mr. Zhou, you are finally here, everyone is waiting for you."


An Hai said with a complimenting smile.


Zhou Changshan glanced at An Hai and said with a sneer, "Chairman An, I heard that you An's Pharmaceuticals have a lot of opinions on our Oriental Pharmaceuticals recently!"


"Now all my colleagues in the Anhe medical field are here. Do you want to tell everyone about anything?"


When An Hai heard this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he smirked:


"Mr. Zhou, what are you talking about? How dare we at Anshi Pharmaceutical have any opinion on Dongfang Pharmaceutical, it's all a misunderstanding!"


"Oh? Is that so? But I heard that you, Miss An's, are going to expose me at the convention..."


Zhou Changshan looked down at An Hai condescendingly, with a playful color in his eyes~www.readwn.com~ An Hai's heart sank, knowing that Zhou Changshan would not give up today!


So, An Hai gritted his teeth.


He knew that now, he could only give up on An Qing!


An Hai said with an apologetic smile: "Mr. Zhou, An Qing is too young to provoke you because she doesn't understand the rules of the medical industry!"


"It's really abominable!"


"But don't worry, I have expelled An Qing from the An family, and my relationship with her has been completely cut off!"


"Now An Qing, without the protection of our An family, I must not dare to go against you, President Zhou!"


When An Hai said this, the expression on his face did not change in the slightest, as if he was talking about an unrelated person!


This is the capitalist!


For the sake of profit, An Hai can give up everything!


An Hai's remarks made Zhou Changshan very satisfied and nodded: "You did a good job. In the future, our two major pharmaceutical companies will cooperate well. If I have a bite of meat, I will not miss you a bowl of soup!"


"If you are honest, I will definitely not make it difficult for you!"


"But if you dare to oppose me, you will know the end!"


Speaking of the end, Zhou Changshan's tone was cold and full of threats! Rich Chinese

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