I Am Rich Second Generation, Do Whatever I Want

Vol 2 Chapter 396: : Shame on overseas groups!

Edward, head of Lancome, was also sweating coldly and said reluctantly; "Yes, these Chinese people just like to play tricks! They are fraudulent advertisements, and they are absolutely impossible to develop!"

"Huh! The Chinese people used such a dirty method when they saw that we had occupied the cosmetics market and wanted to support a company to return to the cosmetics market!"

"Huaxia people, it's so ugly!"

Jason Lauder, the person in charge of Estee Lauder, couldn't calm down, and said coldly.

These French, Americans, and Orientals are born with a sense of superiority, and they think they are a high-ranking existence and look down on Chinese people!

Now that they were defeated by Anshi Pharmaceutical, they naturally would not admit it!

It is absolutely impossible for them to be defeated by the Chinese!

Only Catherine remained calm. She said lightly, "As the No. 1 pharmaceutical company in Anhe, An's Pharmaceutical is one of the top companies in Huaxia Pharmaceuticals!"

"An's Pharmaceutical is absolutely impossible to say such big words without any certainty!"

"Accept reality."

"It's true that we lose now!"

On the surface, Katherine was calm, but in fact her heart was full of shock.

This cosmetic with 80% purity is amazing!

They have invested so much money in Chanel for so many years, and they have the world's top technology, and the purity of the products they have developed is not 50%!

But Anshi Pharmaceutical has reached 80% all of a sudden, which is too big a gap!

Catherine also knew about Anshi Pharmaceutical. This is a company with no experience in cosmetic research and development!

It is absolutely impossible for them to develop a product with such a high purity!

This means that there are other people behind Anshi Pharmaceutical!

This person's cosmetic research and development level, at least crushes the world...

Who will this person be?

Catherine frowned and thought.

And Edward, Jason, and Masao Murakami looked disappointed.

Catherine is right, An's Pharmaceuticals will never brag for no reason!

They were indeed defeated!

And it was still defeated by the Chinese, what a shame!



And Lin Feng, the initiator of all this, is unaware of the storm that has swept the entire Chinese cosmetics industry.

He and Zhao Xiaoman went to a nearby cinema and bought two movie tickets for "Can You" and a bucket of popcorn.

The movie tickets this time were still bought by Zhao Xiaoman, and they were still in the top row!

"Xiaoman, do you really like to sit so high and watch movies?"

After being seated, Lin Feng looked at Zhao Xiaoman with a half-smile.

"I don't like it, but..."

Having said that, Zhao Xiaoman paused for a while, and said with a blushing smile, "But I think you will like it."

"I would like it?"

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand what Zhao Xiaoman meant at first, but after thinking about it carefully, the corner of his mouth couldn't help evoking a bad smile.

"Little fairy, seduce me?"

The top row of the cinema is the least crowded and the darkest place. Actually, it is not very suitable for watching movies!

But Zhao Xiaoman chose such a remote location, naturally, not for watching movies.

Being punctuated by Lin Feng, Zhao Xiaoman was not shy, he blinked and smiled and said, "Master, what are you thinking about, who seduced you, I just said that this position is higher, you might like it..."

Zhao Xiaoman looked innocent, but there was still a hint of temptation.

This chick is too much!

Lin Feng is preparing to train Zhao Xiaoman.

The movie is on!

The movie "Can or Not" is not a big-budget movie, and there are no big stars joining it. It belongs to a third-rate ancient costume martial arts movie with a small cost.

So, this time, no one came to watch the movie!

Apart from Lin Feng and Zhao Xiaoman, there were only two women sitting in the front row.

These two women are nothing special, ordinary!

And the movie "Can it" doesn't have any bright spots, and the plot is not very good. The only thing that makes Lin Feng feel bright is Zhao Xiaoman's dress up in the movie!

Zhao Xiaoman in the movie, dressed up like Xiaolongnv, has a white gauze skirt, hair accessories on her head, and the filter of the movie. She looks immortal and beautiful!

Moreover, in the movie, Zhao Xiaoman is extremely pure, she is completely a fairy who doesn't eat human fireworks.

Seeing this, there were chattering voices from the two women below.

"Who is this female lead? She's so pretty, she's a fairy..."

"This actress is called Zhao Xiaoman, and she is my idol. The reason why I took you to watch this movie today is because of her!"

"I have been a fan of her for a long time. Although she is only a third-tier star, she is a very pure and pure woman. In the entertainment industry, she is considered to be out of mud and not stained! I like her very much!"

A woman said with a little star in her eyes, full of admiration.

Another woman also nodded: "I can see that she is so pure and lovely in the movie, she really looks like a fairy..."

"It must be beautiful in reality!"

The discussion between the two made Lin Feng and Zhao Xiaoman above them listen to each other.

Lin Feng looked at Zhao Xiaoman with a smile, and said with a joking smile, "I didn't expect that I would be able to sit with a pure fairy, it's really my honor!"

Zhao Xiaoman blushed and spat angrily: "That's all hyped by the economic company, what kind of fairy am I!"

"I quite like you being a fairy, pure enough."

Lin Feng's eyes were playful, and while speaking, he suddenly put his hand on Zhao Xiaoman's long white leg and stroked it gently.

Being stroked by Lin Feng's big hand, Zhao Xiaoman's pretty face flushed even more.

But she didn't stop her, instead, she leaned into Lin Feng's ear and said with a sigh of relief, "You've seen my innocent appearance, so do you want to see my charming appearance?"

"Charming look?"

Lin Feng's mind moved, and a hot flame surged in his heart, revealing an evil smile.

"Then I really want to see how charming you are."

His right hand gradually moved up along Zhao Xiaoman's fair long legs, and suddenly reached her skirt~www.readwn.com~ As he was preparing for the next move, Zhao Xiaoman held Lin Feng's hand, The red lips were slightly raised: "Master, don't worry... I'll do it myself!"

After all, Zhao Xiaoman wanted to squat down just like last time.

Looking at Zhao Xiaoman, who was acting like Ren Jun, and feeling the dim lighting of the cinema, Lin Feng suddenly had a bold idea.

Lin Feng stretched out his big hand, directly embraced Zhao Xiaoman's slender waist, and hugged her in his arms.

"Yeah... what are you doing, Master?"

Being hugged by Lin Feng, although Zhao Xiaoman was a little shy, she still looked at Lin Feng with watery eyes. Rich Chinese

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