Everyone's strength has increased significantly.

But it is still a bit of a dream to fight against Tian Yasha.

So, let's take the cabin in front of them to try whether they are qualified now.

"Gu Liu."

Meng Fei just called his name.

Gu Liu immediately understood, and then pulled out a yellow talisman paper, which instantly lit up, and then he threw it on Xu Zhengyi's sword.

"Zhengyi, the sword has been infused with spirit, and you can attack!"


Xu Zhengyi responded immediately, and then began to dance.

Then, Gu Liu pulled out another blessing talisman. This time, he did not use it directly on them, but chose to use it on himself first.

Gu Liu immediately emitted a strange light, which meant that he was strengthened by the blessing talisman.

Then, after being strengthened, he pulled out three blessing talismans and threw them on Meng Fei and the others.

The blessing talisman combined with them instantly made their strength increase in an extremely terrifying way.

Whether it is the number or quality of blessing talismans, they have become stronger because of Gu Liu's strengthening!

"Okay, let's do it!"

After feeling the huge power in his body, Meng Fei showed an extremely passionate and excited expression.

Everyone also roared, eager to release the ocean-like power in their bodies.

So, Meng Fei, Gu Liu, Xu Zhengyi, and the big yellow dog, the three of them, together with the four of them.

The extremely violent fists, coupled with the strange swordsmanship, combined with the various talismans of the Taoist priests, and finally the weird hole suction technique.

Under a burst of bombardment, the cabin in front of them was collapsing little by little!


Multiple forces intertwined together, and immediately exploded spectacularly like a falling giant star.

After their unremitting efforts, the entire cabin finally disintegrated completely.

What was in front of them was now a soul.

That soul was an extremely strong body, which was the form of the tiger demon. At this time, after the cabin was destroyed, it also successfully showed its "true body".

However, everything seemed not to be over yet.

The soul of the tiger demon exuded a strange light, and when it opened its eyes again, there was only a furious look in its pupils.

"Not good."

Meng Fei subconsciously used his arms to block the crowd.

The tiger demon's soul then became fuller little by little, from nothing to something, growing continuously like taking root and sprouting.

Finally, it showed its whole body.

The whole body was a full double of the big yellow dog's huge body. With a low roar and red murderous eyes, the tiger demon seemed to be controlled. In its furious state, it just wanted to eat Meng Fei and the others alive.

But its strength is certainly strong, and it is still in a furious state, so its strength should not be underestimated.

But now they are no longer the same as before, Meng Fei and the others are not afraid, just as another test of their strength.

The muscles on the tiger demon's body are crackling, and its body is so strong that it cannot be underestimated. Only Meng Fei can confront it head-on.

Meng Fei stood in front of the crowd and confronted it.

In the game between one man and a big tiger, Meng Fei and him could not help but move slowly, as if they were guessing the opponent's next move, so as to make the best response.

Then, the tiger demon seemed to think that he had caught a gap in Meng Fei, so he instantly raised his big claws into the air.

Almost half of its huge body stood up, directly blocking Meng Fei's vision, but Meng Fei still remained calm.

Compared with the various roars of the tiger demon, Meng Fei was silent. He was always ready to go without saying a word.

That attack, Meng Fei had no intention of dodging at all. He just stretched out a hand and blocked it directly.

And his right hand was always fighting with the claw, and even his and the tiger demon's arms were shaking constantly because of the powerful strength of the other party.


The tiger demon kept roaring at Meng Fei, which was the pride of the carnivore's instinct. In its eyes, Meng Fei was just a weak standing creature.

Although this guy was very strong, even beyond its imagination.

Meng Fei also seized the opportunity and used his other fist to instantly hit the tiger demon's abdomen while it was roaring.

The tiger demon's abdomen was also extremely hard. Meng Fei punched it and immediately burst out a terrible collision sound. The sound was like the sound of a mountain collapsing and the sound of the stars in the universe exploding.

But Meng Fei was better after all. Although there was a terrifying crackling sound from the bones, his strength was still higher than his. Even though the tiger demon was strong, his abdomen was originally a fragile part. This directly caused bursts of explosions in the tiger demon's internal organs.

And under the suppression of strength, the tiger demon's self-healing ability was also greatly affected, and a painful and ferocious expression immediately appeared on its face.

But the dead eyes were still full of murderous blood-red eyes, and Meng Fei would not give it any chance to breathe, and would kill it while it was sick.

Meng Fei came to the tiger monster's head in one step, and then smashed down with a meteor-like fist.

Countless holes immediately appeared on the tiger monster's huge head, and its vitality was constantly dissipating.

Finally, with a loud thud, the tiger monster's huge body fell down, and its body, which was not very real, was also dissipating bit by bit.

As the body disappeared, something that was left behind when the tiger demon still had reason also appeared.

It was a golden bubble, floating in the air, shining with golden light under the sunlight.

There were also strange characters flashing on it, attracting people's attention.

Meng Fei and his friends came to the bubble, and they were a little puzzled, mainly because they didn't know how to get the information.

"Let me try."

Gu Liu volunteered to go forward and try.

Everyone stepped aside.

Gu Liu took a deep breath, and then... he just stretched out his finger and popped the bubble.

With a snap.

The bubble was popped by Gu Liu. Just when Meng Fei and his friends were about to get excited and thought there was no hope, a paragraph of words appeared after the bubble broke.

[Tian Yasha is located in the chaotic world, which is more mysterious than the ghost cave. It aims to directly create a self-world. You need to find the entrance to enter there, and the so-called entrance is the channel connecting the chaotic world to the real world. ]

Until they finished reading all the words, the passage immediately disappeared from their sight.

"Disordered world, passage?"

They all finished reading these words, of course, they were still confused.

After all, these were words he had almost never heard of.

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