I Am Rich Second Generation, Do Whatever I Want

Vol 2 Chapter 363: : I want 200 billion!


An Hai's face was ashen.

As for Lin Feng's words, he can't believe it, this is the person who casually let Zhou Changshan down!

But now let him give up the position of the leader of the Anhe medical field, how could he be willing?

While An Hai was hesitating, An Qing suddenly gritted her teeth and stood up from her position.

An Qingqiao's face was covered with frost, she stared at An Hai and said:

"Father, Lin Feng is right!"

"You really are not qualified to be the president of Anshi Pharmaceutical!"

"Now, you should abdicate too!"

An Qing figured it out, she can no longer be naive, she can only hold the power firmly in her own hands!

She can do what she really wants to do!

She will never let Anshi Pharmaceutical become the second Oriental Pharmaceutical Company!

"An Qing, I'm your father! What do you mean?!"

An Hai was furious and yelled at An Qing angrily.


"You can completely abandon me for the sake of the family!"

"And now, for profit, I can sacrifice you too!"

An Qing said coldly: "The position of president of Anshi Pharmaceutical belongs to An Qing!"

"I, An Qing, will never let anyone interfere!"


An Hai was furious.

He was just about to say something.


The people around stood up one after another and shouted in unison:

"President An, please abdicate!"

"Patriarch, please abdicate!"

"An Hai, please abdicate!"


Some of these people are from the An family, some are entrepreneurs from Anhe, and some are representatives of this medical conference!

They all couldn't get used to what An Hai did, so they stood up directly and supported An Qing.

Seeing countless people wanting to let him down, An Hai's struggles are useless!

"All right!"

"From now on, An Qing will take over as the president of An's Group!"

An Hai could only take a deep sigh and sat back to his seat lonely.

An Hai abdicates!

At this moment, there is only one last candidate left for the leader of the entire Anhe medical field!

An Qing!

An Qing did not refuse, and took over the position of President of Anshi Pharmaceutical again!

All of this is developing in the direction that Lin Feng expected!

An Qing took over the position of President of Anshi Pharmaceutical!

This made Lin Feng feel more at ease in the pharmaceutical industry.

In the pharmaceutical industry, only a person with good intentions can take over. Those who are too intriguing are absolutely inappropriate!

Those who have good thoughts in their hearts will truly benefit the common people and will not cause problems in the medical system!

And An Qing is in the position, which is also of great help to Lin Feng's plan!

Now to start the next step!


After the conference in the pharmaceutical industry, Dongfang Pharmaceutical was thoroughly investigated by the General Administration of Medicine, and a large amount of evidence of counterfeiting and selling was found!

Countless related personnel were controlled.

This pharmaceutical industry storm has also swept the entire Anhe. In addition to Dongfang Pharmaceutical, the rest of the pharmaceutical companies have also been thoroughly investigated!

Overnight, 50% of Anhe's pharmaceutical companies closed down!

Anhe pharmaceutical industry is in chaos!

Fortunately, An Qing has stabilized the situation. Using the influence of Anshi Pharmaceutical, in the next few days, she has gathered countless sales channels, which can be regarded as stabilizing the entire Anhe pharmaceutical industry!

In the next week, the market value of An's Pharmaceutical is also rapidly expanding, directly soaring to 700 billion in assets, becoming the leader of Anhe's pharmaceutical industry!

This is a huge fortune!

For Lin Feng, the soaring market value of Anshi Pharmaceutical is also a good thing!

He holds 20% of the shares of Anshi Pharmaceutical in his hands, which is now equivalent to more than 100 billion yuan. This amount of money is quite considerable!

During this week, Lin Feng also gradually pulled up his own companies.

Whether it is an entertainment company or a real estate financial company, now Lin Feng's companies have begun to take shape!


Going to have a blast!

The first is to solve Tianma Entertainment!

If the entertainment company under Lin Feng wants to rise, it must destroy Tianma Entertainment!

Therefore, whether it is for Murong Cheng or himself, Lin Feng will definitely make Tianma Entertainment disappear in Anhe!

As for how to make Tianma Entertainment disappear, Lin Feng also had a solution in his mind.


Anshi Pharmaceutical, the headquarters building office.

"Lin Feng! Thank you for the matter of Dongfang Pharmaceutical."

An Qing sat in the exclusive seat of the president and said to Lin Feng gratefully.

"Everyone takes what they need." Lin Feng said with a faint smile.

Speaking of this, An Qing thought of Lin Feng's previous request, and asked suspiciously, "By the way, you said before that if I could regain the position of president of the An Group, you would make a request to me!"

"What is this request?"

Lin Feng pondered for a moment, then slowly said, "The requirement I mentioned is actually very simple!"

"I need your Anshi Pharmaceuticals to inject capital into my subsidiary World Finance!"


Lin Feng's request made An Qing a little surprised.

She thought that Lin Feng would raise some harsh conditions!

To inject capital into a company~www.readwn.com~ is nothing to Anshi Pharmaceutical with a market value of tens of millions.

"How much capital do you want? I'll call to arrange!"

An Qing believes that the capital injection Lin Feng needs is nothing more than a few hundred million, a dozen billion, and the highest is no more than 10 billion!

But Lin Feng broke out a number that made An Qing stunned!

"I need 200 billion!"

"Two hundred billion?!"

This number frightened An Qing to shiver.

You must know that after Anshi Pharmaceutical absorbed most of the assets of Dongfang Pharmaceutical, the market value is only 700 billion now!

Lin Feng's mouth is about 200 billion!

This will undoubtedly kill Anshi Pharmaceutical!

Lin Feng also saw An Qing's doubts and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't let you inject 200 billion into me all at once, take your time!"

This made An Qing let out a long breath and took a sip to regain her mood.

With the current scale of Anshi Pharmaceutical, if you slowly inject capital, 200 billion is still very easy in five or six years.

"Lin Feng, I don't know how long the deadline is?"

Lin Feng thought for a moment, grinned, showing his white teeth: "Within half a month!"


The water that An Qing had just drank spurted out in one sip.

She looked at Lin Feng dumbfounded, and invested 200 billion in half a month!

How is this possible.

"Lin Feng! Now our Anshi Pharmaceutical is aggressively gathering the Dongfang Pharmaceutical industry, and the funds that can be used are no more than 100 billion!"

"You asked me to invest 200 billion in you within 20 days! This is absolutely impossible!"

An Qing explained it to Lin Feng.

She now feels that Lin Feng is crazy, no one will ask for 200 billion as soon as he comes up!

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