"There is always a way, don't worry."

Meng Fei comforted them, and at the same time he became extremely serious.

Although he was out of control, his intuition told him that there must be more secrets here.

"Yes, how can a living dog be suffocated to death by urine? There must be a way. The problem now is that finding the secret here will only benefit the future progress." The big yellow dog continued on the side.

Meng Fei immediately sent a strange look, which seemed to mean that you, a dog, actually spit out two human words.

The big yellow dog seemed to have noticed Meng Fei's malicious eyes, so he grinned and was fierce.

"Haha." Seeing its performance, Meng Fei couldn't help laughing, and then he was passing by and said to everyone: "You just observe in a safe place, I'll go to see the situation inside."

"Well, you should be careful too." Gu Liu agreed with him, and now he could only do this, and there was almost no other idea to consider.

So, Gu Liu and his companions observed from the outside, hoping to find something, but to be honest, it was really hard to find anything outside.

After all, they couldn't go in, so they could only work hard here. If they could really find something, it would be great.

And this place is full of unknowns, so if all aspects are taken into consideration, it's not a bad thing.

Peripheral direction.

As far as Gu Liu is concerned, he walked around.

After this circle, what they could see directly was the large area surrounded by the fog area, which could be said to directly prevent them from choosing other directions. At the same time, they were just floating in this area in a very regular way.

You know, except for this fog, almost all other things surrounded by it stopped moving, and it was hard not to guess that it had nothing to do with it.

Of course, Gu Liu, who has always been the "encyclopedia" among their group, naturally shouldered the responsibility of answering questions for everyone.

But now there is still too little to know, and Gu Liu can't rely on what appears in his eyes to infer anything.

And on Meng Fei's side.

As the main force, he also took on the important responsibility of going deep into it. Of course, this was something only he could do.

However, when he came to the area surrounded by fog, there seemed to be nothing strange except these plants and animals.

He looked at these trees and the like, but the result was self-evident. Like the elk, they were all real things.

They were neither illusions created by magic power nor artificially created fakes.

Everything was consistent with their previous judgment, that is, everything here was almost affected by this already weird fog.

Then, knowing that there was nothing strange about other things, it could be explained that all the doubts might be on this fog.

So, Meng Fei came out again and came to the side of everyone.

"It can be basically confirmed that it's all the problem of this fog. There is no other weird place inside." Meng Fei said to them.

Although this information is not very useful, it is better than nothing.

In this case, everyone's eyes could not help but cast on Gu Liu. Gu Liu was also in a dilemma. To be honest, it was difficult for him to think. After all, he could not get close to the fog like Meng Fei, so it was more difficult to observe.

"Let me think of a way."

There was no other way, only Meng Fei. He stepped forward again, but did not go deep, but simply approached. A cloud of fog was blocking his face in front of him.

This fog had no effect on him, but now Meng Fei wanted to take away some of the fog for Gu Liu to see, which was obviously not an easy task.

Meng Fei touched his chin and frantically searched for various information in his brain. How to take away a cloud of fog?

This is really a brain-breaking question.

And the first thing he thought of was to use a plastic bottle, but where are there any plastic bottles in this world.


Meng Fei's eyes suddenly lit up. Although there were no plastic bottles, there was no shortage of things similar to them.

So, he withdrew from it again, and saw that he came to a big tree and directly broke a branch as thick as an arm with his hands.

Then, after a while of operation, Meng Fei actually made a cup with his hands, but the cup had no lid. In order to cover it and make it tight, Meng Fei made a lid with similar techniques. After trying it out, Meng Fei was satisfied and brought it into the mist.

Then, he shook the wooden cup in a relatively thick mist like a dice for several times, and then covered it with a lid.

After revealing a gap to take a look, Meng Fei was relieved after confirming that the white visible mist was in it.

With the things, Meng Fei came to them in two big steps.

The main thing was Gu Liu. Meng Fei handed the things to him carefully in front of him.

After Gu Liu took the things, he first cast a spell to keep it fixed in place and not dissipate.

In this way, he opened the lid with confidence.

After opening it, you can see that the mist is quietly staying in the cup. Gu Liu's spell still worked.

So, he began to observe the fog.

After observing it, Gu Liu's expression told others that he was very confused.

It was as if he had to confirm something before he could continue.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?" asked Meng Fei, who was standing next to him.

Gu Liu shook his head, but that was not a denial, but a feeling of confusion. He said to Meng Fei in a daze: "Did your eyes see the ghost energy mixed in this fog?"

There was even doubt in his voice, a question to Meng Fei and the others.

"This?" Meng Fei thought about this question carefully, and it seemed that he had never really cared about it.

Perhaps it was too weak. Meng Fei thought that since there was a hidden Tian Yasha nearby, it should be normal to have a little ghost energy.

At least, Meng Fei thought so, and he also told Gu Liu so.

However, his judgment was directly opposed by Gu Liu, and after hearing Meng Fei say that there was indeed a little ghost energy, but it was very weak, Gu Liu's eyes showed a firm light.

Then, he said with a little bit of unconfidence: "If I'm not wrong, this fog should be the retention of ability."

"Ability retention? What is that?"

Not only Meng Fei, but even the big yellow dog and others, after hearing this term, couldn't help but be extremely confused.

And this question seemed to be difficult to explain, or it was a bit complicated to explain. Gu Liu couldn't help but touch the back of his head several times, trying to think about how to answer them.

"Got it!"

After a lot of mental torture, Gu Liu thought of the best way to explain it to them.

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