I Am Rich Second Generation, Do Whatever I Want

Vol 2 Chapter 365: : The crisis of the Lin Group!

Hearing Lin Heng's words, Lin Dongxiang also sighed deeply: "Yeah, now the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce has annexed most of our industries, and it can completely replace our trade with Anhe!"

"And we are on the Anhe side, and we don't have any helpers that really belong to us..."

"Liu Shixiong's trick is really ruthless, it's completely killing our Lin Group!"

When Lin Dongxiang said this, the expression on his face became very sad!

The attack of the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce in the past few days has made him feel physically and mentally exhausted, and now the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce has suddenly cut off the channel of Anhe!

This undoubtedly made him very desperate!

He could hardly see any chance for the Lin Group to fight back. Vertex X23US

Lin Heng also looked sad, not knowing what to say.

The scene was silent for a while.

Lin Heng suddenly thought of something and asked, "By the way, what's going on with Feng'er?"

Talking about Lin Feng, Lin Dongxiang said with some hatred that iron is not steel: "Forget it!"

"Young master is enjoying it in Jiangcheng recently. He handed over the Huaxia Group to Jiang Shiyu to manage it, and he doesn't know what he is doing all day!"

"But I heard from the media in Jiangcheng that the young master has a party at home every day and invites all kinds of female stars!"

The more Lin Dongxiang said it, the more hateful he felt that a business genius with such a talent was willing to degenerate if he did not come to revitalize the Lin Group!

What an unstoppable douchebag!

When Lin Heng heard Lin Dongxiang's words, he couldn't help laughing and said, "This kid really looks like me back then!"

Lin Dongxiang was in a hurry and said:

"Patriarch! What's the use of him being like you? The Lin Group is almost over! He doesn't care about it at all!"

"Jiang Shiyu's Jiangcheng City is worth more than 100 billion, but he didn't ask Jiang Shiyu to help us!"

"Young master, this is someone who doesn't think of himself as the Lin Group at all!"

Lin Dongxiang's words made him blow his nose and stare, and he was obviously angry!


Lin Feng's actions are indeed a bit irritating!

As the eldest young master of the Lin Group, the Lin Group has given him so much help before, but now that he has risen, he only thinks about pleasure and does not give back to the group at all!

This is no different from the white-eyed wolf!

Lin Heng didn't get too angry. Lin Feng is his son after all, and he owes Lin Feng so much. No matter what Lin Feng does now, he will not have an opinion!

However, Lin Heng was still a little disappointed!

It is the wish of countless parents to hope that their children will become dragons and their daughters will become phoenixes!

Lin Heng also hopes that Lin Feng can grow into a great man in the sky!

But now it seems that his wish is a bit extravagant!

Lin Heng finally realized the feeling of Lin Kun back then. It was really uncomfortable to have a prodigal son!

But forget it, let him go.

Now that the Lin Group is facing a complete collapse, even if Lin Feng comes back, it doesn't make any sense!

"Don't worry about Lin Feng's affairs!"

"Let him develop with peace of mind in Jiangcheng, the defeat of the Lin Group has become a foregone conclusion!"

"There is no way he can turn the tide."

Lin Heng said lightly.


Lin Dongxiang still wanted to say something, but thought about it carefully.

Lin Heng's words also seemed to make sense.

In this situation, even if Lin Feng really came back, he would be powerless!

Lin Dongxiang could only sigh again.

Is there really no way?

Could it be that God really wants to destroy the Lin Group?

Lin Dongxiang thought for a moment and said, "Patriarch, why don't you let me go to Anhe! Maybe in Anhe, I can find a company to cooperate with us!"

Lin Heng laughed at himself: "Uncle Clan, it's not like you don't know how powerful the five great families are. No one in the entire Anhe dares to oppose the five great families. Even if you go to Anhe, it will be of no use!"

"No one's going to help us."

Lin Heng said at the end, his expression was a bit bitter.

Five great families!

Enterprises at the top of the Anhe financial system!

In an international financial city like Anhe, it has the highest status!

This kind of existence, looking at the entire Anhe, there are very few who dare to oppose it!

How could anyone be willing to help them?

"I also know that I'm going to Anhe this time, so I don't have much hope!"

Lin Dongxiang sighed: "But now, we have no good way! Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, we must firmly grasp it!"

"Perhaps, there may be a turning point!"

In fact, even Lin Dongxiang himself does not believe this. Originally, the Lin Group had little influence in Anhe!

Now that the Lin Group is in turmoil again, it is on the verge of ending. Lin Dongxiang wants to find a helper in Anhe, which is almost impossible!

But for the Lin Group, no matter how impossible it is, he will do it!

"Okay!" Lin Heng nodded slightly after hearing Lin Dongxiang's words: "Then I will trouble the clan uncle!"

"On this trip, be sure to pay attention to safety!"

"Patriarch, please don't worry! Even if I, Lin Dongxiang, fought for this old life, I will come back with reinforcements!"

Lin Dongxiang bowed deeply to Lin Heng, then turned around and left.

Looking at Lin Dongxiang's old and haggard back, Lin Heng's face became a lot sadder.

Lin's Group!

In the end what to do!


East China Sea.

Tianfu Linhai Courtyard.

This is the most luxurious seaside villa in the East China Sea, with antique decoration, small waterside buildings, and gentle sea breeze, making people live in it and feel peaceful.

And in this huge seaside courtyard, a person lives.

a beautiful woman.

Miss Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce, Liu Qianxue!

Since Liu Qianxue and Lin Feng lingered all night, her appearance has become much more outstanding.

Now she has fair skin, can be broken by blowing bullets, delicate facial features, beautiful and moving.

Her temperament has also undergone great changes. The former Liu Qianxue has the temperament of a lady and a young lady!

But now Liu Qianxue has a little more charm.

Her stunning face, combined with her temperament, made her a stunning beauty!

She has completely reached the peerless appearance of Lin Qingcheng!

It's a pity that the current Liu Qianxue, like a canary trapped in a cage, has completely lost her freedom!

Liu Qianxue was sitting by the sea, looking in the direction of Jiang Cheng, and she was fascinated.

"What are you doing now?"

"Have you forgotten me?"

"Still, can't you forget me?"

Liu Qianxue muttered to herself.

At this time, a dignified lady came up and asked slowly:

"Qianxue, what's on your mind? Mom has seen you here in a daze for several days."

This lady is Liu Qianxue's mother, Jiang Manqing.

Liu Qianxue shook her head and smiled bitterly: "Mom, you think too much, I'm going to get married soon, what a good thing this is, how can I still worry about it?"

Jiang Manqing gently held Liu Qianxue's hand and sighed: "Qianxue, you can't hide from mother, mother can see that you are thinking of a man..."

"And Mom also noticed that since you came back from Jiangcheng, you feel very different to Mom!"

"You confessed to your mother, have you already..."

Jiang Manqing didn't continue speaking, but the meaning of her words was already obvious.

Talking about this~www.readwn.com~ Liu Qianxue's pretty face flushed slightly, and she lowered her head: "Mom, I really don't..."

Although Liu Qianxue said that, her expression had completely betrayed her!

Jiang Manqing looked at Liu Qianxue with burning eyes: "Who is he?"

Liu Qianxue also knew that she must not be able to hide it, and smiled bitterly: "Mom, it's now, does it still matter who he is?"

Jiang Manqing did not answer Liu Qianxue, but said again: "Is he Lin Feng?"

In this world, only parents know their children best!

Jiang Manqing just guessed a little, and then guessed Lin Feng.

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