I am so suitable for slaying demons because of my infinite resurrection

Chapter 97: Fighting against Hundreds of Demons Alone

They were like flowing rivers, wandering and interweaving on this not very wide street.

Just like streams converging and interweaving.

Meng Fei didn't know what they were doing.

But under the cover of night, the scene of countless ghosts wandering around made Meng Fei think of a word, that is, the night parade of a hundred ghosts.

At this moment, it is really appropriate to use this word to describe what is happening now.

But whether their purpose is himself, he must verify it himself.

At the same time, Meng Fei was also wondering, is there the ability to produce ghosts in the ghost den?

Are these ghosts real?

So, in order to verify all this, Meng Fei went through the street.

At this time, the ghosts stopped moving.

Some of them had more obvious heads, and it can be seen that they seemed to be watching Meng Fei's figure.

Meng Fei was not to be outdone and went to them. Although there were many of these guys, they were not to be feared.

And whether it is a real ghost is a question. After all, it is something produced in the ghost cave. Maybe it is just a fabrication of the kelp ghost with strange power.

At this time, the ghosts seemed to be agitated, and their targets were extremely clear, as if they were coming towards Meng Fei.

No, not as if, they were coming towards Meng Fei.

Meng Fei obviously disturbed their good things, so they were instantly furious and vowed to tear Meng Fei into pieces.

But these ghosts were like shrimp soldiers and crab generals in front of Meng Fei. Meng Fei stepped forward and even just a very light punch could knock down the ghosts one after another.

It looked very easy.

And the number of these ghosts was indeed terrifying. One hundred was enough, densely packed, like a legion.

In order to save trouble, Meng Fei also directly lured them into a long dragon team, and then a penetrating punch seemed to tear the world apart, directly smashing the whole string into pieces.

In this way, Meng Fei quickly and easily solved everything in front of him.

His surroundings became a "sea" composed of debris, and he sat on the ground a little tired.

Until now, he still has not found the location of the kelp ghost, which is not good news for it.

Time is also passing by little by little, and Meng Fei has been here for a while without knowing it. He doesn't want to be trapped here for too long.

For his journey, this is really a huge blow and pause.

However, at this time, he did not notice at all that the debris in front of him was being reorganized little by little, even quietly without his noticing.

"Forget it, keep looking."

Meng Fei immediately stood up, put the previous plan behind him, and continued to shift his attention to this ghost den.

However, just as Meng Fei turned his back, an incredible expression appeared on his face.


Although he hadn't turned around to look, the cool feeling coming from behind, Meng Fei could roughly guess what happened without looking.

Sure enough!

He turned around again and saw that the ghosts that he had beaten into pieces were reorganized in an instant!

That even made him tremble and didn't react, and he had already done all this.

This is interesting. Meng Fei is now facing an enemy that is similar to himself. It seems that he can't kill it.

But can it be resurrected infinitely? Who knows?

Anyway, Meng Fei himself can do it, but Meng Fei estimates that these guys in front of him are limited.

So, this is only the first reorganization of the ghosts. What is more different from Meng Fei is that Meng Fei will become stronger after resurrection, but after reorganization, they are still so unbearable for Meng Fei, so Meng Fei doesn't mind the trouble.

It doesn't matter if you fight again.

So, it's the same old trick again. Meng Fei once again blasted them into pieces.

But, needless to say, they reorganized again in a short while.

Meng Fei decided to be more ruthless this time. He even wanted to blast these guys into powder to see if they can be reorganized.

This time, the kung fu was used more deeply, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

No matter how Meng Fei killed them, or how badly they were beaten, or even how they were in a mess, it seemed to have no effect.

Those guys could still regroup, then stand up again, and launch that meaningless attack on Meng Fei again.

Even if Meng Fei was annoyed, he was extremely annoyed. Who could stand this back and forth?

One wave after another, Meng Fei was a little helpless. He couldn't keep doing this, right?

Seeing them standing up and regrouping all the time, and then he kept waving that meaningless fist?

"No, we can't continue like this." Meng Fei deeply understood that it would be useless to continue like this.

The hundred ghosts in front of him were like enemies like himself to him at this time. He actually began to understand his enemies a little bit.

Facing an enemy that can't be killed, it's really easy for the psychological defense line to collapse.

This is undoubtedly the case with Meng Fei now.

So, at this time, he decided to observe the authenticity of these ghosts.

After all, this outrageous situation is not normal. Meng Fei believes that they are really created by the seaweed ghost with magic power, so as long as its magic power does not disappear, the ghosts will not disappear.

In this ghost cave with endless magic power, Meng Fei has to wait until the magic power disappears, and he doesn't know how long he will have to wait.


However, just after Meng Fei personally caught a ghost and observed it with his magic eyes, he got a piece of information that surprised him.

This ghost is actually real. It is not something that relies on this magic power and ghost cave, but a real ghost!

Meng Fei couldn't believe it, so he caught a few more to confirm it. The result is self-evident, but it is still the same.

All the ghosts are not the magic power of the kelp ghost, but real ghosts.

"Damn, was it caught by that guy?" Meng Fei couldn't believe that his previous judgment was completely wrong.

But think about it, these guys were completely out of control before, they were acting on their own, and as for attacking Meng Fei, it was just that Meng Fei offended them first.

It seems that there are some secrets hidden in this ghost cave that he doesn't know.

"Could it be?!"

At this time, Meng Fei couldn't help but have an extremely bold guess in his mind.

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