This time, both of them were prepared and were no longer as embarrassed as before.

It was the Scarecrow who took the lead and came to Gu Liu in one big step.

Due to the previous problem, the two decided to stand farther away, so this time the scarecrow's target could only be one person.

But it was beyond their expectations.

I originally thought of repeating the old trick, just like before in Fenggui Village, with Meng Fei as the lead and Gu Liu as the main attacker.

But the scarecrow's target was firmly aimed at Gu Liu.

Such a move put the two of them into an extremely embarrassing situation.

Gu Liu couldn't think too much at this time, because the straw arm that had just pierced Meng Fei's body was already in front of him, and its fierce momentum seemed to kill him immediately.

Gu Liu immediately rolled to the side, and after dodging the blow in a very embarrassed manner, he took out a yellow talisman.

At this time, he kneaded the secrets on his hands and recited in his mouth: "The fragrance is heavy and corresponds to the universe, and the fragrance is burning through the gate of heaven; the golden bird rushes like cloud arrows, the jade rabbit shines like a wheel; the Southern Star and the Big Dipper fill the sky, and the five-color clouds are noisy; the purple clouds are noisy; The temple is opened in the tiny palace, and the peach blossom girl invites the gods; after traveling thousands of miles, the incense is spread out, and the flying clouds and horses descend to come; I pay homage to the three benefactors of this altar, all the saints and vajra saints; the Xuantian Tianwu general, the five emperors of the five directions appear like clouds "Kan Shanxueshan's two great sages, Jin Zha Mu Zha Nezha Lang, helped Ji Tong to speak and gave clear instructions to his disciples."

Just say it.

The yellow talisman in his hand immediately turned into a burning incense, and the smoke drifted away, reminding the passage of time.

Gu Liu put the incense on the ground.

The scarecrow attacked again. This time, it tied one of its hands into a tight knot and made it look like a sharp cone, pointing it straight at Gu Liu's face!

However, Gu Liu did not dodge this time. The attack that was so fast that he had to dodge just now was like slow motion. Gu Liu waved his hand gently, and the menacing scarecrow flew straight away. To the side.

Moreover, the scarecrow's body was shattered into weeds on the ground and was in disgrace.

"well played!"

Meng Fei, who saw all this, kept applauding from the side.

Looking at Gu Liu's miraculous state, Meng Fei remembered that in the past ten days or so when the two of them got along, Gu Liu had told him a lot about Taoist priests' abilities.

And this is one of those things—asking God.

Invite the gods for a short period of time to gain magical power. How long you can invite them depends on the Taoist priest's ability.

And through these days of getting along, Meng Fei also learned that Gu Liu was the kind of person who knew a little bit about everything, but was not proficient in it.

"It's not over yet."

Gu Liu frowned, because it was far from the time to get excited.

The old man with human skin moved his fingers twice, and the guy stood up intact again, and roared like a devil towards the two of them, seeming to vent his dissatisfaction.

It first roared fiercely at Gu Liu, but a trace of fear flashed in its eyes, and then it turned its head and roared angrily at Meng Fei.

"It's wonderful, it actually knows how to bully the weak and fear the strong." Faced with this scene, Meng Fei was helpless and wanted to laugh.

As expected, the scarecrow suddenly rushed towards Meng Fei, and Meng Fei faced him head-on without fear.

If you don’t die, I won’t die either!

Who is afraid of whom?

I still remember that I used to be a cautious person, but since I gained this ability, Meng Fei's personality has also changed inadvertently.

However, although Meng Fei's physical strength and spirituality have improved a lot after being resurrected several times, the powerful punch hit the body made of soft grass. There was no other reaction except a little stir.

The scarecrow's stomach was dented, but this did not affect its movements in any way.

One stab.

The scarecrow directly hit Meng Fei's vital gate, and Meng Fei died on the spot.

Then, resurrected again!

Meng Fei appeared behind the Scarecrow again, staring at the Scarecrow's thin and fragile neck.

The first time he successfully knocked it down because of hitting here, Meng Fei seized the opportunity again and broke it with a horizontal strike.

The scarecrow fell in front of Meng Fei again.

However, this is not the end yet.

The Scarecrow stood up again, again.

Two people, one scarecrow, constantly fighting.

Fall down, get up.

Fall down, get up.

Soon, the time of one stick of incense passed.

Scarecrow was knocked to the ground again by two people.

However, this time it did not stand up immediately.

So, the two of them set their sights on the old man with human skin at the same time.

He is causing trouble in everything.

The two men went up and were about to question the crime, but the old man with human skin spoke first: "Do you two understand? What should we do when we face an enemy like this that cannot be defeated no matter what?"

"I don't care what you do? I'll kill you first!"

Although he would not die, Meng Fei would be tired and in pain, so at this moment he could not suppress the anger in his heart at all, and he lifted the old man with human skin up.

Seeing this, the old man with human skin immediately made two gestures on the yellow paper, and the scarecrow rushed over again.

Meng Fei had to let go of his hands and turned to deal with the scarecrow.

With experience, the two soon subdued the scarecrow again.

The old man in human skin asked them this question again.

Just as Meng Fei was about to go up, Gu Liu stopped him.

"Don't be like this, Meng Fei. Maybe we should really think about this problem." After such a long struggle, Gu Liu said to Meng Fei with a serious expression.

Meng Fei also calmed down and began to think about this problem. After all, if he got excited again, he would be attacked by the scarecrow again.

Then, his eyes fell on the yellow paper in the hand of the human-skinned old man.

Then, Meng Fei had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and whispered to Gu Liu beside him: "I have an idea, snatch the thing in his hand first, so that the scarecrow will not bother us anymore!"

"This... is indeed a good idea!" After being tortured by the scarecrow for so long, it was obvious that Gu Liu couldn't stand it. Even if he wanted to calm down, he lost his resistance in front of Meng Fei's words.

"Got it! Old man! I have the answer to this question!"

"Oh, tell me."

"Well, that is..."

The human-skinned old man listened to Meng Fei seriously, and Meng Fei took action directly when he saw the opportunity. In a flash, Meng Fei took the yellow paper in his hand.

"Haha! The answer is to snatch this thing!" Meng Fei shouted excitedly.

"Great!" Gu Liu, who was standing by, was also very excited.

However, when both of them thought that the old man with human skin would be angry because his important things were snatched away, a hearty laugh sounded in this space like breaking through the sky.

The two looked over and saw that it was the laughter of the old man with human skin.

"Hahahaha... young people really do things differently. This is the answer."

"Is this the answer?"

The two were still a little at a loss. The so-called answer was to snatch the yellow paper from him?

The two suddenly realized.

They snatched the yellow paper because they didn't want the old man with human skin to continue to control the scarecrow to attack them.

Then what?

Of course, they had the yellow paper and the ability to control the scarecrow, so even if the scarecrow moved again, they would no longer have any worries, because the scarecrow was controlled by them.

"If you have the ability to control, then even if there are enemies that cannot be killed, there is no problem?"

"This is true for ghosts and monsters!"

Both of them understood that this was exactly what the old man with human skin wanted to tell them.

"In this world, as long as people die, ghosts will be born. As long as there is life pursuing the great way, monsters will be born. You cannot ask people not to die, or not allow life pursuing the great way to exist. Therefore, ghosts cannot be eliminated and monsters cannot be killed. The ultimate we can pursue is to be like humans. Humans are controlled by national laws and family laws, so ghosts and monsters must be the same!"

The eyelids around the black hole-like eyes of the old man with human skin twitched, as if there were tears that could not flow out.

"You mean, there may be something in this world that can control all monsters and demons?!"

Gu Liu heard the most important message in his words, and stared at his eyes in disbelief.

The corners of the old man's mouth rose with relief, and then he said to the two of them a sentence that would affect their future,

"It's not possible, it really exists."

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