I am simulating the road to eternal life in the chat group

Chapter 321 Special Mode! three digit rule stone

Originally, Wang Ping thought that the Immortal Emperor's combat power had just reached the three-digit threshold, but he did not expect that the Immortal Emperor's level of combat power was so powerful.

Although Star God was also testing his relationship with the person in the first generation chat group, Wang Ping could also see that Star God himself was surprised by his strength.

It was rumored that the Star God was a three-digit elite level existence. To be so surprised by the Star God, Wang Ping speculated that he had at least reached the three-digit elite level now.

"When I break through to the Immortal Emperor level, I will probably reach the three-digit limit directly."

Wang Ping's eyes flickered, thinking to himself.

Breaking through to the Immortal Emperor is a true transformation.

"In other words, before I knew it, I was already standing at the pinnacle of all heavens and worlds."

Wang Ping sighed with emotion.

Among all the worlds observed today, there is no world that can give birth to a two-digit existence.

The existence of two-digit figures is basically born based on the Tianta game, and it is an exceptional existence.

For this reason, the three-digit limit is the apex of all heavens and worlds. This sentence is not wrong.

"It's not easy to break through the level of the Immortal Emperor even in the paradise of heavens. However, as long as I slowly break through the tower, let alone breaking through the level of the Immortal Emperor, it will be a matter of time before I reach double digits."

Wang Ping chuckled, very confident in himself.

"Wang Ping, you are really a pervert." Listening to Wang Ping's emotion, Alpha also complained silently: "In terms of the speed of getting stronger, that one is far inferior to you. The four thirty-eight-year-old Those with exceptional numbers are expected to reach three or even two digits before they turn 100."

"That one is not as good as me. It can only be said that my talent is abnormal, but it cannot be said that my ability is worse than him." Wang Ping shook his head, very self-aware: "After all, I only achieved this by relying on the talent of the super model of Life Simulator. This achievement, and that person became a double figure by relying on his own ability.”

"Actually, it's not like he doesn't have a golden finger." Alpha said after a moment of silence.

"What's the meaning?"

Wang Ping raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

"It is true that the first generation of chat group members were not arranged by me to awaken their talents from the beginning, but this does not mean that some of them do not have their own opportunities."

Alpha showed a look of recollection and spoke.

"That being is the type with profound opportunities. After he traveled through time, he obtained a special prop, which can be regarded as his golden finger. However, compared to your life simulator, this special golden finger belt The growth rate given to him is not that scary. It relies more on his own ability to grow and overcome difficulties. "

"I see."

Wang Ping nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that the first generation of people did not completely travel naked.

However, this is also a very normal thing. If the first-generation boss does not have his own opportunities, it will indeed be difficult to grow into a powerful person in the world.

In the final analysis, there are only a few conditions that can lead to growth in this world.

He has an amazing life experience and an extraordinary background.

Unparalleled talent, overwhelming everything.

He is wily and calculating, and his luck is acceptable.

The opportunities are profound and the luck is amazing.

Powerful to be reborn and transcend previous lives.

If nothing else, the person in the first generation is somewhere between the third type and the fourth type.

As for Wang, he is the second type. His pure talent and life simulator are too buggy, allowing him to become stronger in the early and mid-term.

Even in the later stages, I still relied on the life simulator.

Of course, in a sense, he was also involved in the first situation.

After all, without the one from the first generation scheming behind the scenes, he would still have to die even if he had such a perverted talent.

"Counting the time, it's time for me to break into the tower."

Next, Wang Ping gathered his thoughts and looked in the direction of the Tianta.

This time, Wang Ping did not intend to break through just one level of the Tower, but planned to break through the tower continuously until he obtained the three-digit Rule Stone and the opportunity to break through the Immortal Emperor.

Otherwise, ordinary five-digit special props and four-digit special props are really useless to him.

"The Tianta Game is too dangerous. Even if your strength has greatly increased and your cards are amazing, you can't be careless. I still count on you, Wang Ping, to come back and lead the third generation chat group to glory."

Alpha's expression was gentle, but he reminded him very seriously.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Wang Ping smiled.

Then, without saying anything more to Alpha, Wang Ping took out the park pass and communicated with his mind.

The next moment, Wang Ping was wrapped in white light and appeared in the personal room of the Tianta.

"Player Tianyan, welcome back."

The smart voice of Tianta Intelligence sounded again.

"It was detected that the player Tian Yan's combat power has reached an extraordinary four-digit level, and his talent level has also reached a four-digit level. He also has a three-digit special talent, and successfully triggered the hidden mechanism. The player Tian Yan, You have two choices."

"What choice?"

Wang Ping frowned, having an unknown premonition in his heart.

"The first method is to continue to enter the tower in the normal mode. However, as the floors increase, if you want to continue to enter the tower, it will take longer and longer to form a team. At the same time, because the player's panel is too strong, the Tianta Game's The difficulty will increase.”

"The second method is to play a special game mode. Player Tianyan, you will save the time of slowly breaking through the tower and play a personal special game. If you can pass this special game, you can break through the floors of the tower. You will go directly to the 60th floor, which is equivalent to obtaining SSS-level evaluations for all the previous floors. At the same time, you will receive specific prop rewards, three-digit Rule Stones and Immortal Emperor Opportunities.”

Tianta Intelligent's voice seemed a little confusing, and words appeared on the screen.

Wang Ping fell into silence.

This may be the Sky Tower mechanism, but it may also be that the first generation is interfering again.

"What is the special game? Can the talent be used as usual?"

Wang Pingping asked expressionlessly.

"Player Tian Yan, as the floors increase, the levels of talents and props that can exert effects will become higher and higher. This is the rule of the Tian Tower. For example, in the abyss mode, once the fifth floor is reached, any level below six Once it reaches the tenth level, the effects of talents and props with lower than five digits will disappear; once it reaches the twenty-ninth level, the effects of talents and props with lower than four digits will disappear. ; Once it reaches the fifty-ninth level, the effects of talents and props with lower than three-digit effects will disappear.”

"Just tell me if you can use it as usual."

Wang Ping spoke calmly.

"In special mode, four-digit talents can be used, but the effect will be weakened to a certain extent. Only three-digit talents can work normally."

Tianta Intelligent's voice sounded again.

"Oh, according to what you said, I still made a profit."

Wang Ping curled his lips.

On the fifty-ninth floor, the four-digit talent effects and props could no longer be used. However, through the special mode, he went directly to the sixtieth floor, which was equivalent to allowing the four-digit talent to perform abnormally.

However, this so-called special mode definitely has a big pit waiting for him.

Only when the difficulty exceeds the sum of the previous floors can this special mode appear, and the rewards are so rich.

Otherwise, with Tianta's urine, it would be impossible to give him these two choices.

Of course, the difficulty here refers to the difficulty for him to break into the tower, not the difficulty for other players to break into the tower.

Perhaps, in the subsequent first sixty floors, his current life simulator plus his current trump card can easily break the game, so Tianta will give such a choice and force him to increase the difficulty.

However, this is normal.

Four-digit talent·life simulator, free simulation can also be used for memory viewing.

In addition, his four-digit talent, death-free gold medal and four-digit talent, true damage, can make him invincible.

Not to mention, he now has a three-digit special item, the Star and Moon God.

With such a trump card, his subsequent attempt to enter the tower normally would not be difficult.

If something like him could happen on the first sixty floors, Wang Ping felt that all those three-digit figures would die.

"Player Tianyan, what is your choice?"

Tianta's intelligent voice sounded again, ignoring Wang Ping's complaints.

"Ha, of course I chose to enter the tower normally."

Wang Ping spoke calmly.

He wouldn't choose any special mode that looked like a huge pit at first sight.

"Player Tian Yan, please make your choice quickly."

Tianta Intelligent's voice rang again.

This made Wang Ping silent and understood one thing.

His grandma's, just like when he was locked in the abyss mode, he had no choice at the beginning, and letting him choose was just a symbolic question to him.

"I choose special mode."

Wang Ping chose to enter the tower normally for the next half hour, but unfortunately Tianta ignored him every time and directly urged him for half an hour, leaving Wang Ping helpless.

For this reason, Wang Ping had no choice but to choose the special mode.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tian Yan, you successfully selected the special mode and the game begins."

After Wang Ping made his choice, Tianta's intelligent voice rang out, and he no longer pretended to be deaf and dumb.

This made Wang Ping even more speechless.

The next second, Wang Ping was wrapped in white light, disappeared into the sky tower space, and was thrown into a special mode world.

When Wang Ping's vision became clear again, he discovered his own abnormal situation.

In terms of talents, except for the four-digit talent: gold medal for immunity from death, the four-digit talent: true damage, and the four-digit talent: natural path, all other talents are unusable.

At the same time, although these four-digit talents can still be used, their effects have been severely reduced.

The four-digit talent·death-free gold medal has an effect duration of three minutes.

The effect of the four-digit talent·True Damage is no longer a means of ignoring energy barriers. It can only take effect when it attacks the body, and not all damage is converted into real damage.

The effect of the four-digit talent·Innate Tao Seed has also been reduced, and the understanding has been greatly reduced.

As for the four-digit talent, Fearless Heart, it is a one-time talent, so it is no longer available here.

And his real natural talent, the life simulator, was also cut down and became a free talent that could only be used once a day. It could be said that he was back before liberation.

As for the paid model, it is even more unusable.

Only the three-digit special prop Xingyue Shen has not been cut. However, as before, the effect of the props in the Tianta game is different from that of the outside world, and has been adjusted accordingly.

However, Wang Ping could accept the reduction of his talents and props. The key was that his memory was also partially blurred.

This part is about his memory of enlightenment and practice.

Those memories were like reading novels before traveling through time, which also caused his control of power skills to plummet.

In other words, Wang Ping has now become a very special ordinary person, which feels quite bad.

Wang Ping shook his head slightly, feeling a little headache about his situation.

This so-called special mode seemed to be more troublesome than he thought.

"Ding, the special game·Disordered World begins, the rules are as follows:

①. In this game world, five balloons will appear every two days. Player Tian Yan must choose one of these five balloons and pop it within ten seconds.

②. Each of the five balloons has different rules. Once one of the five balloons is popped, the rules inside will be revealed, causing the rules of the world to change. Players and the native inhabitants of this world must carry out activities under this rule, and will die if they break away from the rules.

③. Clearance method: The host needs to ensure that more than 30% of the human population in the world can survive in ten days. If it is less than 30%, it will be considered a failure. "

"Ding, the game will start in thirty minutes, player Tian Yan, please be mentally prepared."

Tianta Intelligent's voice sounded continuously, and a screen also appeared in front of Wang Ping.


Looking at the game mechanism, Wang Ping was speechless.

Damn, this breaks the rules of the game and is too difficult.

Each balloon has a rule, and the rules can be superimposed.

At the same time, Wang Ping suspected that after selecting a balloon, the remaining balloons would not disappear or refresh, but would only increase in number.

In other words, the difficulty of this special mode is incredible.

If it weren't for someone else and a life simulator, they could avoid danger to the greatest extent. If it were other players, the possibility of sudden death would be too high.

In fact, even he, Wang Ping, cannot guarantee that he can pass the level 100% under the current circumstances.

After all, his life simulator can only run once a day.

In other words, if his luck is too bad, he will not be able to understand all the balloon rules through the life simulator and make the best arrangements to avoid risks to the greatest extent.


Wang Ping frowned slightly.

Under the superposition of various strange rules, it is not an easy task to ensure that more than 30% of all human beings survive.

"The best way to clear customs should be like this"

After thinking about it, Wang Ping came up with some ideas.

First, the arrival of God made most human beings believe in him in the shortest possible time, paving the way for the next step.

Second, conduct a global live broadcast so that all mankind can follow how he survives under the rules.

The third point is to choose the most appropriate rules to match and minimize the risk factor.

Although, no matter how hard you do it, you still need some luck to pass this game, but you can only take it one step at a time.

"By the way, I can also create some methods to spread faith before the game starts, so that humans can believe in me to a greater extent. Even if the four-digit natural Taoism is cut, it will be enough to help me do these things. Not to mention, you can also refer to the teachings of Taoism and Buddhism.”

Wang Ping's eyes flickered, thinking to himself.

"System, I want to conduct a free simulation."

Then, Wang Ping said from the bottom of his heart.

"Ding, the life simulator is launched and the free simulation begins."

The system's voice rang.

[After you make a decision, you start to create methods quickly. Although you don’t have much time, it is enough to create the teachings that spread your faith. Anyway, the target of dissemination is only mortals, not monks, which is not too difficult. 】

[Nearly half an hour has passed. You have successfully created a spell and are waiting for the game to start. 】

[A few minutes later, the game starts, and five balloons suddenly appear in front of you, making your expression serious. The first balloon is crucial. If this balloon is not selected correctly, then after the game starts, the main body Wang Ping can only open the blind box, and there is no room for choice again. In that case, the risk factor is too great. 】

[For this reason, you took a deep breath, hoping that you were lucky enough and chose the balloon with serial number 3. After you pop the balloon numbered 3, the rules inside also emerge. 】

[This rule is that humans cannot look up to the sky. If they look up to the sky, they will die suddenly. 】

[As this rule emerged, people all over the world who looked up at the sky died suddenly in an instant. However, fortunately, most of today's human beings are social animals and are working. There are not so many people looking up at the sky in idleness. For this reason, the number of deaths was not high. However, if this rule is not known, the death toll will gradually increase. 】

[Of course, you are still very happy with this result. Because the rules in Balloon No. 3 are not particularly excessive. In other words, you are still very lucky. Of course, the degree of abnormality of the rules of the balloons that appear in each round may be increasing, and the rules in the first round of balloons are not outrageous. Everything is unknown and needs to be explored. 】

[Next, you started taking action and summoned the God of Stars and Moon. The successful manifestation of miracles shocked the top human beings and allowed them to spread the news of the gods' appearance in the form of live broadcast, allowing you to spread your faith and save the world. 】

[This global live broadcast shocked most of humanity, except for a small number of poor people who did not see all this because there was no live broadcast. 】

[You have a plan for this. At the same time, let the top leaders of various countries take action to popularize faith among the people, and at the same time convey the rule that you cannot look up to the sky. 】

[However, although you have tried your best and many humans have become your believers, human nature is more rebellious. The more things cannot be done, the more many people like to try. For this reason, some people who have never believed have chosen to commit suicide by looking up to the sky. 】

[Then, they all died suddenly, causing great panic. This also made people believe in your words as a god even more. 】

[In this regard, two days have passed. In the early morning of the third day, five more balloons appear in front of you. This makes you look solemn. After thinking about it, you chose the balloon code-named 7. 】

[As the balloon code-named 7 is popped by you, the rules are also revealed. The rule of Balloon No. 7 is that humans cannot sleep. 】

[This rule will make your expression change. After all, at this time, in the early morning, most humans have already rested, although in other time zones of the planet, some are daytime. But this rule still appeared too suddenly and too dangerously. 】

[You can already predict the tragedy that will happen next. 】

[Sure enough, after this rule was revealed, nearly half of the human race died suddenly, reducing your probability of passing the level to the dangerous level. 】

[This result will make you silent. After all, this sudden death was just the beginning. The next human beings will not be able to sleep. Under such circumstances, you don't know how long humans can last. After all, it is really dangerous for human beings not to sleep. Even if they meditate and close their eyes to rest and relax, it is difficult for many people to survive eight days without dozing off. 】

"This special game is really dangerous."

Wang Ping looked at the content of the text simulation with an extremely serious expression.

This special game depends more on luck than strength or intelligence.

I was just unlucky, and I directly picked a cheating rule that was really impossible to play.

[Next, you spread the rule that humans cannot sleep. At the same time, you also begin to continue to create methods, hoping to create a method that allows humans to stay energetic and do not have to sleep. 】

[Relying on the understanding brought by your innate Taoism, you successfully created such a meditation method and spread it. However, in the process of your creation, some people died because of sleeping or dozing off. 】

[On this planet today, the number of surviving humans has dropped to less than 45%. 】

[In the blink of an eye, two days have passed, and human society has long since come to a standstill. If it weren't for you to create the religion and spread the faith, making most of the surviving humans become fanatical believers, human society would have been in extreme chaos. 】

[And during these two days, most of the remaining humans relied on the meditation method you created to survive and barely survive. 】

[In the early morning of the fifth day, five more balloons appeared. You looked at these five balloons and fell into silence. This time, you did not pop the balloons immediately, but you were thinking about whether you could pop the balloons in the first two rounds. 】

[If possible, you can try to see if the rules in the first two rounds of balloons are simpler. However, you are also worried that after popping, the rules will appear, but they will not be counted. You still need to pop the balloon in the third round. In that case, it really exploded. 】

[In the end, after struggling, you chose stability and popped balloon No. 14. 】

[As the fourteenth balloon was popped, the rules inside were also revealed. 】

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