Should I kill him?

Or seal him?

But it has done all these operations, but the result is self-evident, all failed.

No matter what kind of attack, it was resolved by the human in front of it one by one, and even more ironically, it seemed to help it become stronger.

Not only did it not destroy it, it even helped it become stronger.

This is too ironic, it is completely helpless.

I don't know what to do.

All the tricks have been used, but it still doesn't work.

It doesn't even dare to attack Meng Fei again, because as long as the person in front of it dies again, it will have the strength to really defeat itself.

"Oh, forget it."

Who knows, after waiting for a long time, it spits out such a sentence.

"What? Just forget it?"

Even Meng Fei was confused, could it give up?

But soon, Meng Fei gave up this idea.

I saw a black curtain suddenly rise around him, like a barrier covering the sky, directly wrapping up the surrounding world.

Meng Fei was in it, just like being in a dark space.

"Is this... a ghost den?"

Meng Fei recognized the scene. It was not a strange place. He had encountered ghost dens several times.

But this was the first time he had seen a ghost den of the Yaksha level.

It seemed that it had said it would not fight, but wanted to fight it to the end, or even a good fight.

So it raised the ghost den and vowed to fight Meng Fei to the end.

And Meng Fei suddenly found that the ghost dens around him seemed to be expanding constantly, just like a terrifying insect tide invading the surroundings, and everything around seemed to be swallowed up.

Then, replacing the surrounding scenery, there were green attics rising up one after another.

Green attics, green walls.

This has become a city!

"A ghost town in a ghost den?"

Meng Fei looked around at the strange scene, and then found that the ghost with kelp tentacles had disappeared.

But its breath was still there, and it obviously did not leave here, but disappeared in this ghost town.

In other words, it has almost merged with this ghost town and may attack Meng Fei at any time.

Meng Fei naturally dealt with everything carefully. After all, the ghosts who almost knew his ability would not kill him.

In this way, looking at this posture, it is estimated that it wants to leave Meng Fei an extremely "deep" memory in this last ghost den.

At this time, Meng Fei seemed to have entered a strange world.

What is in this ghost town with a green light all over is still unknown.

But if you want to get out of this ghost den, you must undoubtedly find the location of the kelp ghost. As long as you find it and destroy it, this ghost den will disappear.

So, Meng Fei gritted his teeth and walked forward.

In front of him was a gate with a strange green light, four or five meters high, tightly closed.

Meng Fei wanted to reach out to move the door handle on the gate.

However, his hand stopped the next second.

The door handle was actually in the shape of a human head, and the green light hit the human head. The weird picture made people feel cold behind their backs.

Meng Fei had no idea where to start, so he put his palms elsewhere and pushed the door hard.

The advantage of being strong was also fully demonstrated at this moment. Although it was difficult, Meng Fei still successfully opened the door.

A gap was revealed, and Meng Fei could barely enter.

After entering, there was another extremely straight road in front of him.

On the stone road, there were small buildings with lanterns hanging on both sides, which were swaying slightly. The lanterns were emitting green flames, and a string of bells were hung under them.

When the wind blew, the lanterns swayed, and the bells also made a really crisp sound. The sound seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts and give people a fatal blow, so as to break people's psychology.

But this was Meng Fei. He had seen so much and there was nothing to be afraid of, so he walked forward without any worries.

However, this straight road, going on all the way, Meng Fei found that he could never finish it.

He couldn't help but think that he was walking on a treadmill, so he didn't move forward at all.

So he stopped and began to observe the surroundings. He found that the surrounding scenery seemed to have not changed much, so he understood.

Although it was not a treadmill, the principle was not much different.

He really didn't even move forward on this road.

He was always standing still.

So he turned his attention to the green buildings around him. There must be something wrong with these things.

If you really say that there is a straight road in front of you and you can pass through it at will, it would be a bit unreasonable. After all, this is a ghost cave of the level of Yaksha ghosts, and it is naturally impossible to be so simple.

It is unlikely. His previous choice was indeed too naive. He didn't think too much and did some useless work.

But when he came to his senses, it was nothing. Meng Fei came to the door of a green building casually.

Through the window, there was only green light on his face, and he couldn't find anything else.

Of course, Meng Fei didn't need to use his magic eyes to observe anything here. After all, there was no need to think about it. They were all done by ghosts, so everything here was also evil.

Meng Fei kicked open the door of the building in front of him, and then stepped inside.

At this moment, two bloody claws suddenly stretched out from the ground and grabbed his two feet. Meng Fei quickly exerted force on his feet and broke them directly.

This degree was not a big deal, so he continued to go deeper, wondering if he could find the right way directly from this building or somewhere else.

Anyway, the road outside was problematic, and he would definitely not pay attention to the outside anymore, of course, unless there was a strange movement outside.

Otherwise, he would not have any reaction.

And this room was like an empty hall, and there was no mechanism inside, so there was no secret passage at all.

The only weird thing was that in a corner, there was a black corner, and it was unknown where it could go, but Meng Fei didn't think too much, so he went directly to the corner.

The corner was dark, and it was pitch dark. No one knew what would appear when he turned around.

However, as soon as Meng Fei stood there, a gloomy wind came, blowing his skin like a biting cold wind, causing his pores to shrink a little.

It was so dark in front of him that Meng Fei could only stretch out his hands and touch both sides constantly, judging what he had passed by the touch of his hands.

Fortunately, the wall was smooth, and there was nothing worth noting in these two times.

And every step forward, Meng Fei was extremely slow, after all, he couldn't see what was in front of him, so it was better to go slowly.

Meng Fei stretched his hand forward and found that there was another wall in front of him, and there was also one on the right hand side, but the left hand side was empty.

Apparently, he had reached another corner, and Meng Fei moved slowly.

He faced his body to the left.

At this time, a pair of blue eyes were staring at him.

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