"It's just a deer. There's no need to make a fuss if you see a deer in the woods."

Gu Liu even thought that Meng Fei was just cooperating with Xu Zhengyi's curiosity, and did not think that Meng Fei was serious.

However, Meng Fei's expression was very serious.

He even looked very focused, as if he had seen some kind of puzzle.

In Meng Fei's eyes, it seemed that it was no longer a deer, but an elf appearing there.

"Hey, are you serious?"

Gu Liu could not help but wave his palm twice in front of Meng Fei, but Meng Fei remained unmoved and extremely serious.

His two brows were slowly approaching at a speed visible to the naked eye, and all kinds of information in his brain were flashing like light spots.

Gu Liu couldn't help but cast his gaze there, but in his eyes, it was just a deer, nothing more, nothing unusual.

"That's right." Gu Liu then remembered that Meng Fei's eyes were the same as those of his fourth senior brother. They were both psychic eyes and could definitely see things that ordinary people couldn't see.

However, he was confused again. The way he looked at Meng Fei didn't seem like this.

After all, if it was really something evil, Meng Fei should have been able to tell it at a glance.

So what was he doing staring at that deer for so long?

"Wait?" Suddenly, Gu Liu seemed to notice something was wrong.

"If there's something really wrong, why isn't this deer moving?"

Only then did Gu Liu realize that ever since they saw the deer, the deer seemed to be like a sculpture, standing there quietly all the time.

"Why is this?" Gu Liu didn't know if Meng Fei was confused about this.

Then, he planned to walk forward to see what was going on. However, his body just leaned forward a little, and when he was about to move forward, he was stopped by Meng Fei.

"do not move!"

"What's wrong?"

Gu Liu asked in confusion.

"There's something weird..." Even the always excited big yellow dog said so after sniffing and observing. I also noticed something huge was wrong.

Even that kind of weirdness may be something beyond their understanding.

"I know, but why don't you go and have a look?" In contrast, Gu Liu was more curious about this.

Meng Fei's face was filled with helplessness as he shook his head and said straightly: "There is still no evil spirit, and there is no ghost aura. It is the same with the eyes. There are no monsters in front of me. The deer looks like a monster." A common elk."


"The strange thing is not only that it is motionless, but you look at the things around it and look at our neighborhood."

Following Meng Fei's words, Gu Liu observed carefully and found that there was indeed a problem.

There was a heavy fog ahead, which obscured people's eyes, but they could barely see everything around them clearly.

After comparing his surroundings, Gu Liu finally discovered that not only the elk, but also the various trees and even weeds near the elk were standing still like a painting.

And look around you, around you, leaves fall from time to time, various weeds, branches and leaves are also moving slightly due to the breeze and the activities of some small animals.

Looking back there, it really looks like a painting, everything seems to have been artificially created, but the reality also has an endless sense of illusion, which is completely unpredictable.

"What on earth is that?" Gu Liu was also confused.

Meng Fei sighed, and then decided to walk forward alone, although he might not be able to find anything.

After all, if there was something that could control things ahead, he wouldn't be able to feel it. After all, he was out of control, but he couldn't let them take risks.

It's full of unknowns here, and you can't even guess what will happen.

But with the attitude of giving it a try, Meng Fei still took a step forward.

Soon we arrived in front of the elk. Everything went smoothly and nothing happened. Of course, these were most likely just for Meng Fei.

Look at the elk in front of you again.

Its head is like a horse, its antlers are like a deer, its tail is like a donkey, and its hooves are like an ox. It is a very typical elk, just like what it is commonly known as the "Four Unusuals". Various characteristics mean that there is nothing unusual about it.

Meng Fei touched its body and said, "It's soft. It's a living thing."

I couldn't believe it, but I couldn't say anything. But at least one thing was certain, that is, the elk in front of me was not a monster, nor was it a man-made creation.

But in this case, it becomes even more worth thinking about.

Since it is a living creature, and it seems to be fixed here, this is a place that cannot be broken into.

In other words, there is a problem with the fog here.

With various conjectures, Meng Fei probably had an idea in his head.

He stepped forward and hugged the elk's body, intending to move it out of the place and away from the misty depths of the forest.

"what happened?"

However, Meng Fei found that he could not move the deer.

This is definitely not a question of strength. There is no need to question Meng Fei's strength. Obviously there is a problem here.

Like a law-like restraint, it was certain that the elk could not be moved, and it seemed that it was not something that could be solved with great strength.

After understanding this, Meng Fei returned to Gu Liu and the others.

"How is it?" they asked with concern.

Meng Fei's eyes were still very serious. He didn't say anything, but just shook his head slightly, and then searched around in the woods. Finally, he caught a little squirrel in his hand.

Then he walked to the outermost area surrounded by the fog, which was where they had been staying.

Then, Meng Fei threw the little squirrel into the fog again. Even though the little squirrel struggled, it was thrown in helplessly.

At this moment, something strange happened.

The little squirrel was panicked and ran around in it, but its movements gradually slowed down in a visible way.

It was as if its speed was forcibly slowed down. The little squirrel's movements were like slow motion, slower and slower, and finally stopped directly in place!

"What is this?!"

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

Some of them couldn't believe what was happening in front of them, and this was the direction that Wan Ling Si Nan pointed to.

Asking them to continue to move forward like this, isn't this almost a joke?

So, they subconsciously looked at other roads and found that the foggy area had completely blocked their way forward. They didn't even have any other choice.

"What should we do?"

The others were a little desperate. After all, they were not Meng Fei.

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