I Am Rich Second Generation, Do Whatever I Want

Vol 2 Chapter 395: : The cosmetics industry is in turmoil!

It is not surprising that Anshi Pharmaceutical was ridiculed by the media!

The price of 16666 by Anshi Pharmaceutical is completely a price that makes people feel like they are daydreaming, and it is strange not to be laughed at.

These media can't believe that a domestic pharmaceutical company like An's Pharmaceutical can really produce high-end luxury cosmetics!

After all, in the field of cosmetics, it is impossible to have no background!

Those big brands like Lancome and Estee Lauder, which one of them did not have the heritage of hundreds of years, can gain a firm foothold in the cosmetics industry. An's Pharmaceutical wants to compete with it, and it is completely asking for trouble!

In the face of the ridicule of the people below, An Qing's expression was still very dull.

She waited for the scene to calm down a little, and then continued leisurely: "I know that you will definitely have doubts about the strength of our Anshi Pharmaceuticals! I also know that you will think that our Anshi Pharmaceuticals have a dream for Anhe. Overpriced!"

"But our pricing at An's is well thought out!"

"We're sure the Anhe Dream is worth the price!"

As soon as An Qing said this, there was another uproar.

A reporter stood up and asked, "Mr. An, what kind of confidence do you have?"

This is what everyone wants to ask. They all want to know why An Qing dares to set this Anhe Dream at a high price of 16666!

Hearing this question, An Qing was silent for a while before saying:

"The reason why we are sure is because the purity of Anhe's Dream is as high as 80%!"

"Crushes almost twice all cosmetic products on the market!"

"With such an effect, the price is 16666! Do you think it is unreasonable?"

There was Ling Lie in An Qing's words, and what she said was shocking!

A bottle of makeup!

Up to 80% purity? !

How is this possible?

Since the reporters present were able to interview An Qing, they basically all had knowledge of the cosmetics industry, or at least they had done their homework in advance.

They all know very well what this 80% purity means!

You know, the cosmetics on the market today, even Chanel's top skin care products, are less than 40% pure!

And this dream of Anhe has crushed Chanel nearly twice!

If it really has such high purity, let alone the price of 16666!

That is, there is no problem with the price of 66666!

But is it really possible?

The reporters were still skeptical.

An Qing also expected that no one would believe it.

She was ready to wave her hand, and several old men under the media stage walked up slowly.

An Qing introduced: "These people are all researchers in the Huaxia cosmetics industry! They are also seniors representing authority in the Huaxia cosmetics industry!"

"Today, I invited them here just to appraise the dream of Anhe!"

"I believe that after the appraisal of several seniors, everyone should not doubt it, right?"

The reporters below nodded in agreement.

They also know these authoritative seniors in the cosmetics industry, and their identification is definitely very reliable!

It was affirmed by the reporters and the media, and the appraisal started immediately!

Several employees of Anshi Pharmaceutical pushed up the required identification equipment, and several old people passed the equipment and began to identify Anhe Dream!

Time passed by, and everyone was anxiously waiting.

Although they all knew very well that the purity of this Anhe Dream couldn't reach 80%, An Qing was bragging!

But they also want to wait for the appraisal results to see how the Anhe Dream's medicinal effect is!


After half an hour, several old men finished the appraisal, and their faces showed shock, as if they had seen something incredible.

They frowned, chatted with each other for a while, and finally confirmed the result before an old man in a Tang suit said:

"After the appraisal of several of our old people, An Qing'an is absolutely right!"

"The purity of Anhe Dream is as high as 80%. It is Huaxia...no...it is the purest cosmetic in the entire world!"

"Anhe Dream is the king of cosmetics!"

At the end, the tone of the old man in Tang suit was trembling.

This is also a very exciting thing for him. He has been in the Huaxia cosmetics industry for so many years, and he has been pressured by major foreign-funded enterprises. The major foreign-funded enterprises are bullying them. So be unscrupulous in China!

The Anhe Dream launched by Anshi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has undoubtedly hit these foreign-funded enterprises in the face!


The words exploded like a bomb.

For a moment, the audience was silent and silent!

Everyone was speechless. With the identification of these old men, their doubts about An Qing were completely dissipated!

An River's Dream is really the best in cosmetics!

With such quality, the price of 16666 is not expensive at all!

At this moment, all the reporters present could imagine that if Anhe Zhimeng entered the cosmetics market, what kind of storm would it set off!


Inside Sir Ellie's restaurant.

Just like the press conference scene, the Sir Ellie Restaurant at this time no longer has the appearance of singing and dancing.

The foreigners who were still celebrating various occasions just now stopped and stared at the mobile LCD TV in the center of Sir Ellie's restaurant!

Their expressions were all ugly, as if they had eaten shit, and their faces were blue and white!

Among them, the most ugly faces were none other than Masao Murakami and the others sitting at the head of the round table.

They were all dumbfounded and couldn't believe it!

As tycoons in the cosmetics industry, they all know what it means for a bottle of cosmetics to be as high as 80% pure!

This is a beauty product in the true sense, a product that can really whiten consumers!

Compared with these products on the market now, under the banner of whitening, they are actually just products for moisturizing and moisturizing. I don’t know too much!

If this Anhe Dream really has such a good effect, Anshi Pharmaceutical will put it into the cosmetics market again!

Not to mention 16666, even 66666 is estimated to be robbed!

In this way, consumers would rather spend 16666 yuan to buy the efficacy products of Anshi Pharmaceutical, and it is estimated that they will not spend thousands of dollars on these moisturizing products!

This is something that will definitely change the world of high-end luxury goods!

"Baga! How is this possible! How could those idiots in China~www.readwn.com~ have developed such a product!"

"Liar, they are definitely lying!"

Masao Murakami was the first to jump out and cursed loudly.

He is an Oriental and looks down on Huaxia from the bottom of his heart. He doesn't believe that the Huaxia people who he always thought were stupid can actually develop such an excellent product!

The purity is as high as 80%!

This kind of product, even Chanel could not have developed it. Rich Chinese

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