Relying on the power of sniffing spirits, you can probably find their location.

The main thing is to determine the location of the big yellow dog, so that you can lock their location.

Although their location was a bit off the route, the situation was special after all. At that time, the safer it was, the better.

So it didn't matter. After Meng Fei quickly caught up, he finally met a few people.

This incident also delayed a lot of time, but fortunately, there may be a slight change in their schedule, so it won't affect anything.

When they saw Meng Fei finally showing up, everyone was overjoyed. As for Meng Fei's safety, there was no need to worry about it, but the long wait was unbearable.

"It's finally here, but I was impatient to wait."

The big yellow dog looked even more unhappy, as if it had been wronged.

Meng Fei looked away from it, and then showed the kelp tentacle in his hand to everyone.

Everyone also came up and looked at the strange thing in Meng Fei's hand with confusion.

"What is this?" Gu Liu asked in confusion.

The big yellow dog came up and sniffed it, and immediately made a disgusted look and said: "It stinks! Could this be what's on that thing?"

"That thing?" Xu Zhengyi was even more confused. Although he knew what Meng Fei had faced before, the thing in front of him still made him confused.

"Yes, it is the remains of Diyaksha. I kept it." Meng Fei explained later.


However, upon hearing what Meng Fei said, almost everyone had expressions of pain and torture on their faces.

"Why did you take down this disgusting thing?" The big yellow dog on the side said with his face wrinkled and his eyes narrowed.

That way, one look at it is extremely disgusting.

"What haven't I said yet? You've all started to dislike me one by one." Meng Fei said with great helplessness and speechlessness.

Then, while taking out Wanling Sinan, he told several people what happened before.

He made it clear to everyone why he wanted to take off the ghost's body and what his purpose was.

And now they also understood that what they thought was not much different from Meng Fei's. Using this kelp tentacle, they should be able to find the yellow paper earlier and faster.

After all, this kelp ghost once had direct contact with the yellow paper, so it should be the one closest to them now.

For the direction of other yellow papers, Wanling Sinan can only use a piece of yellow paper as a guide. Although they can also find the yellow paper this way, everything that has happened for so long tells them that they need to use this to find the yellow paper. , there are too many things to go through, too complicated.

Using the kelp tentacles in front of you, you can more directly find a piece of yellow paper related to it.

So, Meng Fei placed it on Wanling Sinan, and Wanling Sinan moved again to guide them in the direction in order to track the whereabouts of this piece of yellow paper.

Meng Fei is confident that there shouldn't be that much trouble in the direction of this yellow paper, and it can probably be reached directly.

A journey is still a journey.

After returning, Meng Fei did not rest, but directly embarked on the journey again with everyone.

In the final analysis, their journey has not yet yielded a true success.

The first piece of yellow paper after embarking on the journey has yet to arrive. What the future will hold is always unknown.

But they all understand that everything is difficult at the beginning, so there is no need to get too entangled, but as long as the beginning is good, everything after that will naturally become smoother.

Along the way.

It seemed that the journey was not far, and they did not have to cross mountains and rivers. They would often pass by some people's houses and take a rest there. If there was anything they needed help from, they would lend a little bit.

Finally, after two days of this, they came to a vast forest.

This place feels like a world from another century. In addition to the vast area, its towering trees, green branches and leaves, and clumps of weeds are also half as tall as a person. .

Just standing on the edge of the forest, the wild atmosphere rushes directly into the face. If you move slightly inside, you can still hear the chirping of various insects, and even the occasional low roar of wild beasts. It seems that They are waiting for the arrival of prey, or in other words, they have already determined the direction of the prey.

"be careful."

Although they are all capable people, we still don’t know what is going on in this forest, so we still have to be careful.

"What are you afraid of? A group of wild beasts that only eat hair and drink blood, things that have no intelligence. What are you afraid of?"

Perhaps because of the same reason as an animal, the big yellow dog, as a noble demon, is extremely proud of the beast in the forest.

It can't be like this. Meng Fei also warned: "As the saying goes, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. There are some things that you should be careful about. You can't just ignore them because you are weak. When the time comes, you will suffer a loss and it will be too late to regret it."

It was a bit surprising when such words came out of Meng Fei's mouth. After all, he was the most promiscuous one, but he was also the one who always kept everyone calm.

So, enter the forest with caution.

Their steps are also lighter and slower.

Walking through the forest in the direction pointed by Wanling Sinan, because of the weeds half as tall as a man, to be honest, walking is not as easy as imagined.

Although their view was not blocked, the area in front of them was all green, and it was often unknown what was hidden inside.

It can only be as usual, with Meng Fei taking the lead.

He leads the way like a leader. Whenever there is any trouble, he will be the first to know. Of course, if there are no other accidents, he will solve them all.

They haven't encountered any evil things since they came from Hongshan last time. As for here, because Wanling Sinan trembled slightly, they knew that the yellow paper should be nearby, or in this area. .

So I suddenly became cautious. You must know that the place where Tianyaksha is hiding cannot be judged by common sense.

Although Meng Fei and Big Yellow Dog didn't smell any weird smell or sense the ghost smell in the forest, they didn't dare to slack off because of Wanling Sinan.

It is better to believe that it exists than to believe that it does not exist.

And that was Tianyaksha. If he was not careful, he would be completely destroyed in just one glance.

To be honest, Meng Fei was extremely unsure about bringing them here.

If it weren't for Gu Liu's analysis of Tianyaksha's specific knowledge, generally Tianyaksha would not appear in the world. It seems that only those who trace the yellow paper would have met Tianyaksha.

According to what they had seen before, Huaicheng, and even his senior brother Li Changfeng, as well as his own knowledge and understanding, learned that Tianyaksha was practicing in seclusion like a human monk.

Moreover, the location is also very confusing and unknown, and it is not easy to find it.

However, this is too strange. First, I can't feel the breath, and after walking for a long time, I can't see anything abnormal.

"Is there something wrong with Wanling Sinan?" Even Meng Fei said in disbelief. This was a rare occasion for him to question Wanling Sinan.

This is indeed true. After walking in for a long time and walking deep into the forest, there is still no way.


"what is that?"

Xu Zhengyi suddenly pointed to the hazy front and said in surprise.

"What? It's just a deer...wait, something doesn't seem right."

In front of them, there was thick fog in the depths of the forest. Under the hazy fog, a deer appeared sideways in their field of vision.

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