I am so suitable for slaying demons because of my infinite resurrection

Chapter 98 The whereabouts of the third yellow paper

Yellow paper?

These three words came to Meng Fei's mind.

This is obviously not such a simple matter.

Although a piece of yellow paper can only control one ghost, it is very possible to pull ghosts into the ghost cave one by one.

In other words, it is impossible for other ghosts to exist in the ghost cave itself. Even if there are, they can only be illusions created by magic.

But if it is a real ghost, if you want to appear in this ghost cave, then the only way may be yellow paper.

Meng Fei also remembered that he still had yellow paper. Although he was not sure whether he could control the ghosts of the level of Tian Yasha before, the ground Yasha under Tian Yasha should be no problem.

But now there is a solution, but there is no trace of it. This is annoying. There is obviously a better way to solve the problem, but Meng Fei can't use it.

Of course, this is just a guess. What exactly it is, it is still uncertain, and he has to solve it specifically.

Then Meng Fei had a better idea to solve the problem in front of him now.

Since this is not completely controlled by that guy, then Meng Fei should have a way to make this Night Parade of Hundred Ghosts complete quickly.

Once the Night Parade is over, his things will be easier to handle.

But the difficult things are also here.

At night, this is not a place he can control after all.

So, an idea flashed through Meng Fei's mind.

"Since these guys are real ghosts, they will be controlled by the yellow paper!"

Thinking of this, Meng Fei quickly took out the yellow paper. This thing has not been taken out for too long, and Meng Fei almost forgot its existence.

But fortunately, it is not too late to remember it at this time.

Everything is still in time.

So, Meng Fei plans to use the yellow paper to send these guys out of the ghost cave one by one.

The ability to control ghosts at will and control their positions at will.

Although there will be some problems after releasing them, he can't care so much now.

The yellow paper does not have the ability to directly destroy ghosts and monsters. Its ability is only based on control, so Meng Fei has no choice but to resort to this last resort.

When the things here are resolved, Meng Fei will try to solve these things.

The main thing is that they have been kept in the ghost den. Although the ghost den does not control them, it provides them with extremely perverted abilities, which can recover and reorganize at will. No matter how Meng Fei kills them, it is useless.

So only by letting them leave the ghost den completely can they not hinder Meng Fei's next actions.





While sending away the ghosts one by one, Meng Fei also has to guard against the attacks of other ghosts.

They obviously know that Meng Fei is doing something that is not good for them. Seeing that there are fewer and fewer people in their group, they repeatedly attack and harass Meng Fei's actions.

But Meng Fei will not be disturbed by their little tricks. It's just a little inconvenient, but it's harmless. Meng Fei still insists on sending them away.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer annoying guys in front of him, Meng Fei also showed a long-lost excitement on his face.

These guys really entangled him. If it weren't for the yellow paper, he would have been trapped here for who knows how long.

Similarly, if you think about it this way, this kelp ghost is really a very complicated guy. With this ghost cave and the death formation of a hundred ghosts at night, it can entangle people here, making them feel as uncomfortable as if they will never recover.

Therefore, Meng Fei made such a conclusion. If that guy didn't have any special means, Meng Fei didn't believe it, and boldly guessed that it was probably because of the power of the yellow paper.

And the person who tied the bell must also solve the problem. It was also the yellow paper that solved this problem.

Finally, God will not let down those who work hard.

After some efforts, Meng Fei finally cleared the "roadblock" in front of him.

At this moment, when Meng Fei was happily preparing to continue searching, an extremely familiar figure appeared slowly above the other end of the road, like a waterfall hanging down.

Seeing that figure, Meng Fei was stunned for a moment, and said in disbelief: "Why? Can't you sit still so soon?"

That figure was none other than the kelp ghost from before. It appeared again, which was somewhat unexpected by Meng Fei.

After all, Meng Fei hadn't searched much, but it suddenly appeared, and it really came directly to his door.

You know, even if there were rune bamboo sticks, Meng Fei would not be afraid, let alone the yellow paper that could only control ghosts.

At this time, it spoke, and said to Meng Fei with some disbelief in its words:

"I really didn't expect that you would use that thing to solve the Hundred Ghosts Formation."

That thing.

Meng Fei naturally knew what it was talking about, and from its tone, it seemed to be almost the same, and it was almost the same as he guessed. That guy should really have the yellow paper on him.

"Your appearance also surprised me."

Not only was it surprised, Meng Fei was also extremely surprised.

Since it knew Meng Fei's methods and had a more ferocious trump card, why did it take the initiative to appear?

Meng Fei didn't think it had a stronger trump card, even one that was strong enough to escape the control of the yellow paper.

In this case, it was estimated that the kelp ghost had chosen to give up in the end, and this was the last explanation.

"As you can see, and as you think, when I saw you take out that thing, I knew that everything was over, not to mention, there were still two pieces."

That being said, the yellow paper in Meng Fei's hand was not just an ordinary yellow paper, it was a terrifying combination of two pieces of paper.

"What do you want to do?" Meng Fei asked curiously.

It looked serious, and then made a final request to Meng Fei: "Let me go, and I will tell you what you want to know."

"You speak first." Meng Fei continued.

"This ghost monster is indeed related to yellow paper, but since the ghost monster was built, I have never owned that thing again." There seemed to be some regret in its voice, but there was also a sense of helplessness.

"Yes, it was a mistake for that thing to fall into your hands." Meng Fei naturally understood better than he did that the yellow paper in his hands was temporary after all, and would eventually fall into the hands of Tianyaksha.

"Besides..." it seemed to want to continue.

However, Meng Fei did not intend to give it a chance, and waved his hand and said: "You don't need to say anything anymore, because you can no longer provide me with any beneficial information. I'm sorry, you didn't win for this." The right to live.”

After saying that, the Kelp Ghost immediately realized it, but it had just turned half of its body, but its entire body was directly frozen in place.

Meng Fei stepped forward and punched its most vulnerable head to kill it.

The surrounding ghosts then began to collapse.

Meng Fei pulled off a piece of kelp tentacles from the kelp ghost, and then stepped aside.

The ghost collapsed. Even though Meng Fei's strength was only infinitely close to that of Yasha, with the blessing of yellow paper, he finally succeeded in defeating that guy.

Everything around him returned to its original state. Meng Fei clutched the kelp tentacle in his hand and walked slowly towards Gu Liu and the others.

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