I Am Rich Second Generation, Do Whatever I Want

Vol 2 Chapter 369: : University girls' dormitory!

"Better than Lin Yao?"

Hearing Anfiya's words, the two women looked at each other.

In their worldview, Lin Yao, a great **** with a net worth of billions, is already an existence to look up to!

And now, An Feiya says her boyfriend is more powerful than Lin Yao!

That's not worth more than 10 billion?

Chen Qing didn't believe that An Feiya could really find such a powerful boyfriend, and asked suspiciously: "Feiya, you are not being deceived, right? You are more powerful than Lin Yao, so how is that possible..."

"We Huaxia have a lot of routines, don't be fooled!"

An Feiya rolled her eyes at her, and said angrily, "I've been in China for a long time, and I'm not that stupid. If I say better than Lin Yao, that's better than Lin Yao!"

An Feiya's words were to refute Chen Qing, so with a hint of dissatisfaction, her voice was not small, and it suddenly reached the ears of the boys next to them.

"Lin Shao, did you hear that, An Feiya looks down on you!"

"This little girl An Feiya, dare to say that her boyfriend is more powerful than you, Lin Shao..."

"Lin Shao, is it tolerable or unbearable! Let this little girl An Feiya know how powerful you are!"


In the crowd, several boys roared at one of the tall, famous young men.

This young man is Lin Yao.

Lin Yao was also very unhappy when he heard that An Feiya said that he was no match for others.

Although the scale of his family business is only a few billions, in front of a top financial entrepreneur like Lin Feng, it is not worth mentioning at all, but in the eyes of ordinary people, he is also a local tyrant!

Moreover, he himself is not bad, and he is also a member of the Anhe University campus basketball team. It can be said that he is a typical rich and handsome!

How many men feel inferior when they see him!

Now An Feiya actually said that there is a man who is more powerful than him, but he wants to see how sacred this is!

So, Lin Yao walked directly in front of An Feiya and said dissatisfiedly: "An Feiya, since you said your boyfriend is so good, let him come out and meet us!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone echoed.

"Yes! Anfiya, let him come out!"

"Haha, if he knew that Shao Lin was looking for him, I'm afraid he wouldn't dare to come out as a tortoise!"

Several boys laughed sarcastically.

And Chen Qing and others also looked at An Feiya with gossip.

"Fia, you call him to come out, we also want to see what kind of man can catch up with you Fia..."

Chen Qing said curiously.

This time, Anfiya was stumped.

Although she has Lin Feng's phone number, there is at most a relationship between her and Lin Feng.

She is calling now, afraid that Lin Feng will not come out at all!

In this way, she can be embarrassed!

Seeing that An Feiya hadn't called for a long time, Lin Yao was even more proud, and said arrogantly: "What? Feiya, he's not really a tortoise, right? He doesn't even dare to come out, how dare he talk to me, Lin Yao. Comparing it, it’s really beyond our own power!”

"Let him come out today if you have the seeds, and see if I don't teach him a good lesson!"

The voice just fell.


Boom boom boom!

The roar of an engine cut through the sky.

I saw a McLaren p1 rushing directly from the road and rushed straight to the side of everyone.

The eyes of all present were attracted by the McLaren P1.

"Wow! What a beautiful sports car. This sports car costs at least five million, right?" Chen Qing exclaimed.

"Qingqing, you really don't know the goods, this is a McLaren p1, and the floor price is at least 18 million! There are only 20 of them in the world, and this is a top luxury car!" The heavy makeup woman said with her eyes shining.

Eighteen million!

This number made everyone present gasp in shock.

It costs 20 million to buy a car, how rich is the person sitting in it!

After some beauties heard this number, they had already pulled down the neckline of their clothes a little, revealing the snow white inside, and pulled up their short skirts a little, making their long legs more slender.

Their expressions became more enchanting and ambiguous.

It was obvious what they wanted to do.

At this time, the door of McLaren P1 opened, and Lin Feng in a white suit appeared in front of everyone.

As soon as Lin Feng appeared, all the girls present lit up.

Luxury cars and handsome guys!

This is definitely the top rich and handsome!

Before waiting for these girls to post up and down, Lin Feng opened his mouth and looked at An Feiya with a smile:

"Little girl, get in the car, I want to chat with you about life tonight!"

Hearing Lin Feng talking about life, An Feiya thought of what happened on the top of the mountain that day. Naturally, she knew what Lin Feng wanted to do, and her pretty face flushed bright red.

But she didn't refuse, and in front of everyone's eyes, she sat directly in Lin Feng's co-pilot.

This scene made all the boys present dumbfounded.

With just one sentence, Lin Feng let An Feiya get into the car?

This is too realistic, right?

You know, An Feiya is in front of them, it is all cold.

Feelings, this high cold is aimed at the poor!

And Lin Feng didn't even look at these people, and sat in the driver's seat.


One foot on the gas pedal.

The McLaren p1 blasted out a tailpipe and disappeared directly into the night.

The people behind them had different expressions.

Chen Qing and others are envious of An Feiya. It is the dream of all women to have such a handsome guy in a luxury car as a boyfriend!

Anfia made it so easy!

Sure enough, looking beautiful will make life a lot easier...

And the one with the most ugly face was undoubtedly Lin Yao.

Just now he was mocking An Feiya's boyfriend, he thought An Feiya's boyfriend would be a silk...

Now it seems that he is the real silk.

Although the valuation of his family business is in the billions, it is only a valuation, and there is not much that can really be taken out.

At least he has absolutely nothing to do with such a million-dollar luxury car!

In front of Lin Feng~www.readwn.com~ I'm afraid it's just a joke.


Boom boom boom!

The McLaren p1 is speeding down the road.

An Feiya sat in the car and looked at Lin Feng with watery eyes.

"Lin Shao, thank you very much for tonight's matter, stop in front, my school is in front!"

Hearing An Feiya's words, Lin Feng smiled and parked the car in front of Anhe University.

Afterwards, Lin Feng looked at An Feiya and said with a wicked smile: "Little girl, I helped you so much, are you not ready to express it?"

An Feiya naturally knew what Lin Feng meant, and her red lips curled slightly: "Lin Shao, what do you want me to say?"

As she spoke, she leaned against Lin Feng.

An Feiya's unique body fragrance of Russian beauty was introduced into Lin Feng's nose, and it smelled very good.

At the same time, this also aroused Lin Feng's desire.

Lin Feng's big hand fell on An Feiya's slender black silk legs, caressed lightly, and said with a smile, "The sound insulation effect of the hotel that I wanted to try last time, I haven't tried it yet."

"I don't want to try it, the hotel is boring."


An Feiya leaned on Lin Feng's body and breathed like blue: "Lin Shao, let's try the sound insulation effect of the university dormitory. There is no one in my dormitory tonight."

This An Feiya's voice was lazy and soft, so charming that the bones became numb.

An Feiya's words instantly made Lin Feng's desire rise rapidly.

College girls' dormitory!

What a great place to be!

It's exciting to think about it!

I originally wanted to make up for the update today, but Calvin is so powerful, I have only written the third update until now, sorry! Rich Chinese

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