I Am Rich Second Generation, Do Whatever I Want

Vol 2 Chapter 397: : The explosion of Anhe's dream!

Holding Zhao Xiaoman's hot body, Lin Feng could feel a wonderful touch, as well as the tempting fragrance that spread to the tip of his nose.

Although this Zhao Xiaoman was not the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, it was the most exciting.

"Xiaoman, I want you."

Lin Feng said in a hot tone.


Lin Feng's words made Zhao Xiaoman's heart tremble. She knew very well what Lin Feng meant.

Zhao Xiaoman's pretty face was blushing like blood, as if a ripe peach could squeeze out the honey juice.

She said in a weak mosquito voice: "Master, I was your woman, you wanted me... I don't mind, it's just that I'm in a movie theater now, if there's a camera, why don't we go to the hotel later, and I'll serve you well. ."

At the end of the day, Zhao Xiaoman's voice was getting smaller and smaller, obviously shy.


Lin Feng was slightly startled, almost forgetting that the cinema still has cameras.

However, the smile on Lin Feng's face did not diminish, and he said to Zhao Xiaoman in his arms: "Don't worry, I have a way to keep them from seeing us..."

After all, Lin Feng took out a key, pointed it at the camera, and pressed his hand hard.

"call out!"

A cracking sound rang out.

The key shot out and hit the camera's circuit board directly.

Suddenly, the camera was scrapped.

In order to take care of the audience's viewing experience, the theater must have come to repair it when the movie is playing.

Therefore, before the end of this movie, Lin Feng can do whatever he wants.

"Little goblin, are you still afraid now?"

Lin Feng spoke to Zhao Xiaoman with a gentle voice.

The camera was destroyed, and Zhao Xiaoman's worries were also eliminated.

However, out of female restraint, she still gave Lin Feng a blank look: "Young master, you are so bad...you know how to toss me."

That's what she said, but she twisted her body and stuck it in Lin Feng's arms, the meaning of which was obvious.

"Don't you like it?"

"I like it...but...but young master...be gentle with me...it's my first time, I'm afraid I'll make a sound..."

Zhao Xiaoman blushed the more he spoke.

There are still people in the cinema.

If there is too much movement, it is not good.

"rest assured."

Lin Feng smiled.



After a hurried voice, infinite beauty was staged in this cinema.

Zhao Xiaoman in the movie, wearing a white gauze skirt, fluttering immortal, noble and glamorous, like a fairy who has fallen into the mortal world, as if she doesn't care about all the men in the world.

And outside of the movie...


Anshi Pharmaceutical released high-end cosmetic products overnight!

An's Pharmaceutical enters the luxury goods industry!

Angel Pharmaceuticals releases cosmetic products that are 80% pure!

These three pieces of news swept the entire Anhe overnight!

The release of Anhe Dream shocked the whole Anhe, and countless women wanted to try the effect of this cosmetic with a purity of up to 80%.

However, the price of this 16666 still discourages many people!

But Anshi Pharmaceutical released another big news, if you are not satisfied, you can return it at any time!

This time, detonated the purchase sentiment of all consumers!

Anhe Dream was sold out in less than an hour after its launch, and nearly 5,000 pieces were sold in the Anhe area!

Although this number of sales may not sound like a lot, Anhe Dream is a high-end luxury, and the total sales of 5,000 sticks amounts to a full 80 million!

It's only an hour, and it sold 80 million in one hour, which directly set the highest sales record for cosmetics in a single hour. It's so terrifying!

What's more shocking to everyone is that the people who bought the dream of Anhe, hardly had any bad reviews, and no one returned it!

Because these people were all surprised to find that the effect of Anhe's Dream is really good, and it can really whiten their complexion!

"The Dream of Anhe is really the Dream of Anhe. Buying this product can instantly make me more than ten years younger!"

A noble lady from Anhe showed off directly at the banquet.

In addition to banquets, in various places, as long as it is a woman who has the dream of An River, the crazy dream of An River begins!

Women have an almost crazy pursuit of skin and whitening!

As long as they can be made beautiful, let alone 16666, they will also pay for 66666!

Moreover, the propaganda power of women will always be great, and the reputation of Anhe Zhimeng was fired to the top in an instant!

There was an endless stream of consumers, and Anshi Pharmaceutical's inventory was directly emptied and sold out!

And it’s not over yet. Although Anshi Pharmaceuticals has no inventory, Anhe Dream has fetched a sky-high price of 5w per bottle in the black market, and there is still no market for it!

It can be seen how popular the Anhe Dream is!

"Love me! Just buy me Anhe Dream!"

"If you want to pursue me, please buy me the Anhe Dream!"

"Dad, I want to buy Anhe Dream!"

"I pick up a few more guests tonight, and I can buy Anhe Dream!"


The Dream of Anhe is popular throughout China!

It has become a real Anhe dream!

The dream of countless women!


An's Pharmaceutical Headquarters.

conference room.

"Anhe Dream has been sold out within two hours of its launch! And our official pre-order website has been paralyzed! Consumers' purchases are so powerful!"

"Mr. An, should we increase production? Mass production?"

The sales director of Anshi Pharmaceutical Cosmetics Department said to An Qing with excitement.

An Qing was dealing with tonight's sales accounts, and said without even looking up: "No, Anhe Dream is a high-end luxury item and cannot be mass-produced. We only need to guarantee the sales of 5,000 bottles tomorrow!"

As the president of Anshi Pharmaceutical, An Qing has a good understanding of business operations!

She knows very well that this kind of luxury needs long-term, hungry marketing in order to maximize the interests of their Anshi Pharmaceuticals!

The sales executive is not a fool, nodding: "Okay! Then I'll go down and make arrangements!"

The sales executive left, and the general manager of Anshi Pharmaceutical rushed in again.

"General Manager An! After our Anhe Dream was launched, it directly created nearly 100 million sales for us! It's less than three hours, it's amazing!"

The general manager was also excited. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

In less than three hours, nearly 100 million sales were created. This luxury is really profitable!

"As expected, is there anything else?"

An Qing looked calm.

"Yes!" The general manager suppressed his excitement and took out several documents and put them on the table: "Dozens of investment companies have made it clear that they want to increase shares for us after learning about the hot sale of our Anhe Dream. Yes! The stock market opens tomorrow, and we estimate that it will rise to a new height!"

"And many foreign companies are seeking our cooperation. They are willing to buy Anhe Dream with a lot of money and open up overseas markets!" Fupin Chinese

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