I Am Rich Second Generation, Do Whatever I Want

Vol 2 Chapter 364: : Jiangnan situation!

Lin Feng smiled slightly and said, "If we follow the normal development path, An's Pharmaceuticals really can't come up with 200 billion!"

"But if I follow my method, within 20 days, I can make Anshi Pharmaceutical's assets reach one trillion!"

"Do you believe it?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, An Qing shook her head, her face full of disbelief!

Now the market value of Anshi Pharmaceutical is only 700 billion. If Anshi Pharmaceutical is allowed to fully acquire Oriental Pharmaceutical, and then develop for another year, it is indeed possible to reach one trillion!

But within twenty days, reaching a trillion is almost impossible!

After all, this money is not blown by the wind!

For An Qing's questioning, Lin Feng is not angry!

This money is indeed not blown by the wind!

But for a listed company, making money is much easier than the wind!

Lin Feng smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, I'll show you something, and you'll believe it!"

After all, Lin Feng took out a document from his bag and handed it to An Qing. vertex

"You'll understand just by looking at this!"

An Qing suspiciously took the document handed over by Lin Feng, and after looking at it, her pretty face was full of disbelief.

"Beauty formula?"

"Do you want our Anshi Pharmaceutical to enter the cosmetics industry?"

An Qing didn't know what Lin Feng meant.

Although the Huaxia cosmetics industry has always been related to the pharmaceutical industry, and Anshi Pharmaceutical also has branches in the cosmetics industry, but because it entered the market too late, the cosmetics branch of Anshi Pharmaceutical has never been able to do it!

Now that the cosmetics industry has stabilized, Lin Feng still wants Anshi Pharmaceutical to enter the cosmetics industry, which is undoubtedly a waste of money!

But Lin Feng didn't think so and smiled: "According to incomplete statistics, the annual market size of our cosmetics industry in China has reached as much as 500 billion! This is a lot of money!"

"If it can occupy a certain market share in the cosmetics field, do you think Anshi's stock will soar?"


Lin Feng's words made An Qing fall into contemplation!

An Qing is also very clear about the scale of the cosmetics industry!

This is definitely a huge market!

If Anshi Pharmaceutical can really successfully enter the cosmetics field and successfully sell results, it will attract countless investors to invest, and there will be no problem at all when Anshi Pharmaceutical's stock rises by more than ten percent!

But now that the cosmetics market is very stable, how can Lin Feng let Anshi Pharmaceutical enter the market smoothly?

"Lin Feng, there are a lot of beauty and beauty products in the cosmetics market now. Would it be too late for you to let me release another beauty product now?"

An Qing asked her doubts.

Lin Feng sneered and said proudly, "I dare say that no cosmetics company in China can compare to this beauty formula in your hand!"

"If you don't believe it, you can try it yourself!"

"But about entering the cosmetics industry, you have to do it as soon as possible!"

"I need two hundred billion in financing!"

After speaking, Lin Feng didn't wait for An Qing to reply, and immediately got up and left.

After Lin Feng left, An Qing looked at the beauty formula in her hand, her beautiful eyes filled with doubts!

Can a mere beauty formula really allow Anshi Pharmaceutical to successfully enter the cosmetics market?

An Qing couldn't believe it, but she didn't dare to veto it before she tried it!

She plans to go to the production department later, develop a bottle, and go back to try it out.


East China Sea!

The battle between the Lin Group and the Jiangnan chaebols has also reached a fever pitch!

A series of open and secret battles are being staged in the East China Sea business community!

In this open and secret struggle, the Lin Group has a slight upper hand. Whether it is in the financial industry or in the real estate industry, the Lin Group has made great achievements and completely surpasses the Jiangnan chaebols.

Just when everyone thought that the Lin Group would win this fight, an earth-shattering news was sent out!

The president of the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce, Liu Shixiong's daughter Liu Qianxue, will marry Qing Yunlie, the young master of the Qingyun family, one of the five great families of Anhe, in twenty days!

As soon as the news came out, the entire East China Sea was shaken in an instant!

The five major families of Anhe, this is almost the top financial family in China!

Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce is married, what does that mean?

In the future, the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce and the five major families will be in the same vein. With the five major families as their backers, the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce will destroy the Lin Group.

So, on the second day after the news was released, some large enterprises originally under the Lin Group turned their backs and went directly to the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce!

In just a few days, the assets of the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce have expanded from 700 billion to trillions, and its power has also risen rapidly, becoming the largest enterprise in the entire Jiangnan region!

On the other hand, Lin's group, after this news was released, the original imposing Lin's group collapsed at once!

Its forces have been shrinking, and now they have been defeated by the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce, and they can only gradually start to retreat!

And in its current form, the Lin Group's defense can't last long!

It seems that the defeat of the Lin Group, which once shook the south of the Yangtze River, seems to be imminent!


East China Sea!

Lin's Mountain.

There was a haze, and there was a depressing breath in the air. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Lin Heng sat on the hilltop villa of Lin's Mountain, and sighed deeply as he looked at the rapidly falling shares of Lin's Group in front of him.

His face was also haggard to the extreme!

The collapse of the Lin Group is unavoidable!

Looking up, the entire Lin Group has no hope of making a comeback!

The Lin Group seems to have really gone downhill!

Can no longer resist the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce!

At this moment, an old man in a Tang suit walked in slowly from outside.


This person is the elder of the Lin family, Lin Dongxiang!

Lin Heng nodded and asked, "Uncle clan, what's the matter with you?"

Lin Dongxiang sighed and said, "I just received the news that the Qingyun family has launched its power, and all our cooperation with Anhe has been cut off..."

This news is actually very important!

As the former No. 1 enterprise in the south of the Yangtze River, the Lin Group has numerous business contacts with Anhe, the international financial capital!

A large part of the reason why they have been able to survive until now is also because they have a lot of sales channels in Anhe!

But now, the sales channel is cut off!

Undoubtedly, another arm of the Lin Group was cut off!

The current Lin Group has come to an end!

But Lin Heng heard the news, but his emotions did not fluctuate much, and said calmly: "As expected, now the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce and the Qingyun family are married, and the Qingyun family naturally wants to give some benefits to the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce!"

"Cut off our channel is the best choice. After all, even without us, the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce can replace us and cooperate with Anhe!"

At the end, Lin Heng sighed and looked lonely!

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