I Am Rich Second Generation, Do Whatever I Want

Vol 2 Chapter 368: : The tricks of Xingyue Entertainment!


This made Lin Feng a little puzzled. vertex

In Anhe, the international financial capital, there are many companies with a market value of 100 billion. Xingyue Entertainment, a company with a market value of only 15 billion, should be unknown, so how can it be famous? "

"Is there something tricky about Xingyue Group?"

Lin Feng asked.

"Master, don't worry, you listen to me first."

Ma Yuan did not rush to explain to Lin Feng, but continued:

"Xingyue Entertainment has a lot of first-tier stars, as well as a lot of second-tier and third-tier stars, but it lacks the top stars!"

"So, Xingyue Entertainment has been negotiating with the top stars in Anhe recently, and Murong Cheng is one of them!"

When Ma Yuan said this, Lin Feng also roughly understood why Xingyue Entertainment was looking for Murong Cheng.

However, it sounds like this Xingyue Entertainment seems to have no problem.

So, Lin Feng continued to ask: "What about the shady story of Xingyue Entertainment?"

Ma Yuan smiled and said:

"Regarding the shady story of Xingyue Entertainment, this is about what I just said about Xingyue Entertainment's fame."

"Actually, many people in the upper class are very aware of the shady secrets of Xingyue Entertainment, but they are almost taboo to talk about it..."

"I also learned about it through an old friend of mine in the entertainment industry."

"All the stars under Xingyue Entertainment are female stars! And they are all female stars with chaotic private lives!"

"They recruited so many female stars not to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, but to provide services to the upper class!"

Having said that, Ma Yuan stopped and smiled mysteriously.

"Provide services?"

Lin Feng didn't realize what it meant for a while, and asked, "What service do you provide?"

"Master, it is inconvenient for me to explain this kind of service..."

Ma Yuan paused and added: "The Haitian Feast, which was once famous in China, was organized by this company."

Hearing this, Lin Feng also understood something.

Emotion, Xingyue Entertainment is not an entertainment company at all, this is a high-end bath center!

After learning the truth about Xingyue Entertainment, Lin Feng also felt anger in his heart.

Since Xingyue Entertainment is a high-end bath center, the purpose of their purchase of Murong Orange is obviously very clear!

The contract that Murong Cheng signed with Tianma Entertainment was almost the same as a personal contract!

If Xingyue Entertainment got this contract, then Murong Cheng's fate would be obvious!

Thinking of this, a cold light appeared in Lin Feng's eyes.

Dare to hit Murong Cheng's head.

It's really breaking ground on Tai Sui's head!

Lin Feng has secretly made a decision, and let this **** Xingyue Entertainment pay the price tomorrow!

"Ma Yuan, with our current financial strength, is it enough to deal with Xingyue Entertainment?" Lin Feng asked.

Ma Yuan sneered: "Master, do you underestimate our world finance too much? Although our world finance is not comparable to those giant companies, but like Xingyue Entertainment, you only need to move your fingers."

"Master, if you want to move Xingyue Entertainment, call me anytime!"

Ma Yuan's remarks are full of confidence.

In fact, it is not surprising that Anhe's financial system has been very strong. Now that the world's finance is a large enterprise with a level of 100 billion, the human connections that can be used are unimaginable!

Dealing with a mere tens of billions of Xingyue Entertainment is not difficult at all!

Hearing Ma Yuan's words, Lin Feng was also relieved.

"Okay! Then I will meet them tomorrow!"

After hanging up with Ma Yuan, Lin Feng started the McLaren P1, followed the city road, and was ready to return to Tomson Yipin.

But before Lin Feng left the city.

At the door of a KTV called Venus not far away, Lin Feng saw a familiar figure.

Blonde blue eyes, charming face, graceful figure!

This beautiful figure is none other than An Feiya, the beautiful car model Lin Feng met before!

At this time, An Feiya seemed to have just come out of the ktv and was chatting with several young and beautiful girls on the roadside.

And beside them, there are a group of boys, these people should be college students, probably An Feiya's classmates!

It seems that this An Feiya's identity is not fake, she is indeed an international student of Anhe University!

Thinking of An Feiya's previous provocation, a playful smile appeared on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

This arrogant Russian chick should have a good training today!

So, Lin Feng slammed the accelerator and walked towards the door of Venus ktv.


Venus ktv gate.

As Lin Feng expected, An Feiya had just come out from the class reunion and was chatting with her girlfriends on the side of the road.

"Fiya, have you noticed that Young Master Lin Yao has been watching you when you were singing just now!"

"His eyes are straight. I'm afraid he's fascinated by you."

A tall woman took Anfiya's arm and said with a smile.

This woman is one of An Feiya's best friends and An Feiya's roommate, named Chen Qing.

A woman with heavy makeup beside her also smiled and said, "Yes, yes, I also noticed that Young Master Lin Yao must be interested in you!"

"Fiya, you are very lucky to be attracted by Young Master Lin Yao!"

There was a bit of **** in the heavy makeup girl's tone, obviously she had some interest in this young master Lin Yao.

An Feiya said indifferently, "I have no interest in Lin Yao..."

"Fiya, you are Russian, you don't know what the status of Young Master Lin Yao is in our China!"

"Let me tell you, Young Master Lin Yao's family owns a chain of hotels, with a market value of several billions!"

"If you can be Young Master Lin Yao's girlfriend, then you'll really be married into a wealthy family!"

Chen Qing said to An Feiya with longing.

"Chen Qing is right, being able to marry into a wealthy family is the dream of many women, Fia! You have to seize the opportunity!" The woman with heavy makeup was also beside her.

But Anfiya still looked disapproving and said, "I don't like him, and I have a boyfriend!"

As soon as these words came out, both Chen Qing and the pretty face of the heavy makeup woman showed surprise.

"Fiya, do you have a boyfriend? When did you have one? Why didn't you tell us!"

"Is he handsome? Does he have money? How is his family background?"

Women's heart of gossip is still very heavy~www.readwn.com~ Chen Qing and the heavy makeup woman are both Anfiya's best friends. They have been with Anfiya for a long time. Naturally, she knows that this Russian beauty has a very high vision. , ordinary people do not look down on her!

Now that I have found a boyfriend, the conditions must not be easy.


An Feiya thought for a while and said, "I don't know much about it, but my family should be pretty good!"

"At least it's much better than Lin Yao."

An Feiya really didn't know Lin Feng very well.

After all, she doesn't have much interaction with Lin Feng, and pulling Lin Feng out now is just to use it as a shield!

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