I am simulating the road to eternal life in the chat group

Chapter 322 Achievement of the Only Achievement! Talent Upgrade!

[The rule of Balloon No. 14 is that humans must maintain eight hours of sleep every day. 】

[When you see this rule, your face darkens, knowing that you are finished. After all, the rule of Balloon No. 7 is that humans cannot sleep, and if they sleep, they will die. Now, there is another rule that requires eight hours of sleep. This is a dead end with no possibility of a comeback. 】

[However, in the face of difficulties, even if it is a life-or-death situation, you will not give up your belief in survival now. For this reason, you start racking your brains to think of ways to break the situation. 】

[Finally, you think of a way, which is to fall asleep. Although this rule states that sleep is necessary, it does not stipulate whether deep sleep, light sleep, or false sleep is required. 】

[For this reason, if all human beings are taught to imagine themselves sleeping while meditating, the conditions may also be met. 】

[Just do it, you start to continue to create methods based on the meditation method, and at the same time it spreads quickly. 】

[Eventually, through your efforts, this method spread to the minds of all humans still alive today, and they began to try to sleep in this way. 】

[However, it turns out that stuck bugs are useless. False sleep, if it can be considered sleep, can also be regarded as triggering the no-sleep rule of Balloon No. 7. This also resulted in many of the people you used as experimental subjects dying suddenly on the spot. 】

[This gives you a headache and you are thinking of new solutions. Eventually, you come up with a cruel solution. 】

[That is, since the survival rate of human beings is above 30%, then as long as you can transform the human species into other species before the game starts, leaving you alone, wouldn’t that be the case? One hundred percent. 】

[In other words, as long as you ensure that you can survive, you can pass the level, or even pass it perfectly. Although so many people have died in this world and you are already dead this time, you can definitely create a clearance route for the main body Wang Ping. 】

[Thinking of this, you start to retrieve the scientific research data of this world and search for whether there are viruses such as zombie viruses in this world. 】

[However, unfortunately, there is no such virus in this world. It is not an easy task to research it in a short time. Your race conversion plan has come to nothing. 】

[In this regard, you regret not studying various viruses before. If you have studied it, it will be much easier for the main body Wang Ping to act. 】

"Sure enough, rather than protecting human beings, if we let humans undergo racial changes, the probability of passing the level will be greater."

Wang Ping looked at the content of the text simulation and thought silently in his heart.

While Wang Ping was thinking, the text simulation continued.

[However, although there is no ready-made virus, you have no intention of giving up. You start to study the three-digit special item, the ability of the Star and Moon God. After your research and development, you have successfully developed a special ability from the three-digit special item Star Moon God. 】

[This ability is to mobilize the power of the stars in the sky and use the power of the stars and moon gods to transform humans into dependent star spirits. 】

[Next, you use the little time left to start trying to transform the remaining humans into protoss. 】

[After your control, many humans began to be transformed into star spirits. But because the number of surviving humans is gradually decreasing, the proportion of survivors is getting smaller and smaller. 】

[You don’t care about this. After all, you are dead this time. Your purpose is just for research. 】

[Finally, the time comes, the rules of Balloon No. 14 are triggered, all humans die, you are also eliminated, and you die. 】

[Because of your death, this simulation ends. 】

As the text simulation ended, memory images and various experiments in the simulation also appeared in Wang Ping's mind.

"I thought that the newly added memory transfer function after evolving into a four-digit talent was eliminated, but I didn't expect that there is still one. In this case, it will be much easier to handle."

Wang Ping recalled the memory images in his mind and chuckled.

Then, Wang Ping didn't want to waste any more time and directly summoned the three-digit existence of Xingyue God.

Although it is said that in the Sky Tower, after adjustment, the three-digit existence cannot be as terrifyingly destructive as the outside world, but it is powerful enough, and it is definitely an extraordinary existence, enough to destroy the city.

Then, Wang Ping merged with the Star and Moon God, and bright starlight appeared behind him, and his pupils became as deep as the starry sky.

Then, Wang Ping flew directly into the sky, using the power of the Star and Moon God to attract the starlight from the sky and scatter it to every corner of the planet.

This scene was so shocking that countless people exclaimed.

Relevant departments from various countries also discovered Wang Ping's existence. They were equally shocked and began to think about it.

However, no matter what they thought, Wang Ping didn't care.

Under your control, as the stars filled the sky, some humans were shocked to find that their bodies had changed.

"It seems that transforming humans into other races will not lead to abnormal proportions. I can finally rest assured."

When Wang Ping intentionally controlled some humans to transform into stars first, he also looked at the proportion of human deaths on the screen in front of him. When he saw that the proportion was still 100%, he was completely relieved.

Then, Wang Ping no longer hesitated and increased his output, hoping to transform all humans into protoss as quickly as possible.

In the end, in just ten minutes, Wang Ping successfully transformed most of them into Star Spirit Familiar.

However, Wang Ping did not really transform all human beings into celestial beings.

In order to prevent the weird situation of not being counted as a human being, Wang Ping still left two humans behind.

However, this human being was captured by Wang Ping and controlled at any time to prevent them from seeking death.

Next, Wang calmly waited for the game to start.

Soon after, the game started, and Wang Ping chose balloon No. 3.

The rule against looking up to the sky emerged, resulting in some deaths.

Wang Ping ignored this. After all, there are only two humans left on the earth today, and they are both beside you, and they are in the basement, so it is impossible to look up to the sky.

Next, Wang Ping immediately began to create methods like those in the life simulator, just in case of emergencies.

In the blink of an eye, it was early in the morning and a new round of balloons appeared. Wang Ping was very calm.

Although Wang Ping's life simulator was still not refreshed and cooled down after the balloon appeared, making it impossible to simulate and make correct judgments, Wang Ping's creation went smoothly and he taught it to the man who had become The humans who were his fanatical followers did not let these two humans sleep.

For this reason, Wang Ping still chose balloon No. 7 and chose the rule of not sleeping.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Wang Ping found that the cooling period of the life simulator was finally over and he could simulate it for free again.

For this reason, Wang Ping said in his heart without hesitation: "System, I want to conduct a free simulation."

"Ding, the life simulator starts, and the free simulation begins."

The system's voice rang.

Then, the screen appeared, and familiar words also appeared.

[Next, you continue to perfect the corresponding method and wait for the third round of balloon refresh. At the same time, you are also paying close attention to changes in the outside world. Because all human beings have become star spirits, the entire society has naturally fallen into chaos. Although, because these star spirits are all your dependents, you can order them, but chaos is still inevitable. 】

[You don’t pay much attention to this. After all, it doesn't matter how many protoss you have, as long as it doesn't prevent you from completing this special game, that's fine. 】

[In a blink of an eye, in the early morning of the fifth day, the balloon appeared on time. This time, you naturally avoided Balloon No. 14. After thinking about it, you choose balloon number eleven. 】

[As you pop balloon No. 11, the hidden rules are revealed. This rule is that humans must do three hundred push-ups in one day. Once you start doing push-ups, you must complete them within an hour without taking a long rest. 】

[Seeing this rule, you let out a sigh of relief. Three hundred people standing on the ground are indeed a big trouble for ordinary people. If there are still seven billion humans on the earth, then under this rule, many people will definitely die. But the situation is different now. There are only two humans now. You can completely cheat these two humans, increase their power, and let them complete this rule. 】

[For this reason, you managed to live for two more days, and allowed these two humans to survive. Their physical fitness has also been greatly improved. 】

[In the early morning of the seventh day, the fourth round of balloons begins to refresh. You look at these five balloons with a solemn expression. After thinking about it, you choose balloon number 20. 】

[As balloon No. 20 is popped by you, the rules are revealed. The appearance of this rule made your expression instantly stiffen. 】

[Because the rule of Balloon No. 20 is that humans cannot move. 】

[With the emergence of this rule, the two humans died suddenly because of their actions. This made you feel a knot in your heart, thinking that you were going to be doomed. 】

[However, you found that you were not eliminated. Obviously, you who have not merged with the Star and Moon God are still counted among the human race. For this reason, the current human survival rate is equivalent to more than 30%. 】

[This makes you feel relieved. Next, you just need to survive two days until the fifth round of balloons appears. At that time, if you are lucky enough and choose a rule that is not outrageous, you may be able to pass the level. 】

[You wait motionless. In this way, two days passed. In the early morning of the ninth day, the balloons were refreshed again. After the fifth round of balloons appeared, you used the power of the Star and Moon God to destroy the twenty-third balloon. 】

[As Balloon No. 23 was burst, the rules were revealed. The rule is that humans cannot think. 】

[The moment this rule appears, your complexion changes drastically. After all, thinking is continuous and no one can stop thinking instantly. And the moment this rule appears, death is doomed. Unless that person is in a state of deep sleep. 】

[However, you reacted quickly and directly used the effect of the four-digit talent·death-free gold medal. I have to say that your reaction was very quick, and luckily the rules of death also involve a little bit of a death process. For this reason, you successfully escaped death. 】

[It’s just that the effect of the four-digit talent and death-free gold medal is only three minutes. In other words, you must allow yourself to enter an ethereal state within these three minutes. 】

[This is not a problem for you. Although your memory has been blurred, you are still one of the beings standing at the apex of all heavens and worlds. For this reason, you easily enter an ethereal state. 】

[When the three minutes are up, you are not dead, you just stand there quietly. 】

[In the end, when the time comes and you are still alive, you have successfully passed this special game. 】

[Because the game is over, this simulation ends here. 】

"This crappy game is really difficult."

Wang Ping looked at the content of the text simulation and sighed.

This game depends so much on luck. If it hadn't been for him, the chances of other players failing would have been estimated to be as high as 99%.

Even he, if it weren't for too much cheating and good luck, he wouldn't be sure to pass the level perfectly.

"Since I am considered a human being, there is no need to keep two burdens. Next, just follow the route simulated in the text."

Afterwards, Wang Ping let out a breath and began to take action, ordering the Xingyue God to transform the remaining two humans into star spirits.

Then, Wang Ping chose the balloon and acted calmly like a life simulation.

In the end, he survived for ten days.

"Ding, congratulations to player Tian Yan for passing the special mode. Will you return?"

The pleasant voice of Tianta Intelligence rang.


After Tianta's intelligent voice sounded, Wang Ping came back from his ethereal state and spoke without hesitation.

Following Wang Ping's answer, his body was wrapped in white light, disappeared into the game world, and returned to his blank room.

"Ding, it was detected that player Tian Yan successfully completed the main mission and was rated A-level."

"Ding, the survival rate of human beings is detected to be 100%. The level is passed perfectly, the evaluation is improved, the evaluation is SSS level, and an SSS-level abyss treasure chest is obtained."

"Ding, the player Tian Yan has chosen the special mode, which will be specially rewarded with a three-digit Rule Stone and an Immortal Emperor's Chance. At the same time, the player Tian Yan's floor will also reach the sixtieth floor, which is equivalent to Passed the first fifty-nine levels and achieved SSS level evaluation on all of them.”

"Ding, all tower announcement, player Tian Yan, successfully activated the special mode, passed the special game world perfectly, and obtained an SSS-level evaluation. The achievement is equivalent to the sum of the SSS-level evaluations of the first fifty-nine floors of the abyss mode. He became the first to achieve this At the same time, the player Tian Yan has obtained the qualification to reach the sixtieth floor."

A series of sounds sounded, not so much a tower-wide announcement, but three times in a row, which made Wang Ping's mouth curl up a bit, and he was quite satisfied with the result.

Oh, he, Wang Ping, finally did something great that shocked the entire world, and achieved an astonishing achievement that was unique to him.

This is an achievement that even the person in the first generation chat group has not achieved.

However, Wang Ping quickly calmed down and couldn't help but shake his head.

He has almost become a three-digit extreme powerhouse, and he will feel happy and proud because of this.

Sure enough, the life time is too short, and it is still not as stable as those old monsters.

Of course, that's just what Wang Ping thinks. In fact, anyone who achieves such an achievement will not be able to hide his happiness. Even an old monster will be like this, but he won't be so proud.

At this moment, everyone in the entire universe who had entered the paradise was shocked. They did not expect that Wang Ping would make such a big noise in such a short period of time.

Some powerful people, who have not entered the All Heavens Paradise during this period, do not know that Wang Ping is already a four-digit breaker. Before, they just thought that Wang Ping was just ruthless and courageous enough, and he had a promising future.

As a result, in a blink of an eye, Wang Ping jumped directly to the sixtieth floor, which was ridiculous.

The most terrifying thing is that he actually achieved an achievement that has never been achieved in double digits. He was the first to clear the special mode and received an SSS rating. This is really abnormal.

"It seems that we have underestimated him far."

"This is no longer a rising star. Perhaps, he has become a big shot that we can't match."

The strong men outside the heavenly paradise sighed in their hearts.

As for the creatures in the heavenly paradise, they were all extremely shocked, even frightened.

There was no way, Wang Ping had done too many things during this period, each one more outrageous than the last.

Even those three-digit figures were silent.

Wang Ping himself is a four-digit breaker. Now he has performed a special mode unprecedented in ancient and modern times, and even received an SSS-level evaluation.

They could not imagine what kind of reward Wang Ping would receive.

Perhaps, soon, Wang Ping will become the most powerful being among the three-digit figures, and then he will advance to the two-digit figure.

Is there going to be another two-digit person in the universe?

In the Palace of the God of Cookery, the God of Cookery, who was eating the front leg meat of a strange creature, was also stunned, and the meat in his hand fell to the ground.

However, the God of Cookery ignored it and just exclaimed: "Dear me, a four-digit breaker who is less than forty years old is expected to become a double-digit person before he is a hundred years old. Don't you think this is outrageous? Star God, Fortunately we apologized early, otherwise you would have been really cold."


The Star God was silent, feeling lucky and in a very complicated mood.

After something happened, they naturally investigated Wang Ping's past and discovered Wang Ping's true age.

To be honest, they were really scared.

Even though they were three-digit experts who had lived for a long time, they were still frightened.

It is outrageous that a four-digit person who is about thirty-eight years old is expected to become a two-digit person before he is 100 years old.

This speed of getting stronger must be frightening to even double digits.

Although it is said that there is no shortage of talents that can make people stronger quickly in the paradise of heavens, such talents are invincible in the early and mid-term. Later, even if the talent level is improved, they will not be so heaven-defying.

For example, it is not uncommon to have a talent that makes you stronger after killing someone. If you kill someone else at a low level, you can take away their cultivation level and even their spiritual enlightenment.

But after reaching five figures, the situation is different.

Even if the level of this kind of talent is raised to five digits, it cannot completely capture people's understanding.

After all, other people's perceptions belong to others.

At the same time, if the insights you absorb are too complex and the path you follow is too confusing, you will become obsessed with it, plunge yourself into chaos, and ruin your future.

Talent also has limits.

However, Wang Ping seems to be a special case. His talent seems to have no shackles.

"With the speed at which he becomes stronger and breaks through the tower, he is indeed expected to reach double digits before he turns 100. He may set the record to a level that will make future generations despair."

Star God sighed.

There is no world where two-digit numbers can be born. The birth of two-digit numbers depends on the game rewards of the Sky Tower.

For this reason, it is not very time consuming.

As for the problem that it takes too much time to break through the Immortal Emperor, judging from Tian Yan's previous training speed, this is not a problem for him.

For this reason, reaching double digits before the age of 100 is really not just talk.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, we are about to witness history. There is an extra perverted two-digit figure in this paradise of heavens. I don't know what will happen."

The God of Cookery from the God of Cookery Palace picked up the meat and continued eating, muttering.

When three digits are very shocking, the presence of two digits makes it difficult to calm down.

Originally, they felt that it was unrealistic even if that person wanted to train a person with double digits and a person with SSS-level evaluations throughout the entire process.

Now it seems that they are going to be slapped in the face.

"I can only say that he is worthy of that person. Compared with him, we are far behind."

There were two-digit sighs.

These words made the other two figures fall silent.

"Speaking of which, even if Tian Yan reaches double digits and reaches the ninetieth floor, there will still be one person of the same kind to start the game."

Two figures' eyes flickered and they said with interest.

"I wonder, where is his other cultivator?"

"Who knows this. Even if we join forces, we can't deduce his plan."

Faced with this question, the other two figures were a little curious, but they shook their heads helplessly.

Again, they are both in double digits, but they really don't seem to be on the same level as that person.

While the big shots in Zhutian Paradise were exclaiming and exchanging words, Wang Ping also looked at his reward.

Wang Ping did not directly open the SSS-level abyss treasure chest, but looked at the three-digit rule stone, received it, and chose to directly fuse and upgrade.

Soon, Wang Ping's talent was upgraded.

Life simulator, successfully reached the triple-digit level.

Once you reach the triple-digit life simulator level, there are some changes in abilities again.

Free simulation and paid simulation have disappeared, becoming the three most essential capabilities of life simulators.

Time and space, creation, cause and effect.

Time and space are reflected in the fact that Wang Ping can see the endless future and endless possibilities at a glance.

Creation, you can consume the corresponding energy to create the talents and items you want.

Cause and effect, reverse cause and effect, change reality.

The upper limits of the innate abilities of these three essences are extremely high!

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