It was like a light curtain. As long as you touch it, waves of light patterns will light up.

The unknown light curtain appeared right above the pond. After Meng Fei's impact, its specific location was roughly known to everyone.

What the puzzled people were even more puzzled about was, what on earth was it.

Meng Fei then stretched out his hands and wanted to touch the light curtain with his hand speed. At least from the subconscious, he thought that it was probably closely related to the chaotic world.

As for whether it was a passage, it was up to Meng Fei to verify.

He jumped onto the position of the light curtain again, and Meng Fei stretched out his hands to touch it. The light curtain was like a real water surface. Meng Fei's entire hands penetrated into it at once.

"What is this?"

Meng Fei was shocked. When he used his head to push the light curtain, it might just be a problem that he could only touch the surface, so he couldn't feel the feeling of penetrating it like his hands.

So, Meng Fei hurried down and came to Gu Liu and the others, and said to them very seriously: "This light curtain is probably the disordered world, and this pond is the springboard, and the passage between the two."

In order to verify this idea, Meng Fei deliberately jumped high on the land beside the pond, not on the water surface of the pond.

Jumping almost to the same height as before on the pond, Meng Fei did not touch anything this time.

And this directly confirmed their previous conjecture.

"It seems that it must be on the pond."

Meng Fei came to the pond again, ready to enter that world at any time, and didn't know if he could come out of the disordered world after entering.

So at this time, everything that should be explained must be explained. Although their strength has been greatly improved, they can only let Meng Fei come alone to face Tian Yasha.

Of course, they will definitely not be unable to help now. Gu Liu took out a few blessing talismans for Meng Fei and made a glass ball.

Once Meng Fei needs the help of the blessing talisman, he can crush the glass ball, and Gu Liu will receive the message immediately and activate the blessing talisman.

There is no way. Meng Fei wants to commit suicide now, which has become impossible. His strong self-healing ability has made it impossible for him to do this. The last time he committed suicide and became stronger, it took him two years to exhaust himself, not to mention now.

So in order to become stronger instantly like before, he can only rely on Gu Liu's power.

Of course, thinking of the experience in Wugong City, Long Fu forced himself to the super-limit state, and his strength suddenly increased. That was also a means of becoming stronger instantly, but how could such a state be entered just by entering.

Besides, Meng Fei has not touched that kind of field for a long time, which is very difficult.

The blessing talisman can be said to be the best way at present.

Even Gu Liu can now use the power of others to strengthen the blessing talisman, not to mention that he can use more blessing talismans at the same time, which is very abnormal. At that time, Meng Fei's strength will also be terrifying.

Maybe he could really fight against that Yaksha.

So, Meng Fei stood on the water and jumped again.

This time, the force was naturally greater, because he was going to rush into the chaotic world inside.

Even if everything ahead was unknown, Meng Fei was not afraid.

The powerful explosive force on his legs helped Meng Fei to directly penetrate the light curtain, just like rushing into a huge bubble, Meng Fei's whole body entered it.


He felt an extremely flat and thick feeling under his feet.

Meng Fei looked down curiously, but found that there was a thick land under his feet at this time.

He lay down in great surprise, patted the ground, and shouted Gu Liu's name to the bottom.

But the result is self-evident, he did not receive any response, and he didn't know what was below.

So, he stood up and began to look at the world in front of him.

He seemed to have come to a brand new world, where the light was very weak. It can be said that when he looked up, there was only a gloomy sky, but no sun.

The trees all around were extremely thick and towering, and not just trees. It seemed that every blade of grass and every tree here was extremely huge, like a tall building rising from the ground.

This made Meng Fei suspect that a group of giants would live here.

He even felt like he had returned to the dinosaur era, but there were no dinosaurs here, but what was hidden inside was the Tian Yaksha, which was even more terrifying than the dinosaurs.

"What we need to do now is to find the location of Tian Yaksha."

Meng Fei took out the Wanling Si Nan, and the things on it remained unchanged, but the target changed.

This time he was going directly to the place where Tian Yaksha was.

Meng Fei was fearless. After all, with his current strength and situation, all those who were stronger than him were his springboards to become stronger, which was very rogue.

And now Meng Fei couldn't commit suicide, let alone those who were weaker than him. He didn't have the means at all. Even those who were a little stronger than him now could hardly cause any harm to him.

So challenging Tian Yaksha was also something Meng Fei thought he had to do, and basically after passing this level, Meng Fei knew very well that he would be temporarily invincible in the world afterwards.

After all, the existence of the Ghost King and the Demon King is a question, so he is almost invincible.

In the future, it will be easier to collect yellow paper and even rune bamboo sticks.

But it is also not something that can be completed just by saying it is completed.

So, under the guidance of Wanling Sinan, he went into the forest that covered the sky.

It looked even more gloomy inside, and the surroundings were really gray.

If it were not for the instructions of Wanling Sinan, Meng Fei would not be able to move forward.

But fortunately, the impact was not great.

The thick branches and trunks occupied a large area of ​​the land, and they grew very densely inside, which made it difficult for Meng Fei to move forward.

He even had to break the giant tree blocking the road in front of him, so that he could move forward safely.

I don’t know if this will have any impact, Meng Fei is too lazy to care so much.

After coming in for so long, he also realized a problem, that is, after coming in here, from his perspective, there is no "channel" to return to the original world.

So he gave up thinking about this problem. After all, as long as he beat Tian Yasha, everything will be easy.

I believe this place will also collapse.

So, under the guidance of Wanling Sinan, Meng Fei finally stopped under a giant green tree that looked like a towering mushroom.

The trunk was so thick that Meng Fei even felt like he was at the outskirts of a city wall. It was so terrifying.

Meng Fei approached and knocked on the tree trunk that looked like a city wall.

What he didn't expect was that the tree trunk actually made that kind of hollow sound.

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