"Even you don't know?"

Meng Fei looked at Gu Liu, his expression full of desire for the answer.

However, Gu Liu was even more helpless, which disappointed them. This time, it was indeed a blind spot in knowledge.

This can't be blamed on him. After all, the ability of Tian Yasha is a rare existence, so there are even fewer records about Tian Yasha. It is extremely difficult to understand the problems in this regard.

Not to mention that Gu Liu once thought that he would never have any intersection with it in this life, so he didn't pay much attention to the only knowledge.

"This is not good."

Seeing that Gu Liu was confused, they felt even more complicated. Even Gu Liu, who always knew everything, didn't know. It seems that this time the matter is really not so easy to deal with.

"The passage, it said the passage. Since he said so, then we just need to find this thing, but the problem is how to find this thing. There is no clue at all. It is really not easy to find this thing." Meng Fei's words were helpless, but he was helpless.

Looking aimlessly?

That's naturally not possible.

"What the so-called passage looks like, what characteristics it has, and where it is roughly located are all issues we don't know. If we all know them, then I think things should be easier to handle."

After changing his mind, Meng Fei began to analyze it seriously.

But just racking his brains to think about it is basically useless, so Meng Fei changed his mind.

Touching his pocket, the touch from Wanling Si Nan suddenly made his eyes light up.

"Got it!"

So Meng Fei took out Wanling Si Nan. The location of the yellow paper before was actually the location of Tian Yasha, but the location of Tian Yasha was reached, and because of its disordered world, they could not capture it.

So if they want to find the passage, they have to use it.

But here comes the problem. Without related things, it is difficult for them to use Wanling Si Nan.

The location of Tian Yasha is locked, maybe it is just a projection position in the disordered world, so it is unlikely to be the location of the passage.

"What can I do then?" Gu Liu had nothing to do except asking questions at this time.

It was also very helpless.

Who would have thought that with the Wanling Sinan in front of him, he could only put on a helpless face.


Meng Fei fell into deep thought, as if the world around him suddenly became quiet.

If it was on weekdays, he might complain a little, saying that the tiger demon was unreliable.

But Meng Fei, who had experienced so much, knew how to think deeply. It was already very good that the guy knew these things. If it knew everything, it would be abnormal.

Looking at the original location of the cabin, that area had disappeared completely as if it had evaporated from the earth.

Obviously, it was impossible to start from here.

So, Meng Fei began to recall his previous experience in his mind, and where it would be related to the Yaksha that day.

Pictures flashed in his mind, and various pictures flashed like pictures.

There were scenes of fighting, scenes of entering the forest...

Finally, the picture froze in a strange place.

This was a forest, which was exactly where the ability of Meng Fei and his team had been before was stagnant.

When they passed by there, they all thought that it was the fight between the Earth Yaksha and him. But now it seems that it was mostly left by the fight between the Tiger Demon and him.

It's just that the final battlefield has moved here, and that place is just the place they passed by.

And what is left there now?

Maybe because of their strength at that time, Meng Fei still remembers that the place was not cleared very cleanly by them, so there was still a little white mist left there.

Thinking of this, Meng Fei's eyes suddenly lit up.

Isn't that white mist the thing that is most related to the Heaven Yaksha?

As long as you have it, you can go to other places related to the Heaven Yaksha at will, which is exactly what they want.

"Wait for me!"

So, Meng Fei left such a sentence and immediately disappeared from the spot.

Gu Liu and the others naturally understood, without asking any more questions, and waited quietly in the spot.

Not long after, Meng Fei's figure appeared again.

He was holding a wooden cup in his hand, and Gu Liu and the others understood everything instantly after seeing it.

Then they saw Meng Fei coming to them. He had done all the work, and Wan Ling Si Nan had pointed out the direction for them. Now they just needed to go.

Everyone nodded to each other immediately, and then walked together in the new direction of Wan Ling Si Nan.

Although the new road still went through the forest, it was in a completely different direction.

This made them a little surprised, but they felt it was reasonable.

So, under the leadership of Wan Ling Si Nan, they immediately came to a strange pond.

The water in the pond was so clear that you could see the bottom, and the stones of various colors in it were even easier to see.

Of course, this was not the place they should pay attention to.

"This water is so clear, but there is nothing else unusual... Ah, it's strange!"

Who knew that the big yellow dog who came forward to touch the water and then talked was slapped in the face halfway through his words.

"What's wrong?"

Meng Fei and his friends came to it to see what was wrong.

The big yellow dog was slapping the surface of the pond with its paws in shock.

"Can you... stop playing? Can we do business?" Meng Fei said unhappily.

"Bah! I don't have the time! You can try it yourself!" Unexpectedly, the big yellow dog protested, as if he had been wronged.

Meng Fei also became very serious, of course, and showed the big yellow dog an expression that if he lied to him, he would definitely let it know what cruelty was, and then stepped forward and stretched out his palm, wanting to put his hand into the water.

However, something strange happened.

Meng Fei found that his palm was like touching a piece of jelly, soft, but it was obviously the surface of the water, but it felt completely different when he touched it with his hand.

He was surprised and kept putting his hands on the water. Gu Liu and his friends were also curious and followed him, also showing an extremely surprised expression.

"What's going on? How can this water be solid?" Gu Liu was very puzzled.

Meng Fei had to shake his head and came back to his senses and looked at Wanling Sinan again. It seemed that this was the final destination.

But he couldn't believe it, so he didn't know what was going on, and suddenly he had an idea.

Meng Fei stood up and stepped directly onto the water with a big step.

As expected, Meng Fei stood there in good condition.

Then, he squatted down, his legs began to accumulate strength, and the water surface immediately sank. Then Meng Fei exerted force and jumped up all of a sudden.


Suddenly, just after Meng Fei jumped up, his head seemed to hit something like a wall in the direction of the water surface.

"What is that?!"

Everyone below saw that scene and couldn't help but be surprised.

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