Time turned into beads of sweat dripping slowly on the forehead.

It slowly moved on people's skin, giving people a sense of itching.

When the sweat drops, the itching feeling is relieved, which also symbolizes that a period of extremely painful and uncomfortable time has finally passed.

The current ghost can be said to be in such a situation.

The debris in the sky is still flying, which belongs to Meng Fei's body.

But it is not at ease. On the contrary, its heart has always been like the calm before the storm. Although it is quiet, under the quiet surface, there have been stormy waves.

Suddenly, a stronger breath came from behind it. Although it was facing head-on, it was still sure that it would win, but this stronger breath made its back cold.

"Damn it!"

For this weird thing, it had to complain like this.

Then it took the opportunity to dodge and avoided Meng Fei's powerful attack again without any doubt.

Meng Fei was standing there quietly at this time, like a god standing there.

Although its strength is not as strong as that of a god, its strange and incomparable ability makes people feel terrified.

If it cannot be killed, it will become stronger. What is the difference between this and the saying of a god?

So, the ghost finally took an absolutely focused attitude, even far beyond the usual state, and began to treat the human in front of him.

"It seems that dealing with you is not as simple as imagined. Maybe killing you is a mistake."

Hearing this, Meng Fei's eyebrows twitched slightly. From the ghost's words, he felt that the guy in front of him already knew something.

If it knew and didn't kill him, then his battle would be really difficult.

However, for its words, Meng Fei was quick-witted and directly counterattacked: "Ridiculous, if you don't kill me? How can you be considered to have defeated me?"


Who knew that as soon as this was said, the ghost laughed again, and his wanton smile was full of ridicule for Meng Fei.

"You know there are things in this world that cannot be destroyed, but they eventually sank into the river of time, just because they were blocked from all their actions!" The ghost said with great confidence.

"Do you want to?" Meng Fei was shocked. From what this guy said, it seemed that he wanted to perform a similar operation to seal himself.

But Meng Fei was not afraid. After all, he himself could not be sealed, and the flesh that ignored control was no joke.

"Then let's give it a try!"

Meng Fei's face raised a confident smile again.

Although this made the ghost feel a little weird, it firmly believed that this trick would definitely work.

So, I saw its whole body float up a few meters into the air again, and then the kelp tentacles kept dancing wildly, like a praying stone statue.

Then, I saw that the surrounding red stone walls actually grew tentacles like kelp tentacles, and attacked Meng Fei incomparably.

Meng Fei dodged subconsciously, but like being stuck in a quagmire, the more he struggled, the more violent the kelp tentacles around him became.

This made Meng Fei feel overwhelmed, and he even had trouble dodging, so he could only watch as the kelp tentacles kept wrapping his body like a zongzi.

Then, what was even more terrifying was that the ground under his feet was shaking constantly.

Meng Fei only felt that his position seemed to have changed.

The ghost took it and the wrapped Meng Fei directly to the foot of the mountain. On this muddy ground, the ground kept shaking, erupting with extremely terrifying momentum and pressure.

At this time, a terrifying big hole immediately appeared on the ground, and Meng Fei felt a sense of weightlessness.

He was falling!

He kept falling, and he didn't know where this force would take him, but he knew that it was definitely not a good place.

Or, it might not be a place where he could see the sun.

Since it has come, Meng Fei can only wait until everything is quiet before he can slowly solve the problem.

After all, all his means are not enough to trigger his ability, so it's useless for him to be anxious, but it's better to just let it go. It's naturally better to be calm.

Such destructive power really made Meng Fei feel scared. Fortunately, he had sent the others away early, otherwise, it would be a matter of time before such a battle affected them.

At this moment, all the sounds and movements disappeared, and Meng Fei could finally start to move.

What he didn't expect was that he was taken directly underground by the ghost, and even a ground blockade was carried out, as if he couldn't escape.

The ghost also looked at the flat ground with a smug look on his face. There was no strange fluctuation for a long time, which also made it reveal an unconcealable satisfaction on its face.

It then let out a long breath, as if everything had been solved by it.


Deep underground.

Meng Fei's tightly wrapped body was like being lubricated at this moment, and his movements were very smooth and silky.

It was as if there was no obstacle.

Of course, this was definitely not accidental. He clearly understood that his ability was effective.

The flesh that ignored control played a role again at this moment.

However, the air underground was thin and Meng Fei felt a little uncomfortable. After coming out from the kelp wrapping, he found that the surrounding soil wrapped him tightly.

When wrapped in kelp, the air is normal, which is probably because you don't want it to die.

However, after coming out, the uncomfortable feeling made Meng Fei a little dizzy and even lost his strength.

So, Meng Fei simply tortured himself until death.

Then he is resurrected directly behind the ghost. In this way, the strength gap between them will be narrowed again.

There was no other way, Meng Fei could only do this. After all, the Demon-Slaying Sword was given to Xu Zhengyi, and he could not commit suicide casually. Besides, if the self-healing ability became stronger in the future, the Demon-Slaying Sword would become useless sooner or later.

As a result, Meng Fei lost his life in this extremely thin underground, as if he was buried alive.

"it's over."

After not responding for so long, the ghost even thought that he had succeeded, so he turned around confidently and prepared to leave.


A call.

The ghost's steps stopped and even staggered. Its face was full of anger and disbelief.

"How can this be!"

It seemed to be going crazy, especially after turning around, it found that the strength of the person in front of it had become stronger again, and the terrifying aura erupted from all over its body again.

That strength performance is even extremely close to it.

Its head made a horrifying creaking sound, which must have seemed like it was gnashing its teeth in anger.

"Not even a seal?"

The kelp ghost was confused and didn't know what to do at all.

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