"What the hell?!"

Meng Fei was startled by the sudden pair of eyes, and couldn't help but take a few steps back, his back even pressed against the wall behind him.


However, the wall behind him didn't feel like a wall.

Meng Fei reached behind him and touched it, but it felt like silk.

He realized that something was wrong, so he turned his head slightly, slightly stiffly, and found that there was a zombie standing behind him.

Seeing Meng Fei staring at it, the zombie's face seemed to show an excited expression, but its face was very strange.

Except for the two eyeballs, almost all of its facial features were there, and its fangs were directly exposed, and it suddenly bit Meng Fei, and it was about to bite him.

"Go to hell!"

Meng Fei shouted, with a little feeling of being scared, after all, it came too suddenly, so he subconsciously burst out with a punch close to his full strength, directly smashing the zombie in front of him.

The zombies probably didn't expect that they would die like this, with their bodies shattered all over the ground, and even couldn't be put together completely.

After dealing with this thing, Meng Fei returned to the direction he had just gone.

The eyes were still staring at him.

Meng Fei also found that the two pairs of beads seemed to be hanging there, and when he moved, the thing moved with him, anyway, the eyes were always on him.

He was naturally uncomfortable with this thing, so he smashed the wall beside him with his fingers, and smashed the eyeballs directly with a few pieces of debris.

The eyeballs immediately shattered on the ground, just like the zombies before. Meng Fei couldn't help but imagine that this eyeball and that thing might be one and the same.

"That's enough." Meng Fei was speechless.

He continued to move forward in the dark, and there was still a dark patch in front of him, and he couldn't see his fingers.

Quietly walking in the darkness, Meng Fei's figure was like a ghost.

At this time, Meng Fei found that the surrounding walls seemed to have disappeared.

It shouldn't be said that way, because it's a question of moving forward and backward. If you take a step forward, the surroundings are empty, but if you take a step back, walls appear on both sides of him again.

In other words, he came to an empty place.

But how big it is is unknown.

So, without a direction, he could only bump around like a headless fly, but after a few steps, he reached the boundary of this land.

It feels very contoured, like a window sill, but in such a deep place, could there be houses?

Of course, such a place cannot be judged by common sense. If there are houses in such a place, they are definitely not for people to live in.


At this moment, Meng Fei heard a sound inside.

It was a series of extremely crisp bells.

Meng Fei tried to push open the window in front of him, and fortunately he really pushed open a gap, but whether he could see clearly inside was another matter.

How could he not be curious if he could only hear the sound but not see the things.

But disappointingly, there was still only darkness inside the window.

"Come on, some light!"

Meng Fei couldn't help complaining.

However, as if someone was really listening, Meng Fei suddenly found that there was really some light.

But the source of the light seemed a little wrong, it actually came from his chin.

You know, his head is now on the window, and there is nothing under his chin that can be seen at all.

So, with a bad mental preparation, he slowly cast his eyes down.

This time, he almost jumped up.

I saw a pair of hands, pulling the scalp on the head, and after pulling it apart directly, the head was glowing blood-red.


Seeing this scene, Meng Fei quickly retracted his gaze and kept closing his eyes, as if he was frantically searching for memories about this period in his brain, and then directly clearing it.

It was so disgusting that Meng Fei even wanted to vomit. If he saw that scene just now while eating, he probably wouldn't want to eat again in his life.

But it did provide him with light, so that he could see the situation in the room clearly, so Meng Fei tore off a piece of clothing and threw it on the strange light source based on his memory, and then he entered the room through the window.

However, he regretted it less than half a minute after entering.

Because it was too disgusting inside, and he didn't expect that the one at the beginning was just an "appetizer".

In this room, the human body was folded into the shape of a stool, and there was even a flat head on the backrest. The whole human skin was spread out, and it became a table. If you make more, it would be a bed...

Bones as a support, human skin as decoration...

Meng Fei didn't know what kind of place he had come to.

However, just when he wanted to go back the same way and take a look at other rooms.

He found that the things in front of him had extremely strange fluctuations.

Those human skins rolled up automatically, and even the bones began to be pieced together bit by bit.

Although it didn't form a decent human figure in the end, it was enough for it to move.

That weird appearance was more like a bug, except that it was more like a bug with only limbs. It had an extremely slender body and extremely long limbs. It didn't have a human form at all. It just looked like a bug.

And the thing squatting under the window with its scalp opened stood up, and then the cloth on the top of its head fell down.

That was what Meng Fei threw on it. After this, Meng Fei thought he would be attacked, but it didn't.

In addition to standing up, the thing still maintained its original movements.

Fortunately, after standing up, Meng Fei could no longer see the "grand occasion" in the head, so he could barely accept it.

"What's going on?"

But what Meng Fei couldn't understand was that these guys suddenly moved, what did they want to do?

They didn't attack him, and it didn't seem to be coming for him, but it didn't make sense.

After all, this whole ghost cave was opened because of him, so how could the weirdness inside have nothing to do with him?

Thinking about it made him feel even more wrong, so Meng Fei kept an eye on the actions of these guys in front of him.

Then, he found that they seemed to have sorted out their forms and almost all walked in one direction.

That direction was not unfamiliar to Meng Fei at all, because that was the direction he came from.

In other words, these guys are walking outside?

What is their purpose?

Regardless of other things, Meng Fei quietly followed behind.

No matter what strange things happened, it would eventually fall on him anyway.

It is better to face it early than late, Meng Fei followed them without hesitation.

Soon after coming out from the depths of the house, Meng Fei was stunned when he saw the original street.

Countless ghosts were wandering all over the street!

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